2 Worship Services Starting Sunday, November 15

Dear Saints of God in Christ Jesus,

Thank you for the overwhelming response to the livestream services Messiah has offered since May and the in-person services we resumed in August. I am grateful that we are able to continue proclaiming and offering forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to you through our Lord’s Word and Sacraments.

However, as in-person attendance has increased in recent weeks, available space in the sanctuary has decreased, to the point that we are no longer able to maintain social distancing between households at a single service. Whenever a group gets together, whatever the location, there is some risk of disease transmission. In light of this, Messiah’s Board of Elders took action at its November meeting. Beginning on Sunday, November 15, Messiah will offer two services per Sunday, at 8:30 and 11:00 am. (Sunday School for Preschool – Grade 2 and LifeLight will be offered at 9:45 am.)

The content of both services will be the same; here are the differences between them.

For the 8:30 am service:

  • Face coverings are required for this service, from when you enter the building to when you leave. If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

  • Advance sign-up will be required for this service. Sign-up options will be available by phone, email and Internet. More details will follow.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews. Designated seating will be clearly marked for “8:30”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

  • After the service, we'll direct worshipers to leave through the side door of the narthex, using the classroom hallway and exiting the building through the exterior doors in the fellowship hall foyer.

For the 11:00 am service:

  • Face coverings are recommended and strongly encouraged for this service. We will gladly provide you with a face mask if you don’t have one.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews; these will be different pew entrances from those used in the previous service. Designated seating will be clearly marked for “11:00”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

  • We are planning to livestream and archive this service on YouTube.

Further details will be finalized and shared with you by this coming Sunday, November 8, when we will hold a single service at 10:00 am, led by Pastor Terry Hoese.

It's my prayer that, through these two services and updated procedures, we can continue to receive God's good gifts and respond with our prayers and praise, while also caring for each other's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and respecting each other's point of view. We continue in difficult, tumultuous times, but we are called and empowered to rely on the Lord, our light and our salvation, deepening our trust in Him and letting Jesus Christ's perfect love cast our fear. Please feel free to contact me, your elder or any member of the Board of Elders if you have questions or concerns.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Sunday, November 1 and More

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We will pray and sing the Divine Service this coming Sunday, November 1 at 10 am. For All Saints Day, Pastor James Blain will lead us in worship and bring us God's Word & Sacrament.

Following the service, we will hold a Special Voters Meeting to consider our Call Committee’s latest recommendations, and work together to call a pastor to be our next shepherd at Messiah.

With a strong turnout expected this Sunday and COVID-19 cases increasing, I ask you to support and help all your brothers & sisters in Christ who attend worship and the voters' meeting by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing by:

    • Sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew. Please don't sit at the ends of pews that have "No Seating" signs; please sit at least 3 people apart from other family groups.

    • Celebrating the Lord's Supper at your seat by receiving the body of Christ in your open hand from the elder, taking an individual cup from the tray the pastor holds to receive the blood of Christ, and returning the cup to the usher.

    • Leaving in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary after the service and meeting, and greeting each other outdoors afterwards.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana) as recommended. Masks are available at the Welcome Center.

  • Giving offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door.

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.

Onsite Sunday classes will also be in session at 9 am on November 1.  Please note that currently, per state Health Department order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 10 people and face coverings are mandatory:

  • Sunday School: God Works through Prophets and Kings for preschool - grade 2, taught by Deb Krueger & Tina Veitengruber, in the south classrooms downstairs.

  • Lifelight: Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke in the north classroom upstairs.

I've already uploaded my Adult Bible Study for this coming Sunday on Psalm 149.  You can watch it below and download the study guide by clicking here.

Messiah's November newsletter is on its way to you in the US mail; you can also read it online here. I especially want to call your attention to one item in the newsletter: This year, our Thanksgiving & Christmas donations to families in need will take the form of gift cards. If you are moved to give, please place your gift cards in an envelope and place them in Joe & Becky Buss' mailbox by Sunday, November 8.

This past week, as tensions, frustration, impatience and conflict seem to be rising all around us, I've been drawn to Paul's letter to the Philippians. In the 2nd chapter, Paul reminds those early Christians -- and us -- that Jesus Christ emptied Himself of the honor He was due, took the form of a servant, and became obedient to death on the cross, all to save us from sin, death and the devil, and to bring us together in His Church. Then God the Father raised Jesus from death, lifted Him up and gave Him even greater honor as Lord of all! In His Word and Sacraments, God has also lifted us up -- and enabled us to follow Jesus in all the ways He did, serving Him by doing good to others. I pray that in this strange time we may, as Paul exhorted the Philippians, "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:4-6 ESV) May His mind be ours in the coming days, especially as we worship and deliberate together.

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming Sunday, October 25 - And Beyond!

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We'll gather to pray the service of Morning Prayer, observing Reformation Sunday on October 25 at 10 am, led by Pastor James Blain.

Again, thanks for all your help conducting our services in a prudent way that minimizes risk by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing, observing "No Seating" signs and spacing yourselves approximately 3 people apart from other family groups.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks will be available at the Welcome Center.

  • Giving your offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.  

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll dig into Psalm 46, the basis of Martin Luther's great hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."  Let's re-discover together how "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress" (Psalm 46:7) in times of disappointment, stress and danger!  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage

Our onsite Sunday classes will also be in session at 9 am on October 25.  Please note that currently, per state Health Department order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 20 people per 1000 square feet, and face coverings are mandatory.

  • Sunday School: God Works through Prophets and Kings for Preschool - Grade 2, taught by Deb Krueger & Tina Veitengruber, in the south classrooms downstairs.

  • Lifelight: Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke, in the north classrooms upstairs.  BYOB (bring your own beverage).

And we finalize preparations for our annual Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1st!  As in previous years, we'll be happy to include your late Christian loved ones and friends in the commemoration; you can submit their names at our website (by filling out the form at this link) or at our Welcome Center; this Sunday, October 25 is the last day for submissions.
 Finally, two quick reminders for the weeks to come:

I pray that this coming Sunday's worship will strengthen us in these powerful truths: that we are saved in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone as revealed in Scripture alone.  May we always rejoice that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble!" (Psalm 46:1)

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Pastoral Call Meeting: Sunday, November 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

A Special Voters meeting will be held on Sunday, November 1, 2020 immediately following Messiah’s 10 am service, starting between 11:15 and 11:30 am.  The purpose of the meeting is to consider our Call Committee’s latest recommendations, and to work together to call a pastor to be our next shepherd at Messiah.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency in the State of Michigan, special arrangements will be made to conduct this meeting in as safe and prudent a manner as possible.  Please directly contact Jonathan Chaffer, our congregation president, or Mark Altemann, the chairman of our call committee, for further details.

The Call Committee will once again present a short list of finalists, who we will review and discuss before adopting a slate of candidates, casting ballots as necessary, and taking official action to extend a pastoral call.

All adult members are encouraged to attend and join in our discussions and decisions, as we continue with this important process.  Your input is valued to make this call representative of our congregation.

Again, please contact Jonathan or Mark directly if you have questions, and please plan to attend the meeting on Sunday, November 1.  (Note that Daylight Savings Time ends on November 1, so please remember to set your clocks back an hour before going to sleep on October 31.)

Thanks and God bless!

Pastoral Call update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Rev. Paul Doellinger has declined our call to serve as pastor at Messiah.  An extended excerpt from his October 17 letter to us follows below.

"After earnest and careful deliberation and consideration, many prayers, discussions with brothers in the ministry, and the support and counsel of my wife, I have decided to respectfully return the call to Messiah." 

"This is undoubtedly one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make. I have been absolutely torn while considering this call. There are many things about Messiah that are extremely striking. The Lord has blessed you with a rich, vibrant community of saints, and has endowed you with many gifts. You are a warm, loving family of believers with strong and capable leadership, [and] a top-notch preschool and director ... Your welcome, hospitality, openness, patience, and conscientiousness with me and my family during this time of deliberation has been exceptional and humbling. I can assure you that my decision has nothing to do with any deficiency on your part, nor are there any concerns or “red flags” that compelled me to stay in Cassopolis. In the end, my reason for staying has to do with timing for our family and continuing and completing the ministry and undertakings that I am currently engaged in at St. Paul."

"I know that this letter is disappointing, as you have fervently and patiently waited for the Lord to send you a pastor and shepherd. I will continue to pray that God will grant a servant of the Word in your midst, and I am fully confident that when that man arrives, you will abundantly support and care for him and his family, as you have all of your pastors."

We thank Pastor Doellinger for his prayerful consideration of our call.  We pray for God's blessings on him, his family, and those he currently serves at Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Cassopolis, Michigan.

Messiah's Call Committee met last night to consider the next steps in the call process, in consultation with Pastor Peterson.  Members of Messiah, please keep an eye out for updates by email and in the November newsletter regarding our next special Voters Meeting. 

In the meantime, we ask that all of you continue to keep our Church Council, call committee, staff and membership in your prayers.  Again we turn to Lutheran Service Book to provide a model for our personal prayers:

O gracious Heavenly Father, You instituted the office of the public ministry, and instructed Your Church to call ministers to proclaim Your Word and faithfully administer Your Sacraments.  Bless the Rev. Paul Doellinger and his family, as he continues Your ministry in Cassopolis. 

Grant to us the continued guidance of Your Holy Spirit, along with patience, humility and trust in You.  Have mercy on us and help us to call a suitable pastor according to Your will and timing, for the blessing of Your Church in this place. 

Give us grace to trust You during this time of widespread distress. In mercy put an end to the epidemic that afflicts this nation and the world. Grant relief to those who suffer from COVID-19, from other illnesses, from natural disasters, or from unemployment; comfort all that mourn or struggle. Sustain all government and medical personnel in their labors, and cause Your people ever to serve You in righteousness and holiness.  Grant Your peace to our world, our nation and our community.

Hear us for the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Jonathan Chaffer, President
Mark Altemann, Chairman, Call Committee

Coming Sunday, October 18

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We'll once again be praying and singing the Divine Service this coming Sunday, October 18 at 10 am.  We're grateful that Pastor James Blain will continue to lead us in worship and bring us God's Word & Sacrament!

Ongoing thanks for you all your help conducting our indoor services in a prudent way that minimizes risk by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing as follows:

    • Sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew, approximately 3 people apart from other family groups.

    • Celebrating the Lord's Supper at your seat in the pews by receiving the body of Christ in your open hand from the elder, taking an individual cup from the tray the pastor holds to receive the blood of Christ, and returning the cup to the usher.

    • Leaving in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service, and greeting each other outdoors following the service as weather permits.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks are available at the Welcome Center.

  • Giving offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll look at Psalm 147, part of a group of psalms apparently written in thanksgiving for Israel's return from exile.  For what three incredible gifts does this psalm praise the Lord?  How do these words speak to us in a society so reliant on its power over nature and its technical expertise?  And how do we know that God continues to care for his people today?  Let’s learn more together!  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

Our onsite Sunday classes will also be in session at 9 am on October 18.  Please note that currently, per state Health Department order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 10 people and face coverings are mandatory.

  • Sunday School: God Works through Prophets and Kings for Preschool - Grade 2, taught by Deb Krueger & Tina Veitengruber, in the south classrooms downstairs.

  • Lifelight: Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke, in the north classrooms upstairs.  BYOB (bring your own beverage).

And we continue preparing for our annual Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1st!  As in previous years, we'll be happy to include your late Christian loved ones and friends in the commemoration; you can submit their names at our website (by filling out the form at this link) or at our Welcome Center between now and Sunday, October 25th.

On October 18, we thank God for His grace shown to St. Luke, Evangelist.  It was Luke who, inspired by the Holy Spirit, did the primary research so that the Gospel he wrote includes eyewitness accounts of the birth of Jesus, along with His life, ministry, death and resurrection.  It was also Luke who accompanied the apostle Paul on his missionary journeys, then wrote The Acts of the Apostles as a "sequel" to his Gospel.  Both of these New Testament books are addressed to Theophilus, a Greek whose name means "lover of God."  I pray that, as we thank our Lord for His work in St. Luke's life, we may continue to take the Holy Scriptures to heart and grow in our love for Him every day!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming Sunday, October 11

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We gather to pray the service of Morning Prayer this coming Sunday, October 11 at 10 am; we welcome back Pastor James Blain to lead us in worship for the next four Sundays!  

Again, thanks for all your help conducting our services in a prudent way that minimizes risk by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing by sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks will be available at the Welcome Center.

  • Giving your offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.  We apologize that, due to unforeseen complications, we weren't able to offer the livestream this past Sunday.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll dig into Psalm 23, perhaps the most familiar and the best loved psalm of all!  Was it just David's experience as a shepherd that guided this psalm -- or did he also have experience as a "sheep"?  How did this Psalm resonate with the people of Israel in the following centuries of triumph, exile and restoration?  And how are the descriptions and promises of our Good Shepherd fulfilled in Jesus' life and the Church's ministry?  Let's find out together!  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage

Our onsite Sunday classes will also be in session at 9 am on October 11.  Please note that currently, per state Health Department order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 10 people and face coverings are mandatory.

  • Sunday School: God Works through Prophets and Kings for Preschool - Grade 2, taught by Deb Krueger & Tina Veitengruber, in the south classrooms downstairs.

  • Lifelight: Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke, in the north classrooms upstairs.  BYOB (bring your own beverage).

And we continue preparing for our annual Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1st!  As in previous years, we'll be happy to include your late Christian loved ones and friends in the commemoration; you can submit their names at our website (by filling out the form at this link) or at our Welcome Center between now and Sunday, October 25th.

The theme that runs through this coming Sunday's readings is the Lord's promised wedding feast for His people -- a banquet of rich food where death is swallowed up forever (Isaiah 25), where our souls are restored (Psalm 23), to whom both bad and good are invited (Matthew 22).  I pray that all of us may daily recognize our need for God's Word, and follow our good shepherd Jesus to those green pastures -- our earthly foretaste of the heavenly feast to come!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming Sunday, October 4

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We'll once again be praying and singing the Divine Service this coming Sunday, October 4 at 10 am.  We're grateful that Pastor Terry Hoese will be able to lead us in worship and bring us God's Word & Sacrament!

Continuing thanks for all your help conducting our indoor services in a prudent way that minimizes risk by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing as follows:

    • Sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew, approximately 3 people apart from other family groups.

    • Celebrating the Lord's Supper at your seat in the pews by receiving the body of Christ in your open hand from the elder, taking an individual cup from the tray the pastor holds to receive the blood of Christ, and returning the cup to the usher.

    • Leaving in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service, and greeting each other outdoors following the service as weather permits.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks are available at the Welcome Center.

  • Giving offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll look at Psalm 80, where God's people plead for His help in a time of deep crisis.   What brought the nations of Israel and Judah to this desperate situation?  Why could they trust that the Lord would help them?  And which Old Testament hero of faith provides both the parallel to their plight and the model for their response?  Let’s learn more together!  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

Confirmation/Pre-Confirmation Class began last Monday evening, led by Pastor Peterson; this Sunday at 9 am, we begin the classes listed below!  Please note that currently, per Executive Order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 10 people and face coverings are mandatory.  

  • Sunday School: God Works through Prophets and Kings for Preschool - Grade 2, taught by Deb Krueger & Tina Veitengruber, in the south classrooms downstairs.

  • Lifelight: Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke, in the north classrooms upstairs.  BYOB (bring your own beverage).

Looking ahead, we're preparing for our annual Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1st!  As in previous years, we'll be happy to include your late Christian loved ones and friends in the commemoration; you can submit their names at our website (by filling out the form at this link) or at our Welcome Center between now and Sunday, October 25th.

This coming Sunday, the Old Testament reading and Gospel show how God remains faithful to us, His people in Christ, despite our unfaithfulness. When I reflect on my life, I am grateful that my confidence is not to be founded on my family, my achievements or any merit in me -- but only on my Spirit-given faith in Jesus, through Whom I receive our heavenly Father's righteousness and grace.  I look forward to receiving those generous gifts in Word and Sacrament and celebrating the Lord's boundless goodness with you on October 4!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming Sunday, September 27

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We will pray the service of Morning Prayer this coming Sunday, September  27 at 10 am.  Rev. Bill Cate from Spring Lake will lead us in worship and proclaim God's Word.  Continued thanks for all your help conducting our services in a prudent way that minimizes risk by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing by sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks will be available at the Welcome Center.

  • Giving your offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) or audio (recorded and uploaded to our Worship Resources page) if you cannot attend.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll dig into Psalm 25, where each verse begins with a succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  What are the four prayers David prays in this Psalm?  How does "fearing the Lord" rule out being "put to shame" -- and who can bring that about, anyway?  Why has the Christian Church used portions of this Psalm for Sundays in Lent?    The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

As mentioned last week, LifeLight has resumed on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am (based on the book of Revelation) and Wednesday evenings at 6 pm (based on the Gospel of Luke).  In the next couple of weeks, you can also look forward to:

  • Confirmation/Pre-Confirmation Class for grades 5-8, starting Monday, September 28th at 6 pm

  • Sunday School for preschool thru grade 2, starting Sunday, October 4th at 9 am

  • LifeLight: Ruth/Esther, starting Sunday, October 4th at 9 am

  • The Parish Service Guild, resuming regular meetings Thursday, October 8th at 12:30 pm.  Like the classes listed above, the Guild meeting will be limited to 10 people gathering in person, but online access to the meeting through ZOOM will be available for Guild members as well!

Finally, I'm happy to report that our Call Committee, lay leaders and other members who joined us online had an excellent visit with Rev. Paul Doellinger this past Tuesday night.  We thank Pastor Doellinger for traveling to Grand Rapids to spend time with us, and pray God's blessing on him and his family -- both as he continues deliberating our pastoral call, and as his infant daughter is made a child of God in the sacrament of Holy Baptism this coming weekend.  May the words "I am baptized into Christ" (from this coming Sunday's final hymn) be in all our hearts and on all our lips throughout the days to come!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Pastoral Call Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, At Messiah's special voters meeting held on Sunday, September 13, the assembly unanimously voted to call the Rev. Paul Doellinger to serve as our next pastor. Rev. Doellinger currently serves at Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Cassopolis, Michigan.

In a letter to Messiah dated September 17, Pastor Doellinger wrote: “I received the call documents on Wednesday September 16th, along with the helpful materials about the congregation and community. I look forward to reading through them in the coming days. I promise to prayerfully consider your call with reverence and diligence … May the Lord grant His Wisdom and guidance to us all … It is my intention to have a decision made in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I would like to come up to Grand Rapids and visit with you. I will be in touch to schedule a time that works best for all.”

We'll inform you of further developments as they occur.  In the meantime, please keep Pastor Doellinger, his family, the staff and members at Saint Paul, and all of us at Messiah in your prayers.  Once again, our Lutheran Service Book provides all of us with a model for our personal prayers as we go forward:

Lord Jesus Christ, You instituted the office of the public ministry and instructed Your Church to call ministers of Your Word. Having prayed for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, we have called a pastor, the Rev. Paul Doellinger, to proclaim Your saving Gospel among us. Assist him to recognize the needs of this congregation and the welfare of Your kingdom and, if it be Your will, grant that he accept the call to serve among us. Hear us for Your own sake, as You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.
Yours in Christ,

Jonathan Chaffer, President
Mark Altemann, Chairman, Call Committee

Coming Sunday, September 20 - and beyond ...

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We'll once again be praying and singing the Divine Service this coming Sunday, September 20 at 10 am.  Rev. Dieter Haupt will again lead us in worship and bring us God's Word & Sacrament.

Continuing thanks for all your help conducting our indoor services in a prudent way that minimizes risk.  You can help us keep going by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing as follows:

    • Sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

    • Holy Communion will be brought to you in the pews by the pastor and elders (who will be masked and gloved).  Please plan to stand as able when they approach your seat, receiving the body of Christ in your open hand, then taking an individual cup from the tray to receive the blood of Christ (you'll return to cup to an usher immediately after you commune).

    • Please leave in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service.  For now, please greet each other outdoors following the service.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks are available at the Welcome Center.

  • Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll look at Psalm 27, where David proclaims God’s goodness and prays for His continuing help.   What “one thing” did David ask of the Lord — and how can we receive the same gift?  Why can we be confident that the Lord will hear and protect us?  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

In addition, our Lifelight studies for fall are starting up; please note that currently, per Executive Order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 10 people and face coverings are mandatory.  There are three different studies to choose from:

  • Revelation, led by Shirley Hoese on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am. This class began on September 15th, but space is still available!

  • Luke, led by Dan Bohlinger on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm, starting September 23rd

  • Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, in the north classrooms (27 & 28), starting October 4th.  BYOB (bring your own beverage).

Finally, remember that our Yard Sale will be held this Friday, September 18 at 4-8 pm and Saturday, September 19 at 9 am - 2 pm, with proceeds to benefit upcoming projects at Messiah.


This coming Sunday, our readings unpack the theme of God's generosity to us -- in the free pardon offered to the people of Israel by Isaiah, in Paul telling Philippian Christians how even his imprisonment serves to advance the gospel of salvation, in Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard.  I look forward to receiving the Lord's generous gifts of Word and Sacrament and celebrating His boundless goodness with you!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Marian June-Hanna, 1925-2020

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

We have learned that our sister in Christ Marian June-Hanna was called home to be with our Lord on September 1, 2020, at the age of 94. Arrangements for Marian were private.

We mourn with Marian's family and friends, but we also rejoice that Marian is free from her earthly sufferings, and is now in the presence of her Savior Jesus Christ.

Marian was born September 16, 1925 in Waterloo, Iowa. She was united to the death and resurrection of Jesus in the waters of Holy Baptism on September 22, 1925, and confirmed in the Christian faith in 1939 by Rev. Arthur Braun in Chicago Heights, Illinois.

Following years spent in Lansing and Big Rapids, Marian became a member of Messiah Lutheran Church on January 10, 2015. During her years here, Marian regularly attended worship and faithfully supported Messiah's ministry.

We encourage you to remember all those who knew and loved Marian in your prayers, using this excerpt from the funeral service's Prayer of the Church as a model:

O God of grace and mercy, we give thanks for Your loving-kindness shown to Marian and to all Your servants who, having finished their course in faith, now rest from their labors. Give to Marian's family and to all who mourn comfort in their grief and a sure confidence in Your loving care that, casting all their sorrow on You, they may know the consolation of Your love. Receive our thanks for Marian and for all the blessings You bestowed on her in this earthly life. Bring us at last to our heavenly home that with her we may see You face to face in the joys of paradise; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger

Messiah Lutheran Church

Coming Sunday, September 13

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Our next worship service of Morning Prayer will be this coming Sunday, September 13 at 10 am.  Rev. Dieter Haupt will once again be leading us in worship and proclaiming God's Word.

Continued thanks for all your help conducting our services in a prudent way that minimizes risk.  You can help us keep on going by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing by sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks will be available at the Welcome Center.

  • Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) or audio (recorded and uploaded to our Worship Resources page) if you cannot attend.

A reminder that we will also hold a Special Voters' Meeting following this Sunday's service, starting between 11:15 and 11:30 am.  The purpose of the meeting is to consider our Call Committee’s latest recommendations, and to work together to call a pastor to be our next shepherd at Messiah.  Special arrangements are being made to conduct this meeting in as safe and prudent a manner as possible.  More details are available on our website; please contact Jonathan Chaffer, our congregation president, or Mark Altemann, the chairman of our call committee, directly if you have questions.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll dig into Psalm 103, which praises God for all His saving benefits.  How many ways does David talk about God’s love, and what theme is present in all of them?  Who joins us in praising the Lord for His love given us in Jesus Christ?  And how many hymns in Lutheran Service Book are based on this Psalm?  Let’s find out together!  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

And, remember that Messiah's long-awaited Garage Sale is happening next week, on Friday,September 18, 4-8 pm and on Saturday, September 19, 9 am - 2 pm.   This year's proceeds will support renovations of a portion of the basement for an expanded play/large motor area for preschool, and child care for any future planned outreach activities.   Sponsored by our Parish Service Guild, the Garage Sale is no longer accepting item donations for this year's sale, but will need plenty of volunteer help; contact Sandy Hoffman or Lori Kearney if you can pitch in!

This coming Sunday, our worship focuses on God's astonishing gift of forgiveness.  The Psalmist reminds us that because of Jesus Christ,

    He does not deal with us according to our sins,
        nor repay us according to our iniquities.
    For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
        so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
    as far as the east is from the west,
        so far does he remove our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:10-12 ESV)

Secure in that precious gift, I look forward to being with you on September 13 to feed on God's saving Word, to sing His praises, and to call the man that we pray will be our next shepherd, trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming Sunday, September 6

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We'll continue with indoor worship, praying and singing the Divine Service this coming Sunday, September 6 at 10 am.  Rev. Dieter Haupt, who served St. John's Lutheran Church in Grand Haven for many years before his retirement, will lead us in worship and bring us God's Word & Sacrament for the next three Sundays.

Thanks once again for all your help conducting our services in a prudent way that minimizes risk.  You can help us keep moving forward by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing in these ways:

    • Sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

    • Holy Communion will be brought to you in the pews by the pastor and elders (who will be masked and gloved).  Please plan to stand as able when they approach your seat, receiving the body of Christ in your open hand, then taking an individual cup from the tray to receive the blood of Christ (you'll return to cup to an usher immediately after you commune).

    • Please leave in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service.  For now, please greet each other outdoors following the service.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks will be available at the Welcome Center.

  • Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) or audio (recorded and uploaded to our Worship Resources page) if you cannot attend.

  • Noting that the Board of Elders will continue to explore alternative delivery of Word and Sacrament, especially for those at risk during the ongoing pandemic.  If you are interested in a small service for high-risk individuals that would be offered on Monday mornings, please contact me or Pastor Peterson.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We'll look at Psalm 32, a prayer of repentance, forgiveness of sin and praise.  What events might King David have had in mind writing this Psalm?  Why was he at peace sharing his experience in a way that believers would sing about it?  And when do we use Psalm 32 in worship, other than when it's scheduled in our readings?  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

Two other big news items this week as well:

  • A Special Voters meeting will be held on Sunday, September 13, 2020 immediately following Messiah’s 10 am service, starting between 11:15 and 11:30 am.  The purpose of the meeting is to consider our Call Committee’s latest recommendations, and to work together to call a pastor to be our next shepherd at Messiah.  Special arrangements will be made to conduct this meeting in as safe and prudent a manner as possible.  More details are available on our website; please contact Jonathan Chaffer, our congregation president, or Mark Altemann, the chairman of our call committee, directly if you have questions.

  • Messiah's long-awaited Garage Sale is coming very soon!   The sale will be held on Friday, September 18, 4-8 pm and on Saturday, September 19, 9 am - 2 pm.  In an effort to support our own outreach at Messiah, the garage sale proceeds from this year will be given to the Preschool for renovations of a portion of the basement for expanded play/large motor area. The remaining portion will be donated to our LIFT group to fund child care as needed for any future planned outreach activities.   Sponsored by our Parish Service Guild, the Garage Sale is no longer accepting item donations for this year's sale, but will need plenty of volunteer help; contact Sandy Hoffman or Lori Kearney if you can pitch in!

Thanks to everyone who wished Deb and I well on our recent vacation.  It was great for both to us go away, disconnect for a bit, and be refreshed.  But it will be even better to reconnect -- to hear God's living, active Word, receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and respond to His love with prayer and praise together with you this coming Sunday.  In the continuing flux of our current times, the Savior's words from this Sunday's Gospel, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (Matthew 18:20) matter more than ever!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Pastoral Call Meeting: Sunday, September 13

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

A Special Voters meeting will be held on Sunday, September 13, 2020 immediately following Messiah’s 10 am service, starting between 11:15 and 11:30 am.  The purpose of the meeting is to consider our Call Committee’s latest recommendations, and to work together to call a pastor to be our next shepherd at Messiah.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency in the State of Michigan, special arrangements will be made to conduct this meeting in as safe and prudent a manner as possible.  Please directly contact Jonathan Chaffer, our congregation president, or Mark Altemann, the chairman of our call committee, for further details.

The Call Committee will once again present a short list of finalists, who we will review and discuss before adopting a slate of candidates, casting ballots as necessary, and taking official action to extend a pastoral call.

All adult members are encouraged to attend and join in our discussions and decisions, as we continue with this important process.  Your input is valued to make this call representative of our congregation.

Again, please contact Jonathan or Mark directly if you have questions, and please plan to attend the meeting on Sunday, September 13.  Thanks and God bless!

Coming Sunday, August 16

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,
Thank you so much for your response as we returned to indoor worship!  We will hold the Divine Service indoors this coming Sunday, August 16 at 10 am; we thank Rev. North Sherrill of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids for providing us with God's Word and Sacraments.

Since our return indoors is a continued work in progress, the Board of Elders and I also thank you for all your help conducting our services in a prudent way that minimizes risk.  You can help us keep moving forward by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing in these ways:

    • sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

    • Holy Communion will be brought to you in the pews by the pastor and elders (who will be masked and gloved).  Please plan to stand as able when they approach your seat, receiving the body of Christ in your open hand, then taking an individual cup from the tray to receive the blood of Christ.  

    • Please leave in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service.  Please return your individual cup to the glass bowl in the narthex on your way out.  For now, please greet each other outdoors following the service.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks will be available at the Welcome Center.

  • Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) or audio (recorded and uploaded to www.messiahgr.org) if you cannot attend.

  • Noting that the Board of Elders will continue to explore alternative delivery of Word and Sacrament, especially for those at risk during the ongoing pandemic.  If you are interested in a small service for high-risk individuals that would be offered on Monday mornings, please contact me or Pastor Peterson.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  On August 16, We look at Psalm 67, in which God’s people praise Him for His faithfulness and ask Him to fulfill His promises. How is the Lord’s steadfast love for Abraham, Moses and His Church reflected in this Psalm? How did Jesus fulfill Israel’s prayers for themselves and all nations? (And how did Martin Luther turn this Psalm into a hymn?)  The study will premiere on our YouTube channel at 8:30 am on Sunday; you can watch before worship or later!  And you can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

Looking ahead, Messiah's Board of Trustees has asked me to announce an Outdoor Project Night on Wednesday, August 26 from 6 pm until dusk.  To get ready for fall, the Trustees will be tackling maintenance and clean-up projects.  Contact Carol Mushong if you have questions, or to let the Trustees know you'll be there. 

With August almost halfway over, planning for fall is definitely in swing here at Messiah.  But I've realized -- probably more than I ever have before -- that, whatever plans are in process for Preschool, Christian education, our next pastoral call and more, our lives and times are ultimately in the loving hands of our heavenly Father. Saved and strengthened by His living, active Word, by remembering our Baptism daily, by the Lord's Supper which feeds us food of immortality, I pray that all of us continually look to Jesus, "the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2 ESV)

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Indoor Worship Sunday, August 9 - and more!

Dear Fellow Saints of God in Christ Jesus,

At their regular meeting last night, Messiah’s Board of Elders approved holding indoor services on Sundays at 10 am, beginning this Sunday, August 9 The Elders took this action based on the exemption of places of religious worship, their owners and those who attend religious worship from the State of Michigan's executive orders on gatherings currently in force.  (See section 14 of Executive Order 20-160.)

Working together with Pastor Peterson, the Elders also recognized Messiah's continuing duty to conduct religious services in a safe and prudent manner during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  Thus, the Elders have updated the Guidelines for Re-Introduction of Worship and Education.  You can read the complete updated Guidelines online; details from and based on them follow below.

What general Centers for Disease Control guidelines apply to us at Messiah?

  • Stay home when you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

    • Take your temperature and verify that it is below 100.4°F.

  • Maintain minimum 6-foot social distancing and avoid people who are sick. 

  • Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces, handrails, and doors.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze. Discard soiled tissues at home.

  • Wearing of face covering (mask, scarf, or bandana) is recommended, but not required.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.

How will we maintain 6-foot distancing between family units?

  • We will sit on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew. 

    • “No Seating” signs will be placed to assist with spacing.

    • Family units will space themselves 6 feet apart (approximately 3 people) from other family units. 

  • Attendees will be released in family groups from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service by the Elder.  For now, please greet each other outdoors following the service.

How will we minimize cross-contamination?

  • Offering plates and fellowship pads will not be passed. Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • The entire service will be printed in the bulletin. Congregants should take bulletins with them for reference, then recycle or discard at home.

  • Volunteers will attend the outside door for entry and exit. Inner doors will be left open. 

  • No handshakes or hugs. 

  • No food or coffee will be served after worship for now; kitchen remains closed. 

  • Restrooms in Main Building will be open for use. Water fountains will remain out of service. 

  • The Nursery remains closed.

  • Holy Communion will be brought to family groups in their pews by the Pastor and Elders.  More details will follow next week.

A few other details:

  • Because Messiah's activities outside of religious worship services are still subject to the State of Michigan's executive orders (10 people or less for indoor gatherings), Adult Bible Class will continue to be posted on our YouTube channel for now; watch for our next session on Psalm 18:1-6 this coming Sunday.  Plans regarding other classes, meetings and events will be forthcoming.

  • RSVPs are no long needed to attend services.  Thanks to all of you who helped make the RSVP process work smoothly during our time outdoors.

  • Worship service video will continue to be livestreamed and archived on YouTube.

  • Worship service audio will continue to be recorded and uploaded to messiahgr.org.

  • The Board of Elders will continue to explore alternative delivery methods, especially for those at risk during the ongoing pandemic.  If you are interested in a small service for high-risk individuals that would be offered on Monday mornings, please contact me or Pastor Peterson.

But wait, there's more ...

Last night, Pastor Peterson informed us that the Michigan District has completed our latest pastoral call list; we should be receiving copies later this week.  Call Committee chairman Mark Altemann will be organizing the committee for the upcoming round of our discernment process. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to the pastor our heavenly Father has already chosen for us, to lead us in the mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Thanks once again for your continued support of Messiah's ministry through your prayers and gifts, and for your patience as we have worked through the issues and obstacles that stood in the way of indoor worship.  I am grateful that, this weekend, we can once again come together and be strengthened by Christ's presence among us in the forgiving, saving, life-giving power of His Word.  One of the responsive dialogues for this coming Sunday says it better than I ever could:

The Lord has sanctified us in the true faith. O come, let us worship Him!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming Sunday, August 2

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Our next outdoor worship service, the Divine Service with Holy Communion, will take place this coming Sunday, August 2 at 9 am.   Rev. Dr. Frank Graves will once again lead us in worship.

A few reminders:

  • To help our elders, ushers and altar guild prepare for the service, please RSVP (for both attendance and communion) by Saturday, August 1 or earlier.  You can RSVP by calling the church office at (616) 363-2553 or by completing the RSVP form on our website.

  • Please feel free to bring water, sunscreen, hats, umbrellas, or anything else you may need to stay hydrated and comfortable. Bottled water will be available on request.

  • Plan to arrive early to park, receive your service folder and give your offering.  You'll have two options for seating, both incorporating social distancing:  

    • Sit in your car with windows down, parking as directed by elders and ushers. (The audio for the service will be broadcast to car radios on 102.7 FM.) Or;

    • Bring portable outdoor seating.

  • The restrooms in the fellowship hall foyer will be open for use as needed.

  • Holy Communion will be distributed as follows:

    • When the usher directs your family to take communion, proceed to the sanitation area and use the hand sanitizer.  Please keep social distance if there is a waiting line formed in this area.

    • When the elder invites you to receive the Lord’s Body, please move to the line in front of the first communion table.  The elder will place the Lord’s Body, for each individual, on a plate.  Move forward and receive the Lord’s Body and move back to the line in front of the second communion table.

    • The pastor will place the individual cups of the Lord’s Blood, for each individual, on the table.  Move forward and receive the Lord’s Blood.  The pastor will dismiss you to return to your seating area.

    • All individuals who are physically able are encouraged to walk forward to receive communion.  Near the end of distribution, communion will be brought to those who request it.

  • In the case of inclement weather, 

    • we will hold an indoor service with limited attendance one hour later, at 10 am..

    • The service will be livestreamed on YouTube at the rescheduled time; video and audio versions will be posted on our website after the service's completion as usual.

    • We will do our best to notify everyone of rescheduling through as many channels as possible (WOOD-TV, WZZM-TV, our website & Facebook page, email, etc.).

If you missed last Sunday's online Adult Bible study, you can watch it on our YouTube channel or on our website. Online Adult Bible studies also continue this coming Sunday; we'll look at Psalm 136.  Many of us probably know the first verse of this Psalm as a table prayer ("Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good ..."), but how else does it remind us of God's steadfast love for His people of all times and places?  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide for Psalm 136 here.

The readings for August 2 track closely with Psalm 136 -- Isaiah calls all to listen diligently to the Lord and eat what is good; to the Roman church, Paul laments the situation of those who reject God's love and prays for their deliverance; and Jesus feeds 5,000+ to end a day of healing and teaching.  As we prepare to gather, I pray that we too will listen diligently to God's Word, receive strength from Christ's Supper, and by the Spirit's power share our certain hope of salvation with the people in our lives.  May God bless and keep you all until then!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Coming July 26

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Our next outdoor worship service of Prayer and Preaching will take place this coming Sunday, July 26 at 9 am.   Rev. Dr. Frank Graves will lead our service and preach.

A few reminders:

  • To help our elders and ushers prepare for the service, please RSVP by Saturday, July 25 or earlier.  You can RSVP by calling the church office at (616) 363-2553 or by completing the RSVP form at Messiah's website.

  • Please feel free to bring water, sunscreen, hats, umbrellas, or anything else you may need to stay hydrated and healthy. Bottled water will be available on request.

  • Please plan to arrive early to park, receive your service folder and give your offering.  You'll have two options for seating, both incorporating social distancing:  

    • Sit in your car with windows down, parking as directed by elders and ushers. (The audio for the service will be broadcast to car radios on 102.7 FM.) 

    • Bring portable outdoor seating.

  • The restrooms in the fellowship hall foyer will be open for use as needed.

  • In the case of inclement weather,

    • we will hold an indoor service with limited attendance one hour later, at 10 am..

    • The service will be livestreamed on YouTube at the rescheduled time; video and audio versions will be posted on our website after the service's completion as usual.

    • We will do our best to notify everyone of rescheduling through as many channels as possible (WOOD-TV, WZZM-TV, our website & Facebook page, email, etc.).

Also, online Adult Bible studies resume this coming Sunday!  Going forward, I'll be taking a look at the appointed Psalm for each week.  On July 26, we'll look at Psalm 125, one of the Songs of Ascents, used as a preparation for temple worship.  What is the picture of God's relationship to his people in this Psalm?  What support, comfort and strength can God's Word bring us in an unstable time, where fear may seem to have the upper hand?  Let's find out together!  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

Once again, I look forward to hearing God's living, active Word with you, then responding to His love with prayer and praise this coming Sunday.  Whatever the highs or lows of our lives right now, I pray that we take heart from the words of this Sunday's Second Reading, from the apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome: "I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39 ESV)

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

An Important Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Yesterday, we had to make quick decisions when thunderstorms moved into our area less than an hour before the scheduled start of our outdoor worship.  Our call was to move the service indoors for a limited number of attendees, also moving the time back an hour to 10 am.   The rescheduled service was livestreamed and is available for you to watch on our Worship Resources page.  We thank you for your patience and understanding.

We are obviously disappointed that we weren't able to say goodbye to Pastor and Linda Blain the way we had hoped.  They left for vacation immediately following yesterday's service, but wanted me to convey their thanks and blessings to all of you. 

Going forward, our plan in case of inclement weather will be as follows:

  • If weather conditions don't allow an outdoor service, we will hold an indoor service with limited attendance one hour later, at 10 am that Sunday.

  • The service will be livestreamed on YouTube at the rescheduled time.

  • We will do our best to notify everyone of rescheduling through as many channels as possible (WOOD-TV, WZZM-TV, our website & Facebook page, email, etc.).

In other news:

  • Our next outdoor service is scheduled for Sunday, July 26 at 9 am.  We thank Rev. Dr. Frank Graves for serving as our worship leader for the next three Sundays!  To help us prepare for the July 26th service, please RSVP by Saturday, July 25 or earlier.  You can do so by calling the church office at (616) 363-2553 or by completing the RSVP form elsewhere on this website.

  • Our Sandy's Tradition lunch group will meet at Woodland Mall's Cheesecake Factory this Thursday, July 23rd at 11:30 am.  Ladies, if you are planning to attend, please let Carol Hull know by Wednesday, July 22.

  • Online Bible studies will resume the weekend of July 25-26, focusing on the appointed Psalm for each Sunday.   Watch for more details later this week.

Thank you once again for your generosity, your support and your prayers as we continue navigating the difficulties of our present time.  As this coming Sunday's Epistle reminds us,  "neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)  May we rest secure in that promise!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant