Important Summer Worship Preview

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I'm writing to make sure you're aware of upcoming changes to our worship schedule and guidelines as we get ready for summer!  This important update will cover:

  • Our Summer Worship/Education Schedule

  • Worship Guideline Changes Beginning Sunday, May 30th

Our Summer Worship/Education Schedule
At their April meeting, the Board of Elders set Messiah’s summer worship schedule:  

  • From Sunday, May 30th (Memorial Day weekend) through Sunday, September 5th (Labor Day weekend), there will be one worship service held at 10:00 am. This service will also be livestreamed on our website, our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.

  • Adult BIble Class will be held at 9:00 am from Sunday, June 6th through Sunday, August 29th; Sunday School and LifeLight will be in recess for the summer. We are working on arrangements to have Adult Bible Class livestreamed as well.

  • Monday night services will also be held from Monday, June 7th through Monday, August 30th at 7:00 pm. (One exception: there will be no Monday night service on Monday, July 5th.)

Worship Guideline Changes Beginning Sunday, May 30th
At their May meeting, the Board of Elders approved revisions to our In-Person Worship Guidelines regarding worship materials and communion practices.  These specific changes, based on updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, will go into effect on Sunday, May 30th.  The revised section of the Guidelines can be found just below; changes are emphasized in italics.  Click here for the complete revised Guidelines.

These practices will be in effect for worship services:

  • We are resuming the use of hymnals and fellowship pads. Hymns will no longer be printed in the regular service folder; printing of all other worship elements in the service folder will continue. Extra copies of the large print service folder will be printed for those who prefer not to use hymnals at this time. (We will also resume printing an insert with weekly prayer requests, announcements and upcoming events.) Congregants should take service folders with them for reference, then recycle or discard them at home.

  • Offering plates will not be passed. Offerings can be given electronically or taken at the door.

  • When Holy Communion is offered, revised distribution protocols will be in use:

    • The Pastor and Elders involved in distribution will continue to wear masks and gloves.

    • 4-6 individuals (2-3 households) will be ushered forward to each half of the communion rail at a time, in order to maintain social distancing.

    • Communicants may kneel or stand.

    • Communicants will receive the Body of Christ in their open hand from the Elder.

    • Communicants will take an individual cup from the tray held by the Pastor to receive the Blood of Christ.

    • Communicants will place the empty cup in the slot on the communion rail.

    • Communicants who prefer to receive the Sacrament in the pews will be asked to notify the Elder or Ushers before the service begins.

  • The Nursery remains closed.

  • No food or coffee will be served before or after worship; the kitchen remains closed.

  • Restrooms in the church foyer will be open for use. Water fountains will remain out of service.

  • The sanctuary will be sanitized following services.

Note that our current In-Person Worship Guidelines remain in effect for our May 13th Ascension Day service and the next two Sundays, May 16th and 23rd.  Click here to see our current guidelines.  The Elders will continue to review the Guidelines as the situation changes, as our pastoral vacancy concludes and as Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer joins us.  Please contact your elder (or any elder) if you have questions.

As the season of Easter moves to its conclusion with the Ascension of our Lord and the Day of Pentecost, may we rely on our Savior Jesus Christ, God's Son who now sits at the Father's right hand, who has sent His Holy Spirit into our hearts through His Word and Sacraments!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant