July 3rd Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Due to the events of this past week, this update comes a bit later than usual.  Thanks so much for your support of last week's Vacation Bible School; you can view a gallery of selected photos here.

Thanks as well for your prayers and Christian care for the families of Jack Keller and Mary Ann Snell in the aftermath of their passing.  Click here for details about funeral arrangements for Jack; please note that Jack's funeral service will be livestreamed, and that a dessert reception in Messiah's fellowship hall will follow the service.  Click here for details about funeral arrangements for Mary Ann.

With the Fourth of July weekend already upon us, we hope that the reminders below of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service at Messiah will be helpful for you. 


  • We continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays.  Bible Class is held beforehand at 9:00 am.  Sunday Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

  • We will also hold Divine Service on Monday nights at 7:00 pm through August 26th.

Our July newsletter is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these and other events:

  • NEW!  Lutherans in Fellowship Together (LIFT) meet this Sunday, July 7th after the Divine Service.  Join us as we brainstorm for upcoming fellowship and service events!

  • Life Team Service Project next Wednesday, July 10th, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Join us as we volunteer at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids' Support Center (on 28th Street in Wyoming)!  Sign up at the Welcome Center or in Bible Class; contact Arlene Mansfield for details. 

  • Our monthly Lutheran Confessions Study will be held next Thursday, July 11th at 10:00 am and Thursday, August 1st at 10:00 am.  Contact Pastor Hoese for more information.

  • Urdu Worship Service Saturday, July 20th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend.

  • Community Picnic Sunday, August 25th following the Divine Service, sponsored by the Board of Outreach.  Watch for more details and volunteer sign-ups beginning Sunday, July 14th!

And look for our next email update toward the end of July . . . 

Yours in Christ,
Rick Krueger

God does not work in vain. Christ did not die and rise in vain. The Holy Spirit does not work faith in us in vain. The Father did not create us in vain. God does not love us in vain. He does not change, His will is done, His plan does not fail, His institution, the one, true, eternal church, the body of all believers, does not fail or crumble.

Every change we see and experience all leads in one direction, each day brings us closer to Christ’s return and a new heaven and a new earth, and eternity with God and all our brothers and sisters in the faith. That kingdom, that place, that people, are all built upon our rock, Christ. So yes, we live in uncertain times, but like a book that has already been written, we know how this story ends. All ends with the end of uncertainty, the end of vanity, the end of sin and death, and in the place of all that, we receive life everlasting with our Rock, our Redeemer, our Savior, amen.

Your brother in Christ,        
Pastor Eric

MaryAnn Snell, 1946-2024

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

Our sister in Christ MaryAnn Snell was called home to be with our Lord on Sunday, June 30th, 2024, at the age of 78. MaryAnn became a member of Messiah in 1976; she served as Messiah's choir accompanist for many years, and was faithful in worship until she was no longer able to attend regularly, due to illness.

We mourn MaryAnn's passing with her sister Marlene Anderson, her daughters Sonya Roach & Karla Finn, and all of her family and friends.  But we also rejoice that MaryAnn is free from her earthly sufferings, and is now in the presence of her Savior Jesus Christ, awaiting the resurrection of the body on the last day.

The funeral service for MaryAnn will be held at Messiah on Saturday, July 13th at 11:00 am, with visitation beforehand beginning at 9:30 am.  A luncheon will be held in Messiah’s fellowship hall immediately after the service, followed by the committal at Fairplains Cemetery in Grand Rapids.  MaryAnn's complete obituary will be available at Reyers North Valley Chapel's website soon.

Please keep all those who knew and loved MaryAnn in your prayers in the coming days; feel free to use the prayer below as a model.

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth and giver of life, we thank You for all the mercies You granted to our sister MaryAnn during her earthly life, especially for calling her to faith in Jesus Christ. Comfort Marlene, Sonya, Karla and all the survivors who mourn MaryAnn's death with the hope of the glorious resurrection and a joyful reunion in heaven. Keep us mindful that we are mortal so that we will ever be prepared to die in the faith and finally receive the glory promised to all who trust in Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Yours in Him,

Pastor Eric Black & Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church

Jack Keller, 1952-2024

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

Our brother in Christ Jack Keller was called home to be with our Lord on Thursday, June 26th, 2024, at the age of 72. Jack was confirmed and became a member of Messiah in 1985, joining along with his fiancée Sheryl Forwood.  Jack & Sheryl were married at Messiah later that year and have been faithful and active in worship and service ever since.

We grieve over Jack's passing with Sheryl, their children Brent and Brittany, and all of his family and friends.  But we are also grateful that Jack is free from his earthly sufferings, and is now in the presence of his Savior Jesus Christ, awaiting the resurrection of the body on the last day.

Jack's memorial service will be held at Messiah on Monday, July 8th at 11:00 am; for those unable to attend, it will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook. The family will greet members and guests beginning at 10:00 am; a dessert reception will follow the service in Messiah’s fellowship hall. Visitation will also be held on Sunday, July 7th, from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Reyers North Valley Chapel, 2815 Fuller Road NE in Grand Rapids.   Click here to view Jack's complete obituary online.

Please keep all those who knew and loved Jack in your prayers in the coming days; feel free to use the prayer below as a model.

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth and giver of life, we thank You for all the mercies You granted to our brother Jack during his earthly life, especially for calling him to faith in Jesus Christ. Comfort Sheryl, Brent, Brittany and all the survivors who mourn Jack's death with the hope of the glorious resurrection and a joyful reunion in heaven. Keep us mindful that we are mortal so that we will ever be prepared to die in the faith and finally receive the glory promised to all who trust in Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Yours in Him,

Pastor Eric Black & Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church

May 30th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

With the Easter season, Ascension, Pentecost Sunday and the feast of the Holy Trinity past, we now move into The Time of The Church (also known as the Sundays after Pentecost).  In the weeks between now and the end of the Church Year in November, our Divine Services will focus on the saving words and works of Jesus, as unfolded in the gospels of Mark and John.  In June, readings from various Old Testament books and Paul's 2nd epistle to the Corinthians (also currently being studied in Bible Class) will complement our ongoing journey through our Savior's earthly life!

Even as summer begins and many of us enjoy travel and vacation, we hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service at Messiah will be helpful for you! 



  • From now through August, we'll continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays.  Bible Class is held beforehand at 9:00 am.  Sunday Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

  • We will also hold Divine Service on Monday nights at 7:00 pm from June 3rd through August 26th.

Our June newsletter is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these and other events:

  • Urdu Worship Service Saturday, June 15th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • High School Graduate Recognition Sunday, June 23rd at the end of the Divine Service.

  • Vacation Bible School Monday - Friday, June 24th - 28th from 9:00 to 11:45 am.  This year's theme is Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy!  Registration and volunteer sign-ups are under way; contact VBS coordinator Steve Ledbetter for details.  Click here to register children.

  • Community Picnic Sunday, August 25th following the Divine Service, sponsored by the Board of Outreach.  Watch for more details and volunteer sign-ups in July!

As we see Sunday after Sunday of green, remember that the most ordinary time of the church year is still extraordinary for us mere mortals, because every Sunday is a celebration of the resurrection, and that our mortality will put on immortality. Hear the Word of God, receive the body and blood of Christ, worship your Savior alongside your brothers and sisters of Christ, none of which can adequately be described as ordinary. So, as we head into June, God watch over all those who travel, give thanks for all of His countless blessings, and never tire of receiving the gifts of God as part of His people, the church.  Amen.

Pastor Eric

April 26th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

As the Easter season continues, we get closer by the day to celebrating the Ascension of Our Lord and The Day of Pentecost; these festivals wrap up the Church Year's remembrance of Jesus' earthly life and saving work.  We hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful for you! 


  • Throughout May, we continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays.  Bible Class is held beforehand at 9:00 am, as Pastor Eric leads us through Paul's letters to the Corinthians.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

  • www.youtube.com/messiahgr

  • Our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/messiahgr

  • The most recent service is viewable on our website's front page, www.messiahgr.org

In addition to Sunday Bible Class, Dan Bohlinger and Pastor Hoese will continue leading a LifeLightstudy ofJames and Jude on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm throughout May.  Click here to learn more about this class.

On Thursday, May 9th, our brothers and sisters in Christ from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Rockford will join us here at Messiah to celebrateThe Ascension of Our Lord! A ham dinner will be served in the fellowship hall at 6:00 pm, followed by the service at 7:00 pm.  Pastor Eric will preside, and Pastor Jason Peterson will preach; a joint choir led by St. Peter's retiring music director Julie Busen will provide anthems and musical leadership. The service will also be livestreamed as above.

At their April meeting, the Board of Elders set Messiah’s summer worship schedule. From Sunday, May 26th (Memorial Day weekend) through Sunday, September 1st (Labor Day weekend), we'll continue with the Sunday schedule as above. Monday night services will also be held from Monday, June 3rd through Monday, August 26th at 7:00 pm.

Our May newsletter is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these and other events:

  • Family Game Night Saturday, May 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, sponsored by Lutherans in Fellowship Together.  Contact Dave or Tammy Ahrens for details.  

  • The Mother's Day Flower Basket Sale, sponsored by the Board of Outreach and Messiah's Life Team, is now complete!   Thanks to all who placed orders; they will be available to pick up at church on Sunday, May 5th.  Contact Arlene Mansfield for details. Proceeds will benefit the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids.

  • Urdu Worship Service Saturday, May 19th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • Vacation Bible School Monday - Friday, June 24th - 28th from 9:00 to 11:45 am.  This year's theme is Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy!  Registration and volunteer sign-ups will begin in May; contact VBS coordinator Steve Ledbetter for details.  Click here to register children beginning on May 1st.

Rick Krueger

We know Christ is the good Shepherd of course, but many times He also refers to His work in terms of gardening, pruning, harvesting and so on.  In the beginning that is what creation was, a garden, a paradise, empty of weeds, full of work that was never toilsome, everything grew, everything was full of life, and it will be again.  In this hope we get to live, and this hope is what we get to share.

So, although May is a busy month, full of changes, graduations, transition to summer and so forth, including in the church itself, remember in all things Christ is ever leading us closer to Him.  And as we listen, as we read His Word, worship together and receive His gifts, pray without ceasing, remember many do not have what we have been given.  Who will tell them, “Alleluia!  Christ is risen!” if not the church?  It’s not that we have to, but we get to, sharing the same faith, hope, and love, that will see us into eternity through our risen Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pastor Eric

April 15th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

As we continue in what the Church has historically called the Great Fifty Days, the time of jubilation between Easter Sunday and the Day of Pentecost, we hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful for you! 



  • Throughout April and May, we continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

  • www.youtube.com/messiahgr

  • Our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/messiahgr

  • The most recent service is viewable on our website's front page, www.messiahgr.org

    • Bulletins formatted for use with our livestream are available for downloading and/or printing at home. These are posted at least two days before each service at www.messiahgr.org/worship-resources

    • Readings and hymns for each service are also listed in the informational note found on the same web pages as our livestreams.

In addition to Sunday Bible Class, Dan Bohlinger and Pastor Hoese are leading a LifeLight study ofJames and Jude on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm;sign up at the Welcome Center.  Click here to learn more about this class.

OnThursday, May 9th,our brothers and sisters in Christ from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Rockford will join us here at Messiah to celebrateThe Ascension of Our Lord! A meal will be served in the fellowship hall at 6:00 pm, followed by the service at7:00 pm.  Pastor will preside, and Pastor Jason Peterson will preach; a joint choir led by St. Peter's retiring music director Julie Busen will provide anthems and musical leadership. The service will also be livestreamed as above.

At their April meeting, the Board of Elders set Messiah’s summer worship schedule. FromSunday, May 26th (Memorial Day weekend) through Sunday, September 1st (Labor Day weekend), we'll continue with the Sunday schedule as above. Monday night services will also be held from Monday, June 3rd through Monday, August 26th at 7:00 pm.

Check the current and upcoming newsletters and our weekly announcements (accessible on our website's news page) for details on these and other events:

  • NEW!  Mother's Day Flower Basket Sale, sponsored by the Board of Outreach and Messiah's Life Team.  Proceeds will benefit the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids.  Orders can be placed through this Thursday, April 18th; contact Arlene Mansfield for details.  Order forms are available at the Welcome Center and the church office. 

  • Parent Enrichment Night for church and preschool families this Thursday, April 18th at 6:00 pm.  Pizza, playtime and a presentation by Pastor Eric on God's Gift of Prayer.  Everyone is welcome!  More details from Pastor are below; sign up at this link.

  • Spring Clean-Up Day Saturday, April 20th from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, sponsored by the Board of Trustees.

  • Urdu Worship Service Saturday, April 20th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • Prayer Pals Gathering Sunday, April 21st at 6:00 pm.  Contact Deb Krueger for details about this biannual women's event.

  • NEW!  Family Game Night Saturday, May 4th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, sponsored by Lutherans in Fellowship Together.  Contact Dave or Tammy Ahrens for details.

  • NEW!  Vacation Bible School Monday - Friday, June 24th - 28th from 9:00 to 11:45 am.  This year's theme is Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy!  Registration and volunteer sign-ups will begin in May; contact VBS coordinator Steve Ledbetter for details.

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

There is nothing quite like being a mother or a father, grandma or grandpa. We want what is best for our children and grandchildren, we want to shower them with love, we want them to know the love of God.

However, these very desires often lead us to worry endlessly about their future, or drive us to hover and micro manage in an attempt to guarantee their safety, or just conjure up that constant nagging question ‘Am I a good enough parent?’

In a world full of uncertainties, as parents and grandparents, where can we turn and what can we do for those we love the most? In prayer, we get to turn to the one person who loves our children more than we do, and the one person who can do more for our sons and daughters than we can.

My wife Allison and I would love it if you could join us on this coming Thursday, April 18th from 6:00 - 7:15 pmfor pizza, playtime for kids, and some time to share howGod’s Gift of Prayercan bring us closer to our children and grandkids, help us in our role as parents and grandparents, and deliver us peace during turbulent times. You can RSVP at this link.  I hope to see you there!

Pastor Eric

March 27th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

As we continue our Holy Week journey, looking to Easter Sunday and beyond, we hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful for you!.  

Our Holy Week schedule is as follows: 

  • Maundy Thursday, March 28th Divine Service at 7:00 pm (also livestreamed). 

  • Good Friday, March 29thChief Service at 11:00 am; Service of Darkness (Tenebrae) at 7:00 pm. (The 7:00 pm service will be livestreamed.)

  • Saturday, March 30th - Family Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00 am, followed by a Preschool Open House at 11:00 am.  We do have a backup plan for the Egg Hunt in case of inclement weather.

  • Easter Sunday, March 31st -- Divine Services will be held at 7:30 and 10:00 am. (The 10:00 am service will be livestreamed.) Our annual Easter Breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall between services.  There will be no Bible Class on Easter Sunday.


  • Throughout April, we'll continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at www.youtube.com/messiahgr

  • Our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/messiahgr

  • The most recent service is viewable on our website's front page, www.messiahgr.org

    • Bulletins formatted for use with our livestream are available for downloading and/or printing at home. These are posted at least two days before each service at www.messiahgr.org/worship-resources

    • Readings and hymns for each service are also listed in the informational note found on the same web pages as our livestreams.

In addition to Sunday Bible Class, Dan Bohlinger and Pastor Hoese will lead a LifeLight study of James and Jude, beginning Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:00 pm; sign up at the Welcome Center.  Click here to learn more about this class.

Our April newsletter is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these and other events:

  • Lutheran Women's Missionary League Rapid Waters Zone Rally Saturday, April 13th, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm at Messiah. Erin Mackenzie, missionary to Latin American and Caribbean countries, will be the guest speaker.  Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Linda Blain for details.

  • NEW!  Parent Enrichment Night for church and preschool families on Thursday, April 18th at 6:00 pm.  Pizza, playtime and a presentation by Pastor Eric on God's Gift of Prayer.  Everyone is welcome!

  • NEW!  Spring Clean-Up Day Saturday, April 20th from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, sponsored by the Board of Trustees.

  • NEW!  Faith, Family and Our Future, Saturday, April 20th from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church in Cascade Township. This convocation of the Grand Rapids LCMS Circuits will feature Rev. Gary Zieroth speaking on "Spiritual Warfare and Mental Illness," plus breakout sessions of interest to single people, couples and parents. Click here for more information and free online registration (the registration deadline is Wednesday, April 10th).

  • Urdu Worship Service Saturday, April 20th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • NEW!  Prayer Pals Gathering Sunday, April 21st at 6:00 pm.  Contact Deb Krueger for information regarding this biannual women's event.

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

FROM PASTOR ERIC (from the April newsletter):
Because Christ is risen, all that is good, true, and beautiful, all those who have gone before us in the faith, and all those who will come after, all of creation, from a single blade of grass, to the most distant asteroid hurling through space, all will be part of the new heaven and earth. A creation restored, a creation freed from death, a creation full of life that never ends, a creation gathered around its Savior.

And if this is true, then what could we possibly suffer, lose, or endure that would ever matter more than this gospel? Every sin forgiven, every disease healed, every word of anger forgotten, every fear overcome, every loss restored, every doubt answered, every hope fulfilled in Christ. Even death itself is now transformed for us, from a destination full of fear and uncertainty, to a place of rest, of peace, a place to wait for Christ’s triumphal call. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Go ahead and answer. And since He is risen, so shall we, amen.

Pastor Eric

March 14th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

As March moves on, we come closer to the turning point of the Church Year - Holy Week & Easter!  In this core season of our walking together with Christ, we hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful.

Our Lenten midweek services conclude Wednesday, March 20th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.  The 7:00 pm service will also be livestreamed at www.youtube.com/messiahgr and www.facebook.com/messiahgr; then viewable on our Worship Resources webpage for two weeks.  

The March 20th services will meditate on Worship, Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving to God as one of The Marks of the Church.  PLEASE NOTE: There will be a Fish Fry (with french fries, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese, and desserts) before the evening service at 6:00 pm, presented by the Board of Elders.

Our Holy Week schedule is as follows: 

  • Maundy Thursday, March 28th Divine Service at 7:00 pm (also livestreamed).  Sign up at the Welcome Center to help with the traditional Stripping of the Altar.

  • Good Friday, March 29th – Chief Service at 11:00 am; Service of Darkness (Tenebrae) at 7:00 pm. (The 7:00 pm service will be livestreamed.)

  • Easter Sunday, March 31st -- Divine Services will be held at 7:30 and 10:00 am. (The 10:00 am service will be livestreamed.) Our annual Easter Breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall between services.  There will be no Bible Class on Easter Sunday.


  • On March 17th & 24th and throughout April, we continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

  • www.youtube.com/messiahgr

  • Our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/messiahgr

  • The most recent service is viewable on our website's front page, www.messiahgr.org

    • Bulletins formatted for use with our livestream are available for downloading and/or printing at home. These are posted at least two days before each service at www.messiahgr.org/worship-resources

    • Readings and hymns for each service are also listed in the informational note found on the same web pages as our livestreams.

Our weekly Bible studies also continue:

  • Shirley Hoese leads a LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets on Tuesdays at 10:30 am.  Click here to learn more about this class.

  • Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) meets on Wednesdays at 9:45 am, wrapping up its discussion of God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

  • Dan Bohlinger and Pastor Hoese will lead a LifeLight study of James and Jude, beginning Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:00 pm; sign up at the Welcome Center.  Click here to learn more about this class.

Checkour weekly announcements and the March newsletter for details on these and other events:

  • Our annual Lenten Prayer Breakfast this Saturday, March 16th at 9:30 am.  Call the church office for last-minute reservations.

  • Urdu Worship Service this Saturday, March 16th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are being held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • Bowling this Sunday, March 17th at 3:00 pm.

  • Palm Cross Making Saturday, March 23rd at 9:00 am. All ages welcome!  Sign up at the Welcome Center.

  • Messiah's annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Board of Outreach, is set for Saturday, March 30th at 10:00 am. Sign-ups for volunteers and donations, along with publicity materials for you to share, are now available at the Welcome Center.  Families can RSVP for the Egg Hunt online by clicking here!

  • NEW!  Lutheran Women's Missionary League Rapid Waters Zone Rally Saturday, April 13th, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm at Messiah. Erin Mackenzie, missionary to Latin American and Caribbean countries, will be the guest speaker.  Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Linda Blain for details.

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Holy Week is just around the corner.  Here at Messiah, at sister Lutheran churches across the synod, and indeed with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world, all who are part of the body of Christ prepare for His triumphal entry, the institution of the Lord’s Supper, His betrayal and trial, His crucifixion and death, and of course His glorious resurrection.  Amongst all the busy preparations, I pray we never lose sight of the cross and what it means for each of us individually, and all of us together, as the church.  Once again, we will hear of the love of God for you, His sacrifice for you, His victory for you.  A victory that we will celebrate on Easter, but also a victory that we get to find joy, peace, and hope in, every day of our lives, amen.

Pastor Eric

February 29th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

As February becomes March and winter begins its journey toward spring ,we hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful for you! 

Our Lenten midweek services continue through Wednesday, March 20th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.  Each Wednesday's 7:00 pm service will also be livestreamed at www.youtube.com/messiahgr and www.facebook.com/messiahgr; afterward they will be viewable on our Worship Resources webpage for two weeks.

The theme of this year's Lenten midweek services is The Marks of the Church; our remaining services will meditate on Confession and Absolution, The Office of the Ministry and Worship, Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving to God.  Senior Choir will sing at the evening service on March 6th; we are also delighted to welcome young instrumentalists Julia Meyette and Coby Hoese for the evening service on March 13th!

PLEASE NOTE: There will be a Fish Fry (with french fries, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese, and desserts) before the evening service on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00 pm, presented by the Board of Elders.

Our Holy Week schedule will be as follows: 

  • Maundy Thursday, March 28th Divine Service at 7:00 pm (also livestreamed).  Sign up at the Welcome Center to help with the traditional Stripping of the Altar.

  • Good Friday, March 29th – Chief Service at 11:00 am; Service of Darkness (Tenebrae) at 7:00 pm. (The 7:00 pm service will be livestreamed.)

  • Easter Sunday, March 31st -- Divine Services will be held at 7:30 and 10:00 am. (The 10:00 am service will be livestreamed.) Our annual Easter Breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall between services.  There will be no Bible Class on Easter Sunday.


  • We continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

  • www.youtube.com/messiahgr

  • Our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/messiahgr

  • The most recent service is viewable on our website's front page, www.messiahgr.org

    • Bulletins formatted for use with our livestream are available for downloading and/or printing at home. These are posted at least two days before each service at www.messiahgr.org/worship-resources

    • Readings and hymns for each service are also listed in the informational note found on the same web pages as our livestreams.

Our weekly Bible studies also continue:

  • Shirley Hoese leads a LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets throughout March on Tuesdays at 10:30 am.  Click here to learn more about this class.

  • Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) is meeting on Wednesdays at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

  • NEW! Dan Bohlinger and Pastor Hoese will lead a LifeLight study of James and Jude, beginning Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:00 pmClick here to learn more about this class.

Our March newsletter is now online!Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check our weekly announcements and the March newsletter for details on these and other events:

  • Bowling Sunday, March 3rd &17th at 3:00 pm.

  • NEW! Daylight Savings Time begins on March 10th; set your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday, March 9th!

  • Our annual Lenten Prayer Breakfast Saturday, March 16th at 9:30 am.  Sign up at the Welcome Center or by calling the church office.

  • Urdu Worship Service Saturday, March 16th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Urdu services are being held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • NEW! Palm Cross Making Saturday, March 23rd at 9:00 am. All ages welcome!  Sign up at the Welcome Center.

  • Messiah's annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Board of Outreach, is set for Saturday, March 30th at 10:00 am. Sign-ups for volunteers and donations, along with publicity materials for you to share, are now available at the Welcome Center.  Families can RSVP for the Egg Hunt online by clicking here!

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

FROM PASTOR ERIC (excerpted from the March newsletter)
I wrestled with the topic of this article as March this year is mostly dominated by Lent, but ends with Easter! Repentance, the midweek focus on the marks of the church, the resurrection, so many choices! After much prayer and thought, I went with the only logical conclusion, Transfiguration! ...

The church in the 1400s was watching steeples literally torn down, churches turned to mosques, their world looked like it was falling apart, and in a single battle between two kingdoms, they saw hope in that victory of arms, and tied the glory of Christ to that worldly victory. But the move of Transfiguration to right before Lent, right before the season of denial, of testing, of temptation, of wrestling with the world and with ourselves, strips away any trust in worldly glory. We go through Lent not hoping in ourselves, but clinging to the glory of Christ and His promise that by grace alone, through faith alone, He saves us. We enter Lent already clothed in that robe of glory that we do not deserve. We are besieged by disease, by broken relationships, by temptations of every stripe, by pride, by apathy, by sin, by death, and yet this robe, this righteousness, Christ Himself, is our mighty fortress, our good shepherd, our conquering king. This glory of Christ, this is what awaits us at the end of our Lenten journey, and the end of our journey here on this side of heaven. Secure in His victory we press on toward the empty tomb, and life of the world to come, amen.

Pastor Eric

Mike Mull, 1943-2024

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

Our brother in Christ Mike Mull was called home to be with our Lord on Thursday, February 23rd, 2024, at the age of 80. Mike was confirmed and became a member of Messiah in 2018; when he was no longer able to regularly attend worship due to his illness, he was grateful for his ongoing contacts with Messiah's pastors and members.

We mourn with Mike's wife Pat, and with all of his family and friends at his passing.  But we also rejoice that Mike is free from his earthly sufferings, and is now in the presence of his Savior Jesus Christ, awaiting the resurrection of the body on the last day.

Mike's funeral service will be held at Messiah Monday, March 4th at 12:00 noon with visitation beforehand beginning at 10:00 am and a luncheon following the service. (Please note the change of service time from previous announcements.)  Click here to view Mike's obituary online. 

Please keep all those who knew and loved Mike in your prayers in the coming days; feel free to use the prayer below as a model.

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth and giver of life, we thank You for all the mercies You granted to our brother Mike during his earthly life, especially for calling him to faith in Jesus Christ. Comfort Pat and all the survivors who mourn Mike's death with the hope of the glorious resurrection and a joyful reunion in heaven. Keep us mindful that we are mortal so that we will ever be prepared to die in the faith and finally receive the glory promised to all who trust in Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church

February 13 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Halfway through February, we're already on the verge of contemplating our Lord Jesus Christ's suffering, death and resurrection during the season of Lent. We hope that these reminders of upcoming opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful for you! 

Our Lenten midweek services return tomorrow - Ash Wednesday, February 14th at 11:00 am & 7:00 pm.  Ash Wednesday services will include the Imposition of Ashes for those who desire it, along with Holy Communion. Midweek services of Prayer & Preaching will also be held on Wednesday, February 21st through Wednesday, March 20th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.  Each Wednesday's 7:00 pm service will also be livestreamed at www.youtube.com/messiahgr and www.facebook.com/messiahgr; afterward they will be viewable on our Worship Resources webpage.

The theme of this year's Lenten midweek services will be The Marks of the Church; check out Pastor Eric's article below for more info!

PLEASE NOTE: There will be a Lasagna Dinner (with salads and desserts) before the evening service on Wednesday, February 28th at 6:00 pm, presented by the Board of Trustees.

We continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

Our weekly Bible studies also continue:

  • Shirley Hoese leads a  LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets throughout February and March on Tuesdays at 10:30 am.  Click here to learn more about this class.

  • Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) is meeting on Wednesdays at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

Check our weekly announcements and February newsletter(available here online)for details on these events:

  • Bowling Sunday, February 18th at 3:00 pm.

  • NEW! Urdu Worship Service Saturday, February 24th at 5:00 pm.  Led by Pastor Afzal Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following.  Beginning on March 16th, Urdu services will be held on the third Saturday of each month at that time.  Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!

  • NEW!  Our annual Lenten Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, March 16th at 9:30 am.

  • NEW!  Messiah's annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Board of Outreach, is set for Saturday, March 30th at 10:00 am. Sign-ups for volunteers and donation, along with publicity materials for you to share, will be available soon at the Welcome Center. 

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

As I make my way up and down US-131 through the city, amongst the office buildings, apartments, and all the rest, the unmistakable appearance of a handful of church steeples always draws my gaze.  On Ash Wednesday, I imagine those churches, including Messiah, will mark the beginning of Lent and Christ’s journey towards the cross and the empty tomb.  For most people it will just be another Wednesday.  Those outside the church might see some people gathering for worship, they might see some people with odd bits of ash on their arms or foreheads, in the coming weeks they might see more advertisements for fish on Fridays, and this might leave them with questions, including a pretty basic one, ‘What is the Church?’ 

For us it might seem almost silly to ask, but nowadays, in a time of shifting foundations, how we answer this question, "What truly makes the churchThe Church?" has never been more important.  But this is certainly not the first and only time this question has come up.  Throughout our midweek Lenten services, we will be looking atThe Marks of the Church, as Luther put it.  Where these are found, there the Church is.  From the birth of the Church on, these marks have always been present, and thus clearly mark out what we are, and who we are, all beginning with the Word of God.  United in Christ, brought together in His Church, I pray this Lenten season draws you ever closer to your Savior, who died and rose for you,  Amen.

Pastor Eric

January 29 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Thanks to everyone who has made the last two weeks (including Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the installation of Pastor Eric Black and Lutheran Schools Sunday)  a very special time at Messiah!  And there's more on the way:

Do you have a young child between 3 to 5 years old?  We would love to have you attend our Open House on Tuesday, January 30th from 6:00-7:30 pm to learn more about the programs Messiah Lutheran Preschool offers for Terrific Threes, Fantastic Fours & Fabulous Fives alike!  Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year (including new options for extended care) will begin at this time as well.  Please consider inviting neighbors or extended family in the area, as word of mouth is truly our best form of advertising.  Need more information?  Contact our preschool director Vonda Smestad at smestadv@messiahgr.org.

Our Lenten midweek services return on Ash Wednesday, February 14th at 11:00 am & 7:00 pm.  Ash Wednesday services will include the Imposition of Ashes for those who desire it, along with Holy Communion. Midweek services of Prayer & Preaching will also be held on Wednesday, February 21st through Wednesday, March 20th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.  The 7:00 pm services will also be livestreamed at www.youtube.com/messiahgr and www.facebook.com/messiahgr; afterward they will be viewable on our Worship Resources webpage.

From ancient times the season of Lent has been kept as a time of special devotion, self-denial, and humble repentance, born of a faithful heart that dwells confidently on God’s Word and draws from it life and hope.  Let us pray that our dear Father in heaven, for the sake of His beloved Son and in the power of His Holy Spirit, might richly bless this Lententide for us, so that we may come to Easter with glad hearts, and keep the feast in sincerity and truth.

We continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

Despite January's foul weather, our weekly Bible studies are now up and running:

  • Shirley Hoese leads a 9-week LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets beginning this Tuesday, January 30th at 10:30 am.  Click here to learn more about this class.

  • Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) has resumed weekly sessions on Wednesdays at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

Our February newsletter is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these events:

  • Lutheran Confessions Study, this Thursday, February 1st at 10:00 am, beginning with Matins in the sanctuary.

  • Altar Guild Meeting this Saturday, February 3rd at 9:30 am.

  • Bowling returns on Sunday, February 4th at 3:00 pm.

  • Parish Service Guild Thursday, February 8th at 1:00 pm.

Feel free to contact Pastor Eric with questions, concerns and spiritual needs at 210-274-1208 or pastor.black@messiahgr.org.  He'll also will be contributing regularly to these updates -- see his kick-off message below:

"I am looking forward to joining you in the ongoing mission of Messiah here in Grand Rapids, ever doing the work Christ has placed in our hands here together.  And there is so much right over the horizon! Lent is fast approaching, and Holy Week will be here before we know it.  As you already know Rick and Noelle are wonderful blessings, and they have been further hard at work showing me the ropes, along with so many others who are helping get me up to speed.  I look forward to meeting with all the various boards, working alongside Vonda and the Preschool, and serving alongside so many of you who volunteer."

"First, I must ask for your patience and forgiveness.  I am trying to settle in as quickly as possible but if I miss something, or make any mistakes (and I will, I am after all a sinner!) I ask your patience and your forgiveness.  Secondly, I understand that I and my family have been in your prayers throughout this process, I am going to be selfish and ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers.  This is a busy time by any metric, for Messiah, for my family, for me, but through Christ we will not only get through it, but see the work of the church here, at home, and throughout our community for the God given blessing it truly is.  The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  Amen!"

January 15 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Following our weekend of wild weather, we are back in the office getting ready for Pastor Black's installation and much more!   Click here to read the announcements for this week; and read on for more details on two special events.

Please join us when Rev. Eric Black is installed as Messiah’s 7th pastor in a special service of prayer, preaching and praise this Sunday, January 21st at 3:00 pm!
We are also planning a festive meal following the installation service.  The meal will be free of charge, but it's extremely important that we hear back from you if you are planning on attending!  Please contact the church office to RSVP by Friday, January 19th, or sign up at the Welcome Center if you're at Messiah during the week.
We are also continuing a pantry shower of canned and staple goods, paper products, etc. to welcome the Black family.  As another option, a box for you to deposit monetary gifts or gift cards is available.  Both pantry donations and other gifts can be dropped off in the church foyer this week. 
Let’s get ready to receive Pastor Eric, his wife Allison, and their children Eleanor, Theodore and Lucia as gifts from our loving God’s hand on Sunday, January 21st, starting at 3:00 pm!  We look forward to seeing you there.

Do you have a young child between 3 to 5 years old?  We would love to have you attend our Open House on Tuesday, January 30th from 6:00-7:30 pm to learn more about the programs Messiah Lutheran Preschool offers.  Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will begin at this time as well.  Please consider inviting neighbors or extended family in the area, as word of mouth is truly our best form of advertising.  Need more information?  Contact our preschool director Vonda Smestad at smestadv@messiahgr.org.

We continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

Thanks to Pastor James Blain for leading Sunday services and Bible Classes through January 21st; Pastor Eric assumes these responsibilities beginning Sunday, January 28th.

Our weekday Bible classes resume this coming week:

  • Shirley Hoese leads a 9-week LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets beginning Tuesday, January 16th at 10:30 am.  Click here to learn more about this class.

  • Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) resumes weekly sessions on Wednesday, January 17th at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

Rev. Jason Peterson of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Rockford completes his service as our vacancy pastor this week; please contact him in case of any needs between now and January 21st. Once Pastor Black is installed, feel free to contact him with your spiritual needs.

Our latest monthly newsletter (including monthly calendars) and weekly announcements are always available online at www.messiahgr.org/news

The rest of January will be quite the celebration!  On the morning of January 21st, we'll observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, with the theme "Just As ... I AM" based on Ephesians 2:10: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  That afternoon, as Pastor Black is installed, we'll  hear Jesus' words from Mark 10:43-45: "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” And on January 28th, our preschool children (along with their families) will join us for Lutheran Schools Sunday, singing praises to our heavenly Father & hearing our Savior's invitation in Luke 18:16-17: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”  Invited by Christ, may we all be moved to a deeper reliance on His Word and Sacraments, trust that His Holy Spirit will work through them, gather around them in worship, and grow through them, ever more together in faith, hope and love.

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

January 14 Worship & Bible Class CANCELLED

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Due to worsened weather & deteriorating road conditions, Messiah's Divine Service & Bible Class for this morning have been cancelled.

For your personal or family devotions today, I encourage you to meditate on the Scripture readings & hymns appointed for this Sunday. They are listed below, or you can click this link to view the entire order of service.

Bible Readings:

  • Introit: Psalm 40:1-5, 10

  • Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-20

  • Epistle: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

  • Holy Gospel: John 1:43-51

Hymns (from Lutheran Service Book):

  • 533 Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure

  • 402 The Only Son from Heaven

  • 955 Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful

  • 501 Come Down, O Love Divine

  • 394 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

  • 401 From God the Father, Virgin-Born

  • 880 Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow

Pastor Blain and I pray for your continued health & safety as we wait for this storm to pass.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

January 13-14 Weather Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

I hope that all of you are remaining warm & safe during our first big storm of the winter.

Late this morning, I drove to our church building; the main & side roads had been plowed, along with our parking lot, and power & heat were on.  This afternoon, I spoke with Pastor Blain; he & I agreed that if current conditions do not change, we will plan on worship and Bible class on Sunday, January 14th as scheduled.  If you plan to attend, do allow yourself extra travel time and take extra care as you drive.

However, Kent County remains under a winter storm warning until 12 noon tomorrow, due to predicted lake effect snow.  If you can't attend tomorrow due to local weather or road conditions, health & mobility issues or safety concerns, we completely understand!   We are planning on livestreaming as usual (thanks to Kurt Veitengruber for tuning up our equipment this past week).  Streaming links are provided below:

Bible Class Livestream at 9 am
Divine Service Livestream at 10 am

In addition, if worship & Bible class are cancelled due to worsening weather, we will notify you as early as possible tomorrow morning by a follow-up messsage, as well as by local tv channels (WOOD-TV & WZZM-TV), our website & Facebook page, etc.

Finally, if there's anything you need, please contact me directly.  Thank you for your understanding, flexibility and continuing support.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

December 28th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

"On the 4th day of Christmas . . . "  no, there are no calling birds, French hens, turtledoves or partridges included with this message. But there are plenty of items worth your while below!  

We're glad so many of you joined for Christmas Reflections, our preschool Christmas programs, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!  As the Christmas season continues in the coming days, please plan to join us for the remaining special services listed below:

  • New Year’s Day Divine Service - Monday, January 1st, 2024, 10:00 am

  • Epiphany Divine Service at St. Peter's, Rockford - Saturday, January 6th, 2024, 7:00 pm.   There will be a dinner before the service with main dishes provided; please bring a side dish to pass!

We also continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

Thanks to Pastor James Blain for leading Sunday services and Bible Classes through January 21st.  

Our weekday Bible classes will resume in the new year:

  • Shirley Hoese will lead a LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets beginning Tuesday, January 16th at 10:30 am. LifeLight is a 9-week Bible Study open to everyone. Click here to learn more about this class.

  • Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) resumes weekly sessions on Wednesday, January 10th at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

Until Pastor Black is installed (see below), our vacancy pastor, Rev. Jason Peterson of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Rockford, is in Messiah's office on Tuesdays from 8:15 to 11:00 am.  You can also contact Pastor Peterson by phone at 734-645-4353 or by email at revjpeterson@yahoo.com.  

Please join us when Rev. Eric Black is installed as Messiah’s 7th pastor in a special service of prayer, preaching and praise on Sunday, January 21st at 3:00 pm!
We are also planning a festive meal following the installation service.  The meal will be free of charge, but it is extremely important that we hear back from you if you are planning on attending!  Please contact the church office to RSVP beginning Tuesday, January 2nd.
We are also planning a pantry shower of canned and staple goods, paper products, etc. to welcome the Black family.  As another option, a box for you to deposit monetary gifts or gift cards will be available in the church foyer beginning on Sunday, January 7th.
Let’s get ready to receive Pastor Eric, his wife Allison, and their children Eleanor, Theodore and Lucia as gifts from our loving God’s hand on Sunday, January 21st, starting at 3:00 pm!  We look forward to seeing you there.

Our January newsletter, with information about the items above and more, is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these events:

  • NEW! Parish Services Guild meeting on Thursday, January 11th at 1:00 pm.

  • NEW! Sanctity of Life Sunday, January 21st at 10:00 am.

  • NEW! Lutheran Schools Week Monday- Sunday, January 21st - 27th.  Our preschool children will serve as the choir for the Divine Service on Sunday, January 28th.

Our wait is nearly over; the pastor the Lord has sent us arrives soon! I’ve already worked a bit with Pastor Eric Black via cell phone and email, looking forward to his joining us at Messiah. I definitely look forward to serving you alongside this man whom God has undoubtedly called (through us, with the help of the Michigan District-LCMS) to the ministry of Word and Sacrament here in Plainfield Township. As we prepare for Pastor Eric’s installation, we can confidently say with the Psalmist, “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:23-24 ESV). May we welcome, sustain and care for our new undershepherd and his family, as he leads us in following the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, through the green pastures of His saving Word to eternal life!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

December 15th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

First off, in case you couldn't join us for our annual Preschool Christmas Program, click here to watch it!

Otherwise, this is another brief message to remind you of important events and special services scheduled between December 17th and the end of the Christmas season:

  • There will be a special voters meeting on Sunday, December 17th immediately following the Divine Service.  The purpose of this meeting is to approve financing through the Michigan District's Church Extension Fund for the purchase of a home for Pastor-Elect Eric Black.  Please contact congregational president Dave Ahrens directly if you have questions before Sunday.

  • Our final Advent Midweek Services will be held on Wednesday, December 20th, with Matins at 11:00 am and Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm.

  • In addition to our regular Divine Services on December 17th, 24th and 31st at 10:00 am, please note these special services:

    • Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service Sunday, December 24th at 7:00 pm.

    • Christmas Day Divine Service - Monday, December 25th at 10:00 am.

    • New Year's Day Divine Service - Monday, January 1st at 10:00 am.

    • Joint Epiphany Divine Service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Rockford, Saturday, January 6th at 7:00 pm.  

  • All Sunday morning services, as well as December 20th Evening Prayer, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day are scheduled to be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook, then be viewable at our website as usual.

Plans for Pastor Black's installation at Messiah are continuing; we will be sure to notify you when they are finalized.  In the meantime, it's my prayer that in the forgiveness, life and salvation Jesus Christ gives in His Word and Sacraments, we may all 

Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come, adore on bended knee,
Christ the Lord, the newborn King. 
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
(Glory to God in the Highest!)

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant

P.S. This is the last regularly scheduled update before Christmas.  Watch for another update with a link to our next newsletter at the end of December!

Judy Spencer, 1942-2023

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

Our sister in Christ Judy Spencer was called home to be with our Lord on Saturday, December 2nd, 2023, at the age of 80. Judy became a member of Messiah in 1997; when she was no longer able to regularly attend worship, she appreciated visits from Messiah's pastors and the annual Christmas caroling we shared with her and the other residents of her apartment complex.

We mourn with all of Judy's family and friends at her passing.  But we also rejoice that Judy is free from her earthly sufferings, and is now in the presence of her Savior Jesus Christ, awaiting the resurrection of the body on the last day.

Visitation will be held this Thursday, December 7th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Alt and Shawmut Hills Chapel, 2120 Lake Michigan Drive NW.  Judy's funeral service, officiated by Rev. Jason Peterson & Rev. Terry Hoese, will be held at Messiah this Friday, December 8th at 11:00 am, with visitation beforehand beginning at 10:00 am and a luncheon following the service.  Click here to view Judy's obituary online.

Please keep all those who knew and loved Judy in your prayers in the coming days; feel free to use the prayer below as a model.

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth and giver of life, we thank You for all the mercies You granted to our sister Judy during her earthly life, especially for calling her to faith in Jesus Christ. Comfort the survivors who mourn her death with the hope of the glorious resurrection and a joyful reunion in heaven. Keep us mindful that we are mortal so that we will ever be prepared to die in the faith and finally receive the glory promised to all who trust in Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church

Bernie Ottenjan, 1937-2023

Dear brothers and sisters at Messiah,

Our brother in Christ Bernie Ottenjan was called home to be with our Lord on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023, at the age of 86.

Bernard Ottenjan was born January 10th, 1937; he was united to the death and resurrection of Jesus in Holy Baptism on June 13th, 1937 at St. James Lutheran Church of Grand Rapids. On March 3rd, 1956, Bernie married Eileen Rose DeVoogd at St. James; they were confirmed in the Lutheran faith on April 30th, 1961.

Bernie and his wife Eileen became charter members of Messiah on December 15th, 1964. In addition to attending worship, they remained active in the life of the congregation until health issues prevented them from doing so. In recent years, Bernie frequently expressed his gratitude for the pastors and members of Messiah who visited the Ottenjans at Bishop Hills Elder Care in Rockford.

We mourn with Eileen, Bernie's sons Glen, Gary and Greg, and his granddaughter Nicole, along with the rest of his family and friends. But we also rejoice that Bernie is free from his earthly sufferings, and is now in the presence of his Savior Jesus Christ, awaiting the resurrection of the body on the last day. A memorial for Bernie is tentatively planned for the spring of 2024.

Please keep Eileen, Glen, Gary, Greg, Nicole and all those who knew and loved Bernie in your prayers in the coming days; feel free to use the prayer below as a model.

Lord God, maker of heaven and earth and giver of life, we thank You for all the mercies You granted to our brother Bernie during his earthly life, especially for calling him to faith in Jesus Christ. Comfort the survivors who mourn his death with the hope of the glorious resurrection and a joyful reunion in heaven. Keep us mindful that we are mortal so that we will ever be prepared to die in the faith and finally receive the glory promised to all who trust in Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger

Messiah Lutheran Church

November 30 update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

As we rejoice that Rev. Eric Black has accepted the call to serve as Messiah's pastor beginning in 2024, on this last day of November we also look forward to the busy month to come! 

During Advent, we prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus' first coming on the first Christmas, reflect how He comes to us today in Word and Sacrament, and look toward His final coming at the end of time!

Our special midweek services of prayer and preaching will focus on Christ as the true, final revelation of The Glory of God. Morning services will be led by Pastor Jason Peterson; evening services will be led by Pastor Terry Hoese. Please plan to join us on these dates: 

  • Wednesday, December 6th at 11:00 am (Matins) or 7:00 pm (Evening Prayer)

  • Wednesday, December 13th at 11:00 am (Matins) or 7:00 pm (Christmas Reflections) 

  • Wednesday, December 20th at 11:00 am (Matins) or 7:00 pm (Evening Prayer)

Please plan to join us for these special Christmas services as well:

  • Preschool Christmas Program - Thursday, December 14th, 6:30 pm

  • Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service -  Sunday, December 24th, 7:00 pm

  • Christmas Day Divine Service -  Monday, December 25th, 10:00 am

  • New Year’s Day Divine Service - Monday, January 1st, 2024, 10:00 am

  • Epiphany Divine Service at St. Peter's, Rockford - Saturday, January 6th, 2024, 7:00 pm

We also continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am.  Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

Thanks to Pastor James Blain for leading Sunday services and Bible Classes during December.  

Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) continues on Wednesdays, December 6th & 13th at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch.  Click here for a book sample.

Our vacancy pastor, Rev. Jason Peterson of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Rockford, is in Messiah's office on Tuesdays from 8:15 to 11:00 am.  You can also contact Pastor Peterson by phone at 734-645-4353 or by email at revjpeterson@yahoo.com.  (We will also host the pastors of the Grand Rapids Circuits for their monthly meeting on the morning of Tuesday, December 12th.)

An updated version of our December newsletter, which includes news of Pastor Black's acceptance of our call, is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety.  Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center.  We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at www.messiahgr.org/news; calendars are also online separately at www.messiahgr.org/calendar

Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these events:

  • Christmas Bazaar & Cookie Walk, sponsored by the Parish Services Guild, this Saturday, December 2nd from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

  • Advent Prayer Breakfast Saturday, December 9th at 9:30 am.

  • Christmas Caroling on Saturday, December 16th at 3:00 pm.

  • NEW! Christmas Card Exchange Board, sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee.  Sign a Christmas card, enclose a donation and place them in Shirley Kremm's church mailbox.  Cards will be placed on the board in the Sanctuary Foyer; donations will be used to help those in need.

  • Adopt-A-Family Donation Drive, supporting the mothers and children served by the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids, through Sunday, December 17th.

  • NEW! Hat & Mitten Tree, sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee, collecting hats, mittens, scarves and gloves for children in our community through Sunday, December 24th.


I've heard lots of questions in the last week: "When is Pastor Black coming?"  "Where will he and his family live?"  "How are we going to welcome them?"  While the eagerness we feel is a wonderful thing, we don't know the answers yet.  But, as plans for the Black family's arrival and Pastor's installation take shape, we promise we'll share them with you!  In the meantime, let's continue to go to our Lord in fervent prayer with these new requests:

  • that this Advent and Christmas will be a time of joy among us and all Christians, devoted to celebrating Christ's coming and receiving His gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation.

  • that the Lord will give our pastor-elect's current congregations (St. Paul-Kalkaska and St. Matthew-Mancelona) peace as they prepare to bid the Black family farewell and Godspeed.

  • that our District and Synod will aid and comfort the people of St. Paul and St. Matthew, as they enter a period of reflection and discernment.

  • that God will grant the Black family a smooth transition to living in Grand Rapids, according to His timing.

  • that our Lord would open our hearts to welcome Pastor Eric, Allison, Eleanor, Theodore and Lucia, and bless their coming among us.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant