Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,
"On the 4th day of Christmas . . . " no, there are no calling birds, French hens, turtledoves or partridges included with this message. But there are plenty of items worth your while below!
We're glad so many of you joined for Christmas Reflections, our preschool Christmas programs, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! As the Christmas season continues in the coming days, please plan to join us for the remaining special services listed below:
New Year’s Day Divine Service - Monday, January 1st, 2024, 10:00 am
Epiphany Divine Service at St. Peter's, Rockford - Saturday, January 6th, 2024, 7:00 pm. There will be a dinner before the service with main dishes provided; please bring a side dish to pass!
We also continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am. Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at
Our Facebook page
The most recent service is viewable at our webpage,
Thanks to Pastor James Blain for leading Sunday services and Bible Classes through January 21st.
Our weekday Bible classes will resume in the new year:
Shirley Hoese will lead a LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets beginning Tuesday, January 16th at 10:30 am. LifeLight is a 9-week Bible Study open to everyone. Click here to learn more about this class.
Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) resumes weekly sessions on Wednesday, January 10th at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch. Click here for a book sample.
Until Pastor Black is installed (see below), our vacancy pastor, Rev. Jason Peterson of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Rockford, is in Messiah's office on Tuesdays from 8:15 to 11:00 am. You can also contact Pastor Peterson by phone at 734-645-4353 or by email at
Please join us when Rev. Eric Black is installed as Messiah’s 7th pastor in a special service of prayer, preaching and praise on Sunday, January 21st at 3:00 pm!
We are also planning a festive meal following the installation service. The meal will be free of charge, but it is extremely important that we hear back from you if you are planning on attending! Please contact the church office to RSVP beginning Tuesday, January 2nd.
We are also planning a pantry shower of canned and staple goods, paper products, etc. to welcome the Black family. As another option, a box for you to deposit monetary gifts or gift cards will be available in the church foyer beginning on Sunday, January 7th.
Let’s get ready to receive Pastor Eric, his wife Allison, and their children Eleanor, Theodore and Lucia as gifts from our loving God’s hand on Sunday, January 21st, starting at 3:00 pm! We look forward to seeing you there.
Our January newsletter, with information about the items above and more, is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at; calendars are also online separately at
Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these events:
NEW! Parish Services Guild meeting on Thursday, January 11th at 1:00 pm.
NEW! Sanctity of Life Sunday, January 21st at 10:00 am.
NEW! Lutheran Schools Week Monday- Sunday, January 21st - 27th. Our preschool children will serve as the choir for the Divine Service on Sunday, January 28th.
Our wait is nearly over; the pastor the Lord has sent us arrives soon! I’ve already worked a bit with Pastor Eric Black via cell phone and email, looking forward to his joining us at Messiah. I definitely look forward to serving you alongside this man whom God has undoubtedly called (through us, with the help of the Michigan District-LCMS) to the ministry of Word and Sacrament here in Plainfield Township. As we prepare for Pastor Eric’s installation, we can confidently say with the Psalmist, “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:23-24 ESV). May we welcome, sustain and care for our new undershepherd and his family, as he leads us in following the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, through the green pastures of His saving Word to eternal life!
Yours in Christ,
Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant