May 16 Worship/Education/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education for Sunday, May 16

  • Breaking News

The Divine Service for Sunday, May 16th will be led by Pastor James Blain.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at: 

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up.  Please click here if you need to review our current precautions for in-person worship.

Please note that a door offering will be taken after both services on May 16th to benefit the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society’s Save the Seminary drive. (Click here for more information.) Our sister congregations throughout Grand Rapids are supporting this effort to spread Christ’s Gospel “to the ends of the earth” as well; gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000.  

Our Sunday education hour continues on May 16th at 9:45 am as follows:

  • Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 will be held in the downstairs classroom; children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

  • We conclude our survey of the book of 1 John, the source of this Easter season's Epistle lessons in the sanctuary. Click here to read 1 John 5:13-21; click here for a study guide. We hope to overcome recent technical challenges and livestream this study on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page as well.


Next Up in Adult Bible Class
In anticipation of Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer’s arrival, we begin the study Priesthood and Ministry on Sunday, May 23rd at 9:45 am in the sanctuary. How is every Christian a priest of God? What have we called our next pastor (and all our previous pastors) to do for us, among us and on our behalf? And – most importantly – what does God’s Word tell us about the Holy Ministry and the priesthood of all believers? Join us to find out!

Prayer Pals Spring Gathering
Messiah's Prayer Pals will meet on Sunday, May 23rd at 6:00 pm in our fellowship hall! Pals from 2019/2020 will be revealed, and new pals will be selected. We welcome new members for this group which focuses on praying for our Sisters in Christ. Come and enjoy the warmth of Christian love and fellowship. (We will be observing COVID guidelines. No potluck, just good ole H2O.) Contact Deb Krueger, Elaine Jingles, or Barb Brinkman to RSVP, or if you have questions.

Summer Worship/Education Preview
Our summer worship schedule will begin Memorial Day weekend, with one Sunday service at 10 am on Sunday, May 30th. After a break for the holiday weekend, Adult Bible Class will resume at 9 am on Sunday, June 6th. Monday night summer services will begin on Monday, June 7th at 7 pm. At their May meeting, the Board of Elders approved revisions to our In-Person Worship Guidelines regarding worship materials and communion practices, effective on Sunday, May 30th. Click here for full details about our summer schedule and what will change in our services.

This coming Sunday, the Easter season finishes with a flourish! The Scriptures for the day proclaim Jesus' ascension to the right hand of God the Father, reminding us that He continually prays for us and promises to send His Holy Spirit into our hearts through Word and Sacrament. May this week's Hymn of the Day be the prayer of our hearts, as we rejoice in Christ and await our Pastor-Elect's arrival:

Christ Jesus, be our present joy,
    Our future great reward;
Our only glory, may it be
    To glory in the Lord!

All praise to You, ascended Lord;
    All glory ever be
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
    Through all eternity!

("O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire," Lutheran Service Book 553:5-6)

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant