Indoor Worship Sunday, August 9 - and more!

Dear Fellow Saints of God in Christ Jesus,

At their regular meeting last night, Messiah’s Board of Elders approved holding indoor services on Sundays at 10 am, beginning this Sunday, August 9 The Elders took this action based on the exemption of places of religious worship, their owners and those who attend religious worship from the State of Michigan's executive orders on gatherings currently in force.  (See section 14 of Executive Order 20-160.)

Working together with Pastor Peterson, the Elders also recognized Messiah's continuing duty to conduct religious services in a safe and prudent manner during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  Thus, the Elders have updated the Guidelines for Re-Introduction of Worship and Education.  You can read the complete updated Guidelines online; details from and based on them follow below.

What general Centers for Disease Control guidelines apply to us at Messiah?

  • Stay home when you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

    • Take your temperature and verify that it is below 100.4°F.

  • Maintain minimum 6-foot social distancing and avoid people who are sick. 

  • Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces, handrails, and doors.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze. Discard soiled tissues at home.

  • Wearing of face covering (mask, scarf, or bandana) is recommended, but not required.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.

How will we maintain 6-foot distancing between family units?

  • We will sit on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew. 

    • “No Seating” signs will be placed to assist with spacing.

    • Family units will space themselves 6 feet apart (approximately 3 people) from other family units. 

  • Attendees will be released in family groups from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service by the Elder.  For now, please greet each other outdoors following the service.

How will we minimize cross-contamination?

  • Offering plates and fellowship pads will not be passed. Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • The entire service will be printed in the bulletin. Congregants should take bulletins with them for reference, then recycle or discard at home.

  • Volunteers will attend the outside door for entry and exit. Inner doors will be left open. 

  • No handshakes or hugs. 

  • No food or coffee will be served after worship for now; kitchen remains closed. 

  • Restrooms in Main Building will be open for use. Water fountains will remain out of service. 

  • The Nursery remains closed.

  • Holy Communion will be brought to family groups in their pews by the Pastor and Elders.  More details will follow next week.

A few other details:

  • Because Messiah's activities outside of religious worship services are still subject to the State of Michigan's executive orders (10 people or less for indoor gatherings), Adult Bible Class will continue to be posted on our YouTube channel for now; watch for our next session on Psalm 18:1-6 this coming Sunday.  Plans regarding other classes, meetings and events will be forthcoming.

  • RSVPs are no long needed to attend services.  Thanks to all of you who helped make the RSVP process work smoothly during our time outdoors.

  • Worship service video will continue to be livestreamed and archived on YouTube.

  • Worship service audio will continue to be recorded and uploaded to

  • The Board of Elders will continue to explore alternative delivery methods, especially for those at risk during the ongoing pandemic.  If you are interested in a small service for high-risk individuals that would be offered on Monday mornings, please contact me or Pastor Peterson.

But wait, there's more ...

Last night, Pastor Peterson informed us that the Michigan District has completed our latest pastoral call list; we should be receiving copies later this week.  Call Committee chairman Mark Altemann will be organizing the committee for the upcoming round of our discernment process. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to the pastor our heavenly Father has already chosen for us, to lead us in the mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Thanks once again for your continued support of Messiah's ministry through your prayers and gifts, and for your patience as we have worked through the issues and obstacles that stood in the way of indoor worship.  I am grateful that, this weekend, we can once again come together and be strengthened by Christ's presence among us in the forgiving, saving, life-giving power of His Word.  One of the responsive dialogues for this coming Sunday says it better than I ever could:

The Lord has sanctified us in the true faith. O come, let us worship Him!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant