Urgent Worship Update: May 18, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

At their May 17 meeting, Messiah's Church Council reviewed the changes made last week to the Centers for Disease Control's recommendations and the State of Michigan's current epidemic order.  Based on these changes, the Council approved a revision to our In-Person Worship Guidelines, effective immediately. The relevant paragraph is printed below, with the revision indicated in bold italics: 

  • To minimize potential spread of COVID-19 in this public setting, wearing of face coverings (fabric masks) are required at all services for those who are not fully vaccinated.

    • Those who are fully vaccinated are exempt from this requirement.

    • Those who are not medically able to tolerate a face mask are exempt from this requirement. We ask those who are medically exempt to wear a face covering to and from their seat in worship. (If you are not medically able to tolerate a face mask, face shields are an acceptable alternative.)

    • If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

Click here for the complete version of the newly revised Guidelines; please contact our congregational chairman Dave Ahrens if you have any questions.

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant