2 Worship Services Starting Sunday, November 15

Dear Saints of God in Christ Jesus,

Thank you for the overwhelming response to the livestream services Messiah has offered since May and the in-person services we resumed in August. I am grateful that we are able to continue proclaiming and offering forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to you through our Lord’s Word and Sacraments.

However, as in-person attendance has increased in recent weeks, available space in the sanctuary has decreased, to the point that we are no longer able to maintain social distancing between households at a single service. Whenever a group gets together, whatever the location, there is some risk of disease transmission. In light of this, Messiah’s Board of Elders took action at its November meeting. Beginning on Sunday, November 15, Messiah will offer two services per Sunday, at 8:30 and 11:00 am. (Sunday School for Preschool – Grade 2 and LifeLight will be offered at 9:45 am.)

The content of both services will be the same; here are the differences between them.

For the 8:30 am service:

  • Face coverings are required for this service, from when you enter the building to when you leave. If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

  • Advance sign-up will be required for this service. Sign-up options will be available by phone, email and Internet. More details will follow.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews. Designated seating will be clearly marked for “8:30”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

  • After the service, we'll direct worshipers to leave through the side door of the narthex, using the classroom hallway and exiting the building through the exterior doors in the fellowship hall foyer.

For the 11:00 am service:

  • Face coverings are recommended and strongly encouraged for this service. We will gladly provide you with a face mask if you don’t have one.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews; these will be different pew entrances from those used in the previous service. Designated seating will be clearly marked for “11:00”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

  • We are planning to livestream and archive this service on YouTube.

Further details will be finalized and shared with you by this coming Sunday, November 8, when we will hold a single service at 10:00 am, led by Pastor Terry Hoese.

It's my prayer that, through these two services and updated procedures, we can continue to receive God's good gifts and respond with our prayers and praise, while also caring for each other's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and respecting each other's point of view. We continue in difficult, tumultuous times, but we are called and empowered to rely on the Lord, our light and our salvation, deepening our trust in Him and letting Jesus Christ's perfect love cast our fear. Please feel free to contact me, your elder or any member of the Board of Elders if you have questions or concerns.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant