May 30 Worship/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship and Education for Sunday, May 30

  • June Newsletter

The Divine Service for Trinity Sunday, May 30th will be led by Pastor James Blain.   We begin our summer schedule by holding a single service at 10 am on May 30th, which will also be livestreamed at: 

There will be no Adult Bible Class on May 30th; Sunday School and LifeLight are in recess for the summer.

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up

A few other reminders:

  • Beginning May 30th, we will resume the use of hymnals and fellowship pads, along with distribution of Holy Communion at the altar. Click here to see our updated Worship Guidelines; details of these changes are on page 2.

  • We'll continue our single service schedule from now through Sunday, September 5th (Labor Day weekend).

  • Adult BIble Class will resume at 9:00 am from Sunday, June 6th through Sunday, August 29th. We'll continue our study of Priesthood and Ministry on June 6th; click here to watch the first session from May 23rd and download materials!

  • Monday night services will also be held from Monday, June 7th through Monday, August 30th at 7:00 pm. (One exception: there will be no Monday night service on Monday, July 5th.)

Our June newsletter is now available online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.

A final reminder that, beginning with this issue of the newsletter:

  • Paper copies of the newsletter will be available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We will continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members.

  • We will also continue to post the newsletter and monthly calendars online at We'll include a direct link to each new online newsletter and calendars in the email update sent at the end of every month -- like we did this time!

  • If you are not currently able to attend worship (due to the pandemic or for other reasons) but want to continue receiving the newsletter, please contact Sandy Goodlander in the church office to make arrangements.

This coming Sunday, we join with believers around the world and across the ages in confessing the mystery of the Holy Trinity -- that God is Three-in-One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- and that we can only believe this truth through the powerful working of God in our lives through His Word. This weekend and always, let us give glory to our God because He has shown His mercy to us in Jesus Christ!

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant