December 7 - Important Update!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Due to the recent rise in cases of COVID-19, Messiah's Parish Services Guild has decided to cancel the following events scheduled for the coming days:

  • The Advent Supper scheduled for tomorrow night, Wednesday, December 8th at 6 pm. Worship services will be held at 11 am and 7 pm on December 8th.

  • The Guild Christmas Party, scheduled for this Thursday, December 9th at 1 pm.

  • The Social Hour scheduled to follow the Christmas Reflections service on Wednesday, December 15th. Worship services will be held at 11 am (Matins) and 7 pm (Christmas Reflections) that day.

In addition, the CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) group will not meet tomorrow, Wednesday, December 8th, and will be in recess until January.  Further details on when CARES will resume will follow.

Please continue to pray for those ill with COVID-19, both members of Messiah's fellowship and others throughout our city, state, nation and our world.  Also, please pray that the Lord will strengthen us through His Word and Sacrament, guide all of us and grant us His wisdom to meet the ongoing challenges of these times.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

November 30 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Below is the latest on our

  • December Newsletter and Upcoming Events

  • Advent & Christmas Schedule

  • Weekday Classes

  • Looking Ahead

Our December newsletter is now available online!  Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  A reminder that:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members. If you want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

  • We also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at

Look for details on these items and more in the December newsletter:

  • Our special Advent and Christmas services (see below for the complete schedule)

  • Christmas poinsettia sign-ups and Holiday Basket donations are due by this coming Sunday, December 5th.

  • Advent Prayer Breakfast: Saturday, December 18th, 8:30 am.

  • Christmas Bake Sale: Sunday, December 19th. Contact Barb Brinkman for details.

Sunday worship and education continue on December 5th as follows:

  • The Divine Service at 8:30 and 11:00 am. The 11 am service will be livestreamed at:

  • Sunday School at 9:45 am. Adults and children have a joint opening in the fellowship hall, then students have their lesson in the south downstairs classroom.

  • Bible Class led by Pastor Twietmeyer in the fellowship hall at 9:45 am.

Advent Midweek services begin this week and continue as follows (evening services will also be livestreamed):

  • Wednesday, December 1st at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm

    • (Spaghetti supper at 6:00 pm)

  • Wednesday, December 8th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm

    • (Advent supper at 6:00 pm)

  • Wednesday, December 15th at 11:00 am

    • (Christmas Reflections service at 7:00 pm; cookies following the service)

And our schedule of special Christmas services is as follows:

  • Preschool Christmas Program: Thursday, December 9th, 6:30 pm

  • Christmas Reflections (Lessons and Carols): Wednesday, December 15th, 7:00 pm

  • Christmas Eve Communion Service*: Friday, December 24th, 3:00 pm

  • Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service: Friday, December 24th, 7:00 pm

  • Christmas Day Communion Service: Saturday, December 25th, 10:00 am

  • New Year’s Day Communion Service: Saturday, January 1st, 10:00 am

*- Please note that the Christmas Eve Communion Service has been moved from 11:00 pm to3:00 pm on Friday, December 24th.

Our weekday education offerings continue as follows during December.

  • Catechism for all ages, Mondays at 6:00 pm through December 22nd in the sanctuary.

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ): A Martyr's Faith in a Faithless World, Wednesday December 1st & December 8th at 9:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

From Pastor Twietmeyer's December newsletter message:

"Dear Christians, behold, your King is coming to you. He is righteous and comes bearing salvation for the whole world. By devotion to prayer and the Word we prepare a royal highway for Him in our hearts. Of course, Jesus comes to us already, in the Lord’s Supper. So it is that prayer and devotion to the Word is the best way to prepare our hearts to receive Him rightly at the altar as well. In this way, Jesus comes to us in Word and Sacrament and brings light to our dark world. He guides our path through the darkness and enlightens our hearts. With this in mind we look forward to the second Advent of our King, the return of our Lord Jesus on the Last day."

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

November 12 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Here are our latest updates on:

  • Upcoming Events

  • Sunday Schedule

  • Weekday Classes

A reminder that our November newsletter is now available online; click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  It includes more details about these events:

  • Updated phone directories are now ready -- if you haven't done so yet, pick yours up from your church mailbox. Please contact Sandy Goodlander if you need an extra copy.

  • Annual Voters' Meeting, Sunday, November 21st, after the 11 am service.

  • Thanksgiving Eve Communion Service, Wednesday, November 24th, 7 pm.

  • Advent begins on Sunday, November 28th! Advent Midweek Services will be held on

    • Wednesday, December 1st at 11 am & 7 pm

    • Wednesday, December 8th at 11 am & 7 pm

    • Wednesday, December 15th at 11 am

    • Our annual service of Lessons and Carols, Christmas Reflections, will be held Wednesday, December 15th at 7 pm.

Details about our Christmas service schedule are also available in the November newsletter!

Our fall schedule continues on Sunday, November 14th as follows:

  • Matins at 8:30 and 11:00 am. The 11 am service will be livestreamed at:

  • Sunday School at 9:45 am. Adults and children have a joint opening in the fellowship hall, then students have their lesson in the south downstairs classroom.

  • Bible Class led by Pastor Twietmeyer in the fellowship hall at 9:45 am. We continue exploring the Gospel of Matthew.

Our weekly education offerings continue during November:

  • Catechism for all ages, Mondays at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ): A Martyr's Faith in a Faithless World, Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

See more details on Sunday and weekday classes at our Education webpage!

As we move into the season of Thanksgiving (and beyond into Advent & Christmas), may our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

October 28 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Below is the latest on our

  • November Newsletter and Upcoming Events

  • Sunday Schedule

  • Weekday Classes

Our November newsletter is now available online!  Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  A reminder that:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members. If you want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

  • We also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at

Look for details on these items and more in the November newsletter:

  • Updated phone directories are now ready -- they'll be in your church mailbox on Sunday, October 31st. Please contact Sandy Goodlander if you need an extra copy.

  • Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 7th, 2:00 am. Set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on November 6!

  • Secret Prayer Pals, Sunday, November 7th, 6:00 pm. A twice-yearly event for women; contact Laura Altemann, Sharon Hula or Deb Domine for details.

  • Annual Voters' Meeting, Sunday, November 21st, after the 11 am service.

  • Thanksgiving Eve Communion Service, Wednesday, November 24th, 7:00 pm.

  • Advent begins on Sunday, November 28th.

Our fall schedule continues on Sunday, October 31st as follows:

  • The Divine Service at 8:30 and 11:00 am. The 11 am service will be livestreamed at:

  • Sunday School at 9:45 am. Adults and children have a joint opening in the fellowship hall, then students have their lesson in the south downstairs classroom.

  • Bible Class led by Pastor Twietmeyer in the fellowship hall at 9:45 am.

Our weekly education offerings continue during November:

  • Catechism for all ages, Mondays at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.

  • Lifelight: 1 Corinthians, Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ): A Martyr's Faith in a Faithless World, Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

  • Lifelight: The Minor Prophets, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the north upstairs classroom.

See more details on Sunday and weekday classes at our Education webpage!

Following the celebration of Reformation Day on October 31st and All Saints Sunday on November 7th, our Gospel readings for the final Sundays of this church year focus on Jesus’ prophecies of the end times, calling us to be ready and stand firm amidst the often-frightening signs of His return. What is our comfort as we are propelled toward the Day of Judgment -- a day of persecution, war, famine, earthquakes and more? In the midst of any hardships, God promises that He will feed our faith through His Word and Sacraments, that we may endure to the end and be saved. (Mark 13:1-13) Grant this, dear Lord Jesus, to us all!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

September 30 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Below is the latest on our

  • Sunday Schedule

  • Weekday Classes

  • October Newsletter and Upcoming Events

Our fall schedule continues on Sunday, October 3rd as follows:

  • The Divine Service at 8:30 and 11:00 am. The 11 am service will be livestreamed at:

  • Sunday School at 9:45 am. Adults and children have a joint opening in the fellowship hall, then students have their lesson in the south downstairs classroom.

  • Bible Class led by Pastor Twietmeyer in the fellowship hall at 9:45 am.

Our weekly education offerings continue:

  • Catechism for all ages, Mondays at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.

  • Lifelight: 1 Corinthians, Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ): A Martyr's Faith in a Faithless World, Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

  • Lifelight: The Minor Prophets, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the north upstairs classroom.

See more details on Sunday and weekday classes at our Education webpage!

Our October newsletter is now available online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. A reminder that:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members. If you want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

  • We also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at

Look for details on these upcoming events and more in the October newsletter:

  • LWML Rapid Waters Zone Fall Rally at Messiah, Saturday, October 23rd, 9 am to 1 pm. Contact Linda Blain or see the Welcome Center display for details.

  • New Member Welcome, Sunday, October 24th. Welcome potluck sponsored by the Board of Outreach after the 11 am service; sign-up sheets for potluck dishes out now!

  • Trunk or Treat, Thursday, October 28th, 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Sponsored by the Board of Outreach; sign-up and donation sheets out now!

In the Gospel readings for the next two Sundays, we see Jesus continuing to teach his disciples -- not about abstract, "out there" concepts, but about the concrete realities of life: marriage, children, family, possessions, God's will and God's mercy. Only in Christ is there perseverance, restoration, forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit's power for our daily vocations. Knowing our need for Him, may we hold His Word sacred, gladly hearing and learning it in the weeks to come!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

September 15 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

An update on:

  • Sunday Schedule

  • Weekday Classes

  • Upcoming Events

Our fall schedule continues on Sunday, September 19th as follows:

  • The Divine Service at 8:30 and 11:00 am. The 11 am service will be livestreamed at:

  • Sunday School begins this Sunday at 9:45 am! Adults and children will have a joint opening in the fellowship hall, then students will have their lesson in the south downstairs classroom. Thanks to those who have volunteered to serve!

  • Bible Class led by Pastor Twietmeyer in the fellowship hall; joint opening with Sunday School at 9:45 am.

Our weekly education offerings are also underway:

  • Catechism for all ages, Mondays at 6 pm in the sanctuary.

  • Lifelight: 1 Corinthians, Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ): A Martyr's Faith in a Faithless World, Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the north upstairs classroom.

  • Lifelight: The Minor Prophets, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the north upstairs classroom.

See more details on Sunday and weekday classes at our Education webpage!

Lots of special events coming soon, too -- watch for details in the weekly announcements and the upcoming October newsletter, except as noted below:

  • Men's Retreat, Friday-Saturday, September 24-25. Contact Pete Garchow or Dwight Anderson or see the September newsletter for details.

  • Men's Golf Outing, Saturday, September 25, 1:30 pm at the Links of Bowne Lake. Contact Dwight Anderson or see the September newsletter for details.

  • LWML Sunday, October 3rd. Mite box collection and more! Contact Linda Blain for details.

  • Harvest Dinner and Bake Sale, Sunday, October 10 after the 11 am service. Sponsored by the Parish Services Guild; tickets now available from any Guild member.

  • Bowling League begins Sunday, October 17, 3 pm at Northfield Lanes. Contact Joanne Gillette for details.

  • New Member Welcome, Sunday, October 24. Welcome potluck sponsored by the Board of Outreach after the 11 am service; sign-up sheets out soon!

  • Trunk or Treat, Thursday, October 28, 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Sponsored by the Board of Outreach; sign-up and donation sheets out soon!

In the Gospel readings for the next two Sundays, we see Jesusteachinghis disciples ("learners" in the original Greek) about true servanthood and true peace. The new hymn we're introducting this coming Sunday,Hope of the World, asks Christ to teach us about and grant us these gifts as well. I hope that the text of this hymn (included below) can be your prayer and mine, imploring our loving Savior that He would enable us to follow Him more nearly day by day.

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Hope of the world, Thou Christ of great compassion;
Speak to our fearful hearts by conflict rent.
Save us, Thy people, from consuming passion,
Who by our own false hopes and aims are spent.

Hope of the world, God’s gift from highest heaven,
Bringing to hungry souls the bread of life,
Still let Thy Spirit unto us be given
To heal earth’s wounds and end our bitter strife.

Hope of the world, afoot on dusty highways,
Showing to wand’ring souls the path of light,
Walk Thou beside us lest the tempting byways
Lure us away from Thee to endless night.

Hope of the world, who by Thy cross didst save us
From death and dark despair, from sin and guilt,
We render back the love Thy mercy gave us;
Take Thou our lives and use them as Thou wilt.

Hope of the world, O Christ, o’er death victorious,
Who by this sign didst conquer grief and pain,
We would be faithful to Thy Gospel glorious.
Thou art our Lord! Thou dost forever reign!

Text: © 1954, renewed 1982 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Co. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110002549

September 1 Worship/Education/News/Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education Update

  • September Newsletter

  • Looking Forward


OnSunday, September 5th,we will hold a single service at 10:00 am;there will be no Monday night service on Labor Day. Our regular fall schedule resumes Sunday, September 12thas follows:

Children from Prekindergarten through Grade 8 are welcome and encouraged to attend Sunday School; Sunday School and Bible Class will have a joint opening, then students, teachers and helpers will head for the downstairs classroom! We’re beginning a one-year survey ofGod’s Enduring Word: students will learn how God creates a world and a kingdom through the Biblical accounts of Creation and the Fall, as well as His mercy in the lives of Noah, Abraham, Jacob and more. (If you have a heart for teaching kids about Jesus, we’d love to enable you to serve as a Sunday School teacher or helper. We’ll train you and provide you with materials and support. Contact Pastor Twietmeyer or Rick Krueger as soon as possible if you’re willing to help!)

In Bible Class we'll continue exploring the Old Testament book of1 Samuel; bring your Bible and be ready to dig in to God’s Word together! Class will also being livestreamed every Sunday morning

Our other Fall classes also begin soon:

  • Catechism for all ages will begin on Monday, September 13th at 6 pm in the sanctuary. Catechism sessions will focus on worship, prayer and the core teachings of God's Word as summarized in Martin Luther's Small Catechism. This is the path of instruction for youth and adults who wish to become confirmed members of Messiah. Contact Pastor Twietmeyer directly for more details!

  • This fall there will be two LifeLight Bible studies. The Tuesday morning class will be studying 1 Corinthians. Shirley Hoese will lead this LifeLight Bible study beginning on Tuesday, September 14th at 10:30 am (note the revised date). The Wednesday class will be studying The Minor Prophets. Dan Bohlinger will lead this LifeLight Bible study beginning on Wednesday, September 15th at 6:00 pm. LifeLight is a 9-week Bible Study open to everyone. Student guides will be available in the Welcome Center or may be picked up at the first class session. (There will be no LifeLight Bible study on Sunday mornings this fall; everyone is encouraged to attend Bible Class.)

  • The women’s Bible Study CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters) will be starting up again on Wednesday, September 15th at 9:30 am. Women will be reading and discussing the book “A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World”, by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller.

Our September newsletter is now available online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. A reminder that:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members. If you want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

  • We also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at

In the Old Testament readings and Gospels for the next two Sundays, in prophecy and fulfillment we see Jesus healing: the lame leap, the deaf hear, the mute speak and sing, the demon possessed are healed. All this comes about through God's Word, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, proclaimed by prophets, apostles and pastors -- and personified in the Father's Son, Jesus Christ! I pray that, as summer gives way to fall, all of us hear, read, mark and learn from the Word made flesh, who remains with HIs people forever in Word and Sacrament. May our bodies and souls be healed through His gracious gifts!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

June 30 Worship/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship for Sunday, July 4

  • Summer Schedule Reminder

  • July Newsletter

  • Looking Forward

For the holiday weekend, Messiah continues our summer worship schedule with one service on Sunday, July 4th at 10 am. The service will also be livestreamed at

There will be no Adult Bible Class on July 4th, and no Monday evening service on July 5th.  The church office will be closed on Monday, July 5th.

Our summer worship schedule will resume the weekend of July 11, continuing through the Labor Day holiday.

  • Worship services will continue

    • On Sundays at 10:00 am; this service will also be livestreamed as above

    • On Mondays at 7:00 pm (except on Monday, September 6th, when a service will not be held).

  • Adult Bible Class (and continental breakfast) resumes on Sunday, July 11th at 9 am; We’ll continue to explore the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, seeing how God works for the good of His people, even in troubled times for society, families and His Church. Bring your Bible and be ready to dig in to God’s Word together!

Our July newsletter is now available online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. A reminder that:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members. If you want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

  • We continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at We'll include a direct link to each new online newsletter and calendars in the email update sent at the end of every month.

This coming Sunday, we see that our human existence is burdened by personal weaknesses & limitations. Paul confesses that he is inflicted with a thorn in the flesh. His only sufficiency is the very grace of God. (2 Corinthians 12:1-10) So also, the prophet Ezekiel is called upon by God as the “son of man,” Yet this designation emphasizes Ezekiel’s human weaknesses. (Ezekiel 2:1-5) Even the disciples embark on their missionary journey without food or possessions. In all circumstances, as God’s people we can only boast in His divine grace. (Mark 6:1-13)

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

P.S.  Now that Pastor Twietmeyer has begun his ministry among us and the state of Michigan has lifted pandemic restrictions, these email updates will "downshift," at least for the immediate future.  Looking forward, expect a regular update in the middle and at the end of each month, along with special updates as the need arises.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!  Thanks, and God bless you for your ongoing faithfulness and support.s and support.

Worship/Education Update for June 20

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I mentioned last week, following his ordination on Saturday, June 19th, Pastor Twietmeyer will begin his service as Messiah's pastor this coming Sunday, June 20th! 

First, please plan to join Pastor Twietmeyer as he leads his first Adult Bible Class at 9 am.  We'll be back in the Fellowship Hall for this class; he'll spell out what we'll be studying that morning.  Bring your Bible and be ready!  Current building use policies will continue to be in effect in the Fellowship Hall. (FYI, our technical team is working on livestreaming Adult Bible Class from the Fellowship Hall as soon as feasible.)

The Divine Service will follow at 10 am; this service will be livestreamed as usual at our YouTube channel, our website and our Facebook page.  An identical service will be held on Monday, June 21st at 7 pm

As mentioned last week, at their June meeting Messiah's Board of Elders voted to restore all pre-pandemic worship practices beginning this Sunday, June 20th.  This means that Messiah's special Guidelines for In-Person Worship will no longer be in force as of that date.  In addition to changes already made last month, no RSVPs are required for this weekend's services; there will be no designated seating to ensure social distancing (the narthex and choir space will continue to be available for those who wish to have distanced seating); offering plates will be passed; and the distribution of Holy Communion will return to pre-pandemic practices.  Again, please contact any member of the Board of Elders if you have questions.

In this Sunday's readings, we see how life is filled with profound ambiguity.  The Lord answers Job’s barrage of questions with more questions, asserting His divine foreknowledge about every aspect of creation. (Job 38:1-11)  In life’s storm, we struggle to understand the balance between the known & unknown, the seen & unseen, the sorrowful & the joyful, the poor & wealthy, the temporal & eternal. (2 Corinthians 6:1-13)  In all of this, Christ infuses His words “Peace!  Be still!”  Through His command, creation is tamed & hearts are stilled. (Mark 4:35-41)  As we begin a new era at Messiah, may we rejoice this weekend and always in the peace that Jesus alone gives!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Pastor Twietmeyer's Ordination: Saturday, June 19, 3 pm!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

A quick reminder that the Ordination and Installation of Candidate Andrew Twietmeyer will take place at Messiah in a special Divine Service this Saturday, June 19th at 3 pm.  An outdoor meal will follow the service.  Pastor Twietmeyer will lead Adult Bible Class and the Divine Service on Sunday, June 20th.

Thanks to those who have already let us know of their plans to attend!  Since we expect a larger than typical attendance and will be serving a meal afterwards, we ask that you RSVP (by calling or emailing the church office [616-363-2553,] or by completing the online form at by tomorrow, Wednesday, June 16th if at all possible.

Ordination of a pastor into the ministry is a sacred event, and many of Pastor Twietmeyer’s family as well as local pastors will want to be in attendance.  We also want as many of our congregation to be able to attend and participate as possible. For this special service we will modify our pandemic seating arrangements to accommodate the larger crowd we expect, while also making arrangements to accommodate those who wish to mask and socially distance.  Arrangements will be as follows:

  • The sanctuary seating will not be socially distanced and all the pews will be open.

  • There will be limited areas in the narthex and choir space with seating that will be distanced.

  • A live stream broadcast will also be shown in the fellowship hall.

  • Those unable to attend can watch the livestream online at

I look forward to rejoicing with you at God's goodness to our congregation and our new pastor this Saturday!

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

June 13 Worship/Education Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Our Services of Prayer and Preaching for this weekend will be held as follows:

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this weekend!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or online:

As we prepare for Pastor Andrew Twietmeyer's arrival, we'll finish our study of Priesthood and Ministry this Sunday, June 13th at 9 amClick here to find out more and watch the first session from May 23rd; click here for study materials.  We hope to livestream this study on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page as well.

We are very close to an official announcement regarding Pastor Twietmeyer's Ordination and Installation service at Messiah. Please continue to save the date of Saturday, June 19th; look for another email later this week with details on the service time and RSVP arrangements for the service and the meal that will follow. We anticipate that, in addition to members and friends of Messiah, neighboring pastors and members of Pastor Twietmeyer's family will also join us, so getting an idea of how many will attend is absolutely essential! For more information, click here to read Dave Ahrens' email of June 1st.

May the joy of the Lord be yours as we gather to be fed by His Word and anticipate the arrival of the undershepherd He has sent to us!

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

June 6 Worship/Education Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As our full summer schedule kicks in, our Divine Services for this weekend will be held as follows:

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this weekend!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up. 

As we prepare for Pastor Twietmeyer's arrival, we'll continue our study of Priesthood and Ministry this Sunday, June 6 at 9 amClick here to find out more and watch the first session from May 23; click here for study materials.  We plan to livestream this study on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page as well.

This weekend, we'll also begin our annual practice ofPraying the Catechismin our services. Martin Luther wrote the Small Catechism in 1529, intending it not only as basic instruction in the Christian faith, but as a resource for lifelong spiritual growth! In the “Daily Prayers” section of the Small Catechism, he encourages Christians to repeat the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer every morning and evening, sing a hymn “like that of the Ten Commandments” as they go to work, and impress God’s Word on our hearts and minds every day. What better words to pray than those that God Himself gave us, that the Christian Church has taught since its beginning, and that Luther explained in such a deep, clear way? We’ll pray and confess the Catechism responsively, as well as singing hymns based on its texts, throughout the coming Sundays after Pentecost. I look forward to doing so together with you, and ask our Lord will bless us with growth in our faith as we do so!

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

May 30 Worship/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education for Sunday, May 30

  • June Newsletter

The Divine Service for Trinity Sunday, May 30th will be led by Pastor James Blain.   We begin our summer schedule by holding a single service at 10 am on May 30th, which will also be livestreamed at: 

There will be no Adult Bible Class on May 30th; Sunday School and LifeLight are in recess for the summer.

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up

A few other reminders:

  • Beginning May 30th, we will resume the use of hymnals and fellowship pads, along with distribution of Holy Communion at the altar. Click here to see our updated Worship Guidelines; details of these changes are on page 2.

  • We'll continue our single service schedule from now through Sunday, September 5th (Labor Day weekend).

  • Adult BIble Class will resume at 9:00 am from Sunday, June 6th through Sunday, August 29th. We'll continue our study of Priesthood and Ministry on June 6th; click here to watch the first session from May 23rd and download materials!

  • Monday night services will also be held from Monday, June 7th through Monday, August 30th at 7:00 pm. (One exception: there will be no Monday night service on Monday, July 5th.)

Our June newsletter is now available online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.

A final reminder that, beginning with this issue of the newsletter:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter will be available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We will continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members.

  • We will also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at We'll include a direct link to each new online newsletter and calendars in the email update sent at the end of every month -- like we did this time!

  • If you are not currently able to attend worship (due to the pandemic or for other reasons) but want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

This coming Sunday, we join with believers around the world and across the ages in confessing the mystery of the Holy Trinity -- that God is Three-in-One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- and that we can only believe this truth through the powerful working of God in our lives through His Word. This weekend and always, let us give glory to our God because He has shown His mercy to us in Jesus Christ!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

May 23 Worship/Education/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education for Sunday, May 23

  • News Updates

The Divine Service for Sunday, May 23rd will be led by Pastor James Blain.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at: 

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up. 

A reminder that Messiah's Church Council made changes to our In-Person Worship Guidelines earlier this week, in response to new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the state of Michigan.  Click here to read a brief updateclick here to review the newly revised Guidelines.

Our Sunday education hour continues on May 23rd at 9:45 am as follows:

  • Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 will be held in the downstairs classroom; this will be the final session of Sunday School before summer recess children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

  • As we prepare for Pastor Twietmeyer's arrival, we begin a new study, Priesthood and Ministry. Click here for more information; click here for study materials. We plan to livestream this study on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page as well.


Prayer Pals Spring Gathering
Messiah's Prayer Pals will meet on Sunday, May 23rd at 6:00 pm in our fellowship hall! Pals from 2019/2020 will be revealed, and new pals will be selected. We welcome new members for this group which focuses on praying for our Sisters in Christ. Come and enjoy the warmth of Christian love and fellowship. (We will be observing COVID guidelines. No potluck, just good ole H2O.) Contact Deb Krueger, Elaine Jingles, or Barb Brinkman to RSVP, or if you have questions.

Summer Worship/Education Preview
Our summer worship schedule begins Memorial Day weekend, with one Sunday service at 10 am on Sunday, May 30th. After a break for the holiday weekend, Adult Bible Class will resume at 9 am on Sunday, June 6th. Monday night summer services will begin on Monday, June 7th at 7 pm. At their May meeting, the Board of Elders approved revisions to our In-Person Worship Guidelines regarding worship materials and communion practices, effective on Sunday, May 30th. Click here for full details about our summer schedule and what will change in our services.

This weekend, the Day of Pentecost, 50 days after Easter Sunday, closes the church year's Time of Easter, and ushers in The Time of the Church -- when we grow in grace and faith by feeding on the Gospel accounts of Jesus' ministry and teachings. May we rejoice in the ongoing gift of the Holy Spirit, who testifies to our Savior's continuing gifts to us in His Word and Sacraments!

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Urgent Worship Update: May 18, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

At their May 17 meeting, Messiah's Church Council reviewed the changes made last week to the Centers for Disease Control's recommendations and the State of Michigan's current epidemic order.  Based on these changes, the Council approved a revision to our In-Person Worship Guidelines, effective immediately. The relevant paragraph is printed below, with the revision indicated in bold italics: 

  • To minimize potential spread of COVID-19 in this public setting, wearing of face coverings (fabric masks) are required at all services for those who are not fully vaccinated.

    • Those who are fully vaccinated are exempt from this requirement.

    • Those who are not medically able to tolerate a face mask are exempt from this requirement. We ask those who are medically exempt to wear a face covering to and from their seat in worship. (If you are not medically able to tolerate a face mask, face shields are an acceptable alternative.)

    • If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

Click here for the complete version of the newly revised Guidelines; please contact our congregational chairman Dave Ahrens if you have any questions.

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

May 16 Worship/Education/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education for Sunday, May 16

  • Breaking News

The Divine Service for Sunday, May 16th will be led by Pastor James Blain.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at: 

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up.  Please click here if you need to review our current precautions for in-person worship.

Please note that a door offering will be taken after both services on May 16th to benefit the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society’s Save the Seminary drive. (Click here for more information.) Our sister congregations throughout Grand Rapids are supporting this effort to spread Christ’s Gospel “to the ends of the earth” as well; gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000.  

Our Sunday education hour continues on May 16th at 9:45 am as follows:

  • Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 will be held in the downstairs classroom; children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

  • We conclude our survey of the book of 1 John, the source of this Easter season's Epistle lessons in the sanctuary. Click here to read 1 John 5:13-21; click here for a study guide. We hope to overcome recent technical challenges and livestream this study on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page as well.


Next Up in Adult Bible Class
In anticipation of Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer’s arrival, we begin the study Priesthood and Ministry on Sunday, May 23rd at 9:45 am in the sanctuary. How is every Christian a priest of God? What have we called our next pastor (and all our previous pastors) to do for us, among us and on our behalf? And – most importantly – what does God’s Word tell us about the Holy Ministry and the priesthood of all believers? Join us to find out!

Prayer Pals Spring Gathering
Messiah's Prayer Pals will meet on Sunday, May 23rd at 6:00 pm in our fellowship hall! Pals from 2019/2020 will be revealed, and new pals will be selected. We welcome new members for this group which focuses on praying for our Sisters in Christ. Come and enjoy the warmth of Christian love and fellowship. (We will be observing COVID guidelines. No potluck, just good ole H2O.) Contact Deb Krueger, Elaine Jingles, or Barb Brinkman to RSVP, or if you have questions.

Summer Worship/Education Preview
Our summer worship schedule will begin Memorial Day weekend, with one Sunday service at 10 am on Sunday, May 30th. After a break for the holiday weekend, Adult Bible Class will resume at 9 am on Sunday, June 6th. Monday night summer services will begin on Monday, June 7th at 7 pm. At their May meeting, the Board of Elders approved revisions to our In-Person Worship Guidelines regarding worship materials and communion practices, effective on Sunday, May 30th. Click here for full details about our summer schedule and what will change in our services.

This coming Sunday, the Easter season finishes with a flourish! The Scriptures for the day proclaim Jesus' ascension to the right hand of God the Father, reminding us that He continually prays for us and promises to send His Holy Spirit into our hearts through Word and Sacrament. May this week's Hymn of the Day be the prayer of our hearts, as we rejoice in Christ and await our Pastor-Elect's arrival:

Christ Jesus, be our present joy,
    Our future great reward;
Our only glory, may it be
    To glory in the Lord!

All praise to You, ascended Lord;
    All glory ever be
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    Through all eternity!

("O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire," Lutheran Service Book 553:5-6)

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Important Summer Worship Preview

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I'm writing to make sure you're aware of upcoming changes to our worship schedule and guidelines as we get ready for summer!  This important update will cover:

  • Our Summer Worship/Education Schedule

  • Worship Guideline Changes Beginning Sunday, May 30th

Our Summer Worship/Education Schedule
At their April meeting, the Board of Elders set Messiah’s summer worship schedule:  

  • From Sunday, May 30th (Memorial Day weekend) through Sunday, September 5th (Labor Day weekend), there will be one worship service held at 10:00 am. This service will also be livestreamed on our website, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.

  • Adult BIble Class will be held at 9:00 am from Sunday, June 6th through Sunday, August 29th; Sunday School and LifeLight will be in recess for the summer. We are working on arrangements to have Adult Bible Class livestreamed as well.

  • Monday night services will also be held from Monday, June 7th through Monday, August 30th at 7:00 pm. (One exception: there will be no Monday night service on Monday, July 5th.)

Worship Guideline Changes Beginning Sunday, May 30th
At their May meeting, the Board of Elders approved revisions to our In-Person Worship Guidelines regarding worship materials and communion practices.  These specific changes, based on updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, will go into effect on Sunday, May 30th.  The revised section of the Guidelines can be found just below; changes are emphasized in italics.  Click here for the complete revised Guidelines.

These practices will be in effect for worship services:

  • We are resuming the use of hymnals and fellowship pads. Hymns will no longer be printed in the regular service folder; printing of all other worship elements in the service folder will continue. Extra copies of the large print service folder will be printed for those who prefer not to use hymnals at this time. (We will also resume printing an insert with weekly prayer requests, announcements and upcoming events.) Congregants should take service folders with them for reference, then recycle or discard them at home.

  • Offering plates will not be passed. Offerings can be given electronically or taken at the door.

  • When Holy Communion is offered, revised distribution protocols will be in use:

    • The Pastor and Elders involved in distribution will continue to wear masks and gloves.

    • 4-6 individuals (2-3 households) will be ushered forward to each half of the communion rail at a time, in order to maintain social distancing.

    • Communicants may kneel or stand.

    • Communicants will receive the Body of Christ in their open hand from the Elder.

    • Communicants will take an individual cup from the tray held by the Pastor to receive the Blood of Christ.

    • Communicants will place the empty cup in the slot on the communion rail.

    • Communicants who prefer to receive the Sacrament in the pews will be asked to notify the Elder or Ushers before the service begins.

  • The Nursery remains closed.

  • No food or coffee will be served before or after worship; the kitchen remains closed.

  • Restrooms in the church foyer will be open for use. Water fountains will remain out of service.

  • The sanctuary will be sanitized following services.

Note that our current In-Person Worship Guidelines remain in effect for our May 13th Ascension Day service and the next two Sundays, May 16th and 23rd.  Click here to see our current guidelines.  The Elders will continue to review the Guidelines as the situation changes, as our pastoral vacancy concludes and as Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer joins us.  Please contact your elder (or any elder) if you have questions.

As the season of Easter moves to its conclusion with the Ascension of our Lord and the Day of Pentecost, may we rely on our Savior Jesus Christ, God's Son who now sits at the Father's right hand, who has sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts through His Word and Sacraments!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

May 9-15 Worship & News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education for May 9-15

  • Events and Announcements

Morning Prayer for Sunday, May 9th will be led by Pastor James Blain; there will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will be livestreamed (see below for details).  Click here to RSVP online.  Our Sunday education hour wil continue on the 9th at 9:45 am with:

  • Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 in the downstairs classroom; God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

  • Sunday morning LifeLight :The Time Between the Testaments, held in the upstairs classroom.

  • Adult Bible Class in the sanctuary: "Believe in Jesus, the Son of God". Click here to read 1 John 5:1-12; click here for a study guide. This study will also be livestreamed.

The funeral Service for our brother in Christ Sam Hilton will be held on Tuesday, May 11th at 11 am.  There will also be a time to visit with the family in the church foyer, one hour prior to the service at 10 am.   Click here to RSVP for Sam's funeral online.  Sam's family and Messiah understand that not everyone will be able to attend the visitation and funeral, so the service will also be livestreamed through Reyers North Valley Chapel's website. Click here to see Sam's complete obituary at Reyers' website, which will also host the livestream.

Our joint Ascension Day service with St. Peter Lutheran Church in Rockford will be held on Thursday, May 13th. Two identical services will be held at 5 pm at Messiah (click here to RSVP online; also livestreamed) and 7 pm at St. Peter.  Rev. Jason Peterson will lead worship and preach.  Following each service, Pastor Terry Hoese will talk about the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society’s "Save the Seminary" fund drive. A door offering will be taken to benefit this effort to spread Christ’s Gospel to the ends of the earth on both Ascension Day and Sunday, May 16th. (Gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000.) 

Please RSVP for these services by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking above to sign up.   Precautions spelled out in our current worship guidelines continue as follows:

  • Please exercise personal discernment when it comes to your health. If you are feeling sick, waiting for COVID-19 test results, in recommended quarantine or isolation from COVID-19 exposure, in a high-risk category, or not comfortable or ready to attend in person, please stay home. Services will continue to be livestreamed as noted above.

  • You will be welcomed in person at the sanctuary door as you enter. All inner doors will be kept open.

  • To minimize potential spread of COVID-19 in this public setting, wearing of face coverings (fabric masks) are required at all services.

    • Those who are not medically able to tolerate a face mask are exempt from this requirement. We ask those who are medically exempt to wear a face covering to and from their seat in worship. (If you are not medically able to tolerate a face mask, face shields are an acceptable alternative.)

    • If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

  • Please maintain minimum 6-foot social distancing before, during and after services.

    • To assure social distancing during worship, we strongly encourage advance RSVPs for all services; sign-up options are available by phone, email and Internet (as above). 26 seating spots for families or individuals are available in the nave of the sanctuary for each service. Additional seating space is available in the choir area and the narthex. Generally, more seating is available for the 8:30 am service than at 11 am.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews. Designated seating will be clearly marked for “8:30 (1st service)” or “11:00 (2nd service)”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

  • Following announcements, dismissal by families will begin from the back of the church. Please continue to be mindful of social distancing as you greet others and exit. When weather permits, we encourage you to greet others outdoors!

Services on May 9th at 11 am and May 13th at 5 pm will be livestreamed at:


Messiah Parish Service Guild meeting
The Guild will gather onThursday, May 13thfor a business meeting at1:00 pm.Remote attendance byZoom is available - please let Barb Brinkman know if you wish to participate via this path. Gathering size limits at Messiah (outside of worship services) are now 25 for indoors and 100 for outdoors. Social distancing and face coverings continue to be required.

Prayer Pals Sunday, May 23rd at 6 pm
Confirmed women of Messiah are welcome as we resume this twice-yearly event! Pals from 2019/2020 will be revealed, and new pals will be selected. We welcome veteran and new members for this group, which focuses on praying for our Sisters in Christ. Come and enjoy the warmth of Christian love and fellowship. (We will be observing COVID guidelines. No potluck, just good ole H2O.) Contact Deb Krueger, Elaine Jingles, or Barb Brinkman to RSVP, or if you have questions.

From our Pastor-Elect
Here's the complete letter by our pastor-elect, Seminarian Andrew Twietmeyer, that was read in worship services this past Sunday:

I am writing to you to acknowledge that I have received the call to become your pastor.

As I continue and finish my studies here at CTSFW you will be on my mind in my prayers to God our Father. Once my studies are finished and my work here is complete I will then be able to notify you of my acceptance of your call. Please pray for me and all of my classmates as we make our final preparations for the work of The Holy Ministry.

May God our Father keep you in His care and bless you.

I thought it would be nice to include a little bit of biographical information about myself and my family.

My lovely wife, Elizabeth, grew up in Wittenberg Wisconsin. She was a Math major and Computer Science minor at Concordia Mequon. She worked as an Analyst for Liberty Mutual Insurance in Wausau Wisconsin until we left for Seminary. Elizabeth enjoys reading and doing things around the home. I knew she was the girl for me when she gave me my first Lutheran Service Book for a birthday present.

The Good Lord has given Elizabeth and me two children, Jane (7) and Eve (5). We homeschool and Jane is almost done with first grade and Eve is in preschool. Both of the girls love to play outside, ride bikes, and build with Legos. They love stories of all kinds. Jane especially likes the “Chronicles of Narnia” (all of them) and is currently working her way through “The Kingdom of Wrenly” series. Eve’s current favorite books are “The Doorbell Rang” and “The Horse and His Boy.” A popular choice for movie night is “Frozen.”

I was born and raised in the Grand Rapids area, baptized at Our Savior and confirmed at Good Shepherd in Middleville. I graduated from Concordia Mequon in 2013 with a degree in Secondary Education with a major in History and a minor in English. I taught Social Studies and English at Wisconsin Valley Lutheran High School from 2013 until 2015 and then spent the next two years as a stay at home dad until entering the Seminary in the summer of 2017. I like to spend my free time hunting and fishing and then butchering, cleaning, and cooking whatever quarry the Good Lord hath provided in His big outdoor grocery store. I also love to play Disc Golf, a gentleman’s sport if there ever was one.

We all look forward to getting to know you all more!

Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer

May God bless and keep the Twietmeyers and all of us as we remain in the True Vine, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

May 2 Worship & News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We've already had a couple of special updates this week!  Click here for news about our pastor-elect, Andrew Twietmeyerclick here for news about funeral arrangements for Sam Hilton.

In this email:

  • Worship and Education for Sunday, May 2

  • Breaking News

The Divine Service for Sunday, May 2nd will be led by Pastor James Blain; there will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at: 

Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up.   A reminder that these precautions are currently in place for in-person worship:

  • Please exercise personal discernment when it comes to your health. If you are feeling sick, waiting for COVID-19 test results, in recommended quarantine or isolation from COVID-19 exposure, in a high-risk category, or not comfortable or ready to attend in person, please stay home. Services will continue to be livestreamed as noted above.

  • You will be welcomed in person at the sanctuary door as you enter. All inner doors will be kept open.

  • To minimize potential spread of COVID-19 in this public setting, wearing of face coverings (fabric masks) are required at all services.

    • Those who are not medically able to tolerate a face mask are exempt from this requirement. We ask those who are medically exempt to wear a face covering to and from their seat in worship. (If you are not medically able to tolerate a face mask, face shields are an acceptable alternative.)

    • If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

  • Please maintain minimum 6-foot social distancing before, during and after services.

    • To assure social distancing during worship, we strongly encourage advance RSVPs for all services; sign-up options are available by phone, email and Internet (as above). 26 seating spots for families or individuals are available in the nave of the sanctuary for each service. Additional seating space is available in the choir area and the narthex. Generally, more seating is available for the 8:30 am service than at 11 am.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews. Designated seating will be clearly marked for “8:30 (1st service)” or “11:00 (2nd service)”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

  • Following announcements, dismissal by families will begin from the back of the church. Please continue to be mindful of social distancing as you greet others and exit. When weather permits, we encourage you to greet others outdoors!

Our Sunday education hour also continues on May 2 at 9:45 am with:

  • Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 in the downstairs classroom; Children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

  • The Sunday morning LifeLight class, The Time Between the Testaments, held in the upstairs classroom.

  • Adult Bible Class in the sanctuary, continuing our trek through the book of 1 John, the source of this Easter season's Epistle lessons. The focus for this week's lesson is "Test The Spirits/God's Love and Ours." Click here to read 1 John 4:1-21; click here for a study guide. This study will also be livestreamed on YouTube, the home page of our website and our Facebook page.


May Newsletter
Our May newsletter will be in the US mail tomorrow! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.

Just a reminder that, due to drastic postage increases, this will be our final Messiah newsletter mailed out in bulk. Beginning with the June newsletter:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter will be available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We will continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members.

  • We will also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at We'll include a direct link to each new online newsletter and calendars in the email update sent at the end of every month -- like we did this time!

  • If you are not currently able to attend worship (due to the pandemic or for other reasons) but want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

A Special Service, A Mission Festival and More!
This year our joint Ascension Day service with St. Peter Lutheran Church in Rockford returns, taking the form of two identical services:

  • Thursday, May 13th at 5 pm at Messiah

  • Thursday, May 13th at 7 pm at St. Peter

Rev. Jason Peterson will lead worship and preach. Following each service, Pastor Terry Hoese will talk about theSiberian Lutheran Mission Society’s "Save the Seminary" fund drive. A door offering will be taken to benefit this effort to spread Christ’s Gospel to the ends of the earth on both Ascension Day and Sunday, May 16th. (Gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000.)

And there's more:"A Sunday Afternoon with Lutherans"on Sunday, May 16th at 6 pm, to be held at Herman’s Boy Coffee Ranch (220 Northland Dr NE in Rockford). No cost, but donations for the "Save the Seminary" drive are welcome. Call 616-866-1818 or click here to register for the event by this coming Wednesday, May 5th. There's a flyer in your church mailbox with more details!

As we worked on this coming Sunday's service, Pastor Blain reminded me that the ancient Latin name for this Sunday isCantate-- "O sing to the Lord a new song!" (Ps. 98:1a) is how the traditional Entrance Hymn for the day begins. One of the hymns we'll be singing, "O Sing to the Lord" (Lutheran Service Book 808), is based on Psalm 98 as well as Psalm 150; another, "Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen" (LSB 474) was the closing hymn for the Candidate Call Service at the Fort Wayne seminary this past Tuesday night. In Pastor Blain's words, "with the good news of Messiah receiving a pastoral candidate, what a great opportunity to sing our hearts out!"

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Funeral Details for Sam Hilton

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

Thanks for your patience while the funeral arrangements for our brother in Christ Sam Hilton came together in recent days.

Sam's funeral service will be held at Messiah on Tuesday, May 11 at 11 am. Our current guidelines for in-person worship will apply to this service; click here to see them. There will also be a time to visit with the family in the church foyer, one hour prior to the service at 10 am. Sam's family and Messiah understand that not everyone will be able to attend the visitation and funeral, so the service will also be livestreamed through Reyers North Valley Chapel's website. Click here to see Sam's complete obituary at Reyers' website. (This link will also host the livestream of the funeral on May 11.)

I want to thank you for your ongoing support of Joann and the rest of the Hilton family during this time of bereavement. In our loss, may we all continue to ask our Lord for the comfort only His promises can give:

Heavenly Father, into whose keeping we entrust our loved ones, help us to look to You in our time of sorrow, remembering the cloud of faithful witnesses with which we are surrounded. Give to Joann, the rest of Sam's family and all who mourn comfort in their grief and a sure confidence in Your loving care that, casting all their sorrow on You, they may know the consolation of Your love. Receive our thanks for Sam and for all the blessings You bestowed on him in this earthly life. Grant that we may one day share with him in the joys of those who now rest in Your presence; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church