June 13 Worship/Education Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Our Services of Prayer and Preaching for this weekend will be held as follows:

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this weekend!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, goodlans@messiahgr.org) or online:

As we prepare for Pastor Andrew Twietmeyer's arrival, we'll finish our study of Priesthood and Ministry this Sunday, June 13th at 9 amClick here to find out more and watch the first session from May 23rd; click here for study materials.  We hope to livestream this study on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page as well.

We are very close to an official announcement regarding Pastor Twietmeyer's Ordination and Installation service at Messiah. Please continue to save the date of Saturday, June 19th; look for another email later this week with details on the service time and RSVP arrangements for the service and the meal that will follow. We anticipate that, in addition to members and friends of Messiah, neighboring pastors and members of Pastor Twietmeyer's family will also join us, so getting an idea of how many will attend is absolutely essential! For more information, click here to read Dave Ahrens' email of June 1st.

May the joy of the Lord be yours as we gather to be fed by His Word and anticipate the arrival of the undershepherd He has sent to us!

Yours in Christ,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant