September 1 Worship/Education/News/Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education Update

  • September Newsletter

  • Looking Forward


OnSunday, September 5th,we will hold a single service at 10:00 am;there will be no Monday night service on Labor Day. Our regular fall schedule resumes Sunday, September 12thas follows:

Children from Prekindergarten through Grade 8 are welcome and encouraged to attend Sunday School; Sunday School and Bible Class will have a joint opening, then students, teachers and helpers will head for the downstairs classroom! We’re beginning a one-year survey ofGod’s Enduring Word: students will learn how God creates a world and a kingdom through the Biblical accounts of Creation and the Fall, as well as His mercy in the lives of Noah, Abraham, Jacob and more. (If you have a heart for teaching kids about Jesus, we’d love to enable you to serve as a Sunday School teacher or helper. We’ll train you and provide you with materials and support. Contact Pastor Twietmeyer or Rick Krueger as soon as possible if you’re willing to help!)

In Bible Class we'll continue exploring the Old Testament book of1 Samuel; bring your Bible and be ready to dig in to God’s Word together! Class will also being livestreamed every Sunday morning

Our other Fall classes also begin soon:

  • Catechism for all ages will begin on Monday, September 13th at 6 pm in the sanctuary. Catechism sessions will focus on worship, prayer and the core teachings of God's Word as summarized in Martin Luther's Small Catechism. This is the path of instruction for youth and adults who wish to become confirmed members of Messiah. Contact Pastor Twietmeyer directly for more details!

  • This fall there will be two LifeLight Bible studies. The Tuesday morning class will be studying 1 Corinthians. Shirley Hoese will lead this LifeLight Bible study beginning on Tuesday, September 14th at 10:30 am (note the revised date). The Wednesday class will be studying The Minor Prophets. Dan Bohlinger will lead this LifeLight Bible study beginning on Wednesday, September 15th at 6:00 pm. LifeLight is a 9-week Bible Study open to everyone. Student guides will be available in the Welcome Center or may be picked up at the first class session. (There will be no LifeLight Bible study on Sunday mornings this fall; everyone is encouraged to attend Bible Class.)

  • The women’s Bible Study CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters) will be starting up again on Wednesday, September 15th at 9:30 am. Women will be reading and discussing the book “A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World”, by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller.

Our September newsletter is now available online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. A reminder that:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members. If you want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

  • We also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at

In the Old Testament readings and Gospels for the next two Sundays, in prophecy and fulfillment we see Jesus healing: the lame leap, the deaf hear, the mute speak and sing, the demon possessed are healed. All this comes about through God's Word, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, proclaimed by prophets, apostles and pastors -- and personified in the Father's Son, Jesus Christ! I pray that, as summer gives way to fall, all of us hear, read, mark and learn from the Word made flesh, who remains with HIs people forever in Word and Sacrament. May our bodies and souls be healed through His gracious gifts!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant