Pastoral Call update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Rev. Paul Doellinger has declined our call to serve as pastor at Messiah.  An extended excerpt from his October 17 letter to us follows below.

"After earnest and careful deliberation and consideration, many prayers, discussions with brothers in the ministry, and the support and counsel of my wife, I have decided to respectfully return the call to Messiah." 

"This is undoubtedly one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make. I have been absolutely torn while considering this call. There are many things about Messiah that are extremely striking. The Lord has blessed you with a rich, vibrant community of saints, and has endowed you with many gifts. You are a warm, loving family of believers with strong and capable leadership, [and] a top-notch preschool and director ... Your welcome, hospitality, openness, patience, and conscientiousness with me and my family during this time of deliberation has been exceptional and humbling. I can assure you that my decision has nothing to do with any deficiency on your part, nor are there any concerns or “red flags” that compelled me to stay in Cassopolis. In the end, my reason for staying has to do with timing for our family and continuing and completing the ministry and undertakings that I am currently engaged in at St. Paul."

"I know that this letter is disappointing, as you have fervently and patiently waited for the Lord to send you a pastor and shepherd. I will continue to pray that God will grant a servant of the Word in your midst, and I am fully confident that when that man arrives, you will abundantly support and care for him and his family, as you have all of your pastors."

We thank Pastor Doellinger for his prayerful consideration of our call.  We pray for God's blessings on him, his family, and those he currently serves at Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Cassopolis, Michigan.

Messiah's Call Committee met last night to consider the next steps in the call process, in consultation with Pastor Peterson.  Members of Messiah, please keep an eye out for updates by email and in the November newsletter regarding our next special Voters Meeting. 

In the meantime, we ask that all of you continue to keep our Church Council, call committee, staff and membership in your prayers.  Again we turn to Lutheran Service Book to provide a model for our personal prayers:

O gracious Heavenly Father, You instituted the office of the public ministry, and instructed Your Church to call ministers to proclaim Your Word and faithfully administer Your Sacraments.  Bless the Rev. Paul Doellinger and his family, as he continues Your ministry in Cassopolis. 

Grant to us the continued guidance of Your Holy Spirit, along with patience, humility and trust in You.  Have mercy on us and help us to call a suitable pastor according to Your will and timing, for the blessing of Your Church in this place. 

Give us grace to trust You during this time of widespread distress. In mercy put an end to the epidemic that afflicts this nation and the world. Grant relief to those who suffer from COVID-19, from other illnesses, from natural disasters, or from unemployment; comfort all that mourn or struggle. Sustain all government and medical personnel in their labors, and cause Your people ever to serve You in righteousness and holiness.  Grant Your peace to our world, our nation and our community.

Hear us for the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Jonathan Chaffer, President
Mark Altemann, Chairman, Call Committee