Coming Sunday, September 20 - and beyond ...

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

We'll once again be praying and singing the Divine Service this coming Sunday, September 20 at 10 am.  Rev. Dieter Haupt will again lead us in worship and bring us God's Word & Sacrament.

Continuing thanks for all your help conducting our indoor services in a prudent way that minimizes risk.  You can help us keep going by:

  • Staying home if you are sick or have underlying medical conditions.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing as follows:

    • Sitting on both sides of the sanctuary, with family groups alternating at the ends of every other pew.  "No Seating" signs have been placed to assist with spacing.  Family groups should space themselves 6 feet (approximately 3 people) apart from other family groups.

    • Holy Communion will be brought to you in the pews by the pastor and elders (who will be masked and gloved).  Please plan to stand as able when they approach your seat, receiving the body of Christ in your open hand, then taking an individual cup from the tray to receive the blood of Christ (you'll return to cup to an usher immediately after you commune).

    • Please leave in family groups starting from the rear of the Sanctuary at the end of the service.  For now, please greet each other outdoors following the service.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which are recommended though not required.  Masks are available at the Welcome Center.

  • Offerings can be given electronically or will be taken at the sanctuary door. 

  • Watching or listening to our worship service video (livestreamed and archived on YouTube) if you cannot attend.

Our next online Adult Bible study will be available on Sunday as well!  We’ll look at Psalm 27, where David proclaims God’s goodness and prays for His continuing help.   What “one thing” did David ask of the Lord — and how can we receive the same gift?  Why can we be confident that the Lord will hear and protect us?  The study will be posted on our YouTube channel Sunday morning by 8:30 am, for viewing at the best time for you.  You can get a head start by downloading a study guide from our Bible Studies webpage.

In addition, our Lifelight studies for fall are starting up; please note that currently, per Executive Order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 10 people and face coverings are mandatory.  There are three different studies to choose from:

  • Revelation, led by Shirley Hoese on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am. This class began on September 15th, but space is still available!

  • Luke, led by Dan Bohlinger on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm, starting September 23rd

  • Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, in the north classrooms (27 & 28), starting October 4th.  BYOB (bring your own beverage).

Finally, remember that our Yard Sale will be held this Friday, September 18 at 4-8 pm and Saturday, September 19 at 9 am - 2 pm, with proceeds to benefit upcoming projects at Messiah.


This coming Sunday, our readings unpack the theme of God's generosity to us -- in the free pardon offered to the people of Israel by Isaiah, in Paul telling Philippian Christians how even his imprisonment serves to advance the gospel of salvation, in Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard.  I look forward to receiving the Lord's generous gifts of Word and Sacrament and celebrating His boundless goodness with you!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant