Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,
Thanks to everyone who has made the last two weeks (including Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the installation of Pastor Eric Black and Lutheran Schools Sunday) a very special time at Messiah! And there's more on the way:
Do you have a young child between 3 to 5 years old? We would love to have you attend our Open House on Tuesday, January 30th from 6:00-7:30 pm to learn more about the programs Messiah Lutheran Preschool offers for Terrific Threes, Fantastic Fours & Fabulous Fives alike! Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year (including new options for extended care) will begin at this time as well. Please consider inviting neighbors or extended family in the area, as word of mouth is truly our best form of advertising. Need more information? Contact our preschool director Vonda Smestad at
Our Lenten midweek services return on Ash Wednesday, February 14th at 11:00 am & 7:00 pm. Ash Wednesday services will include the Imposition of Ashes for those who desire it, along with Holy Communion. Midweek services of Prayer & Preaching will also be held on Wednesday, February 21st through Wednesday, March 20th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. The 7:00 pm services will also be livestreamed at and; afterward they will be viewable on our Worship Resources webpage.
From ancient times the season of Lent has been kept as a time of special devotion, self-denial, and humble repentance, born of a faithful heart that dwells confidently on God’s Word and draws from it life and hope. Let us pray that our dear Father in heaven, for the sake of His beloved Son and in the power of His Holy Spirit, might richly bless this Lententide for us, so that we may come to Easter with glad hearts, and keep the feast in sincerity and truth.
We continue with one Divine Service held at 10:00 am on Sundays, with Bible Class beforehand at 9:00 am. Services are scheduled to be livestreamed at
Our Facebook page.
The most recent service is viewable on our website's front page,
Bulletins formatted for use with our livestream are available for downloading and/or printing at home. These are posted at least two days before each service at
Readings and hymns for each service are also listed in the informational note found on the same web pages as our livestreams.
Bible Class is also livestreamed at
Despite January's foul weather, our weekly Bible studies are now up and running:
Shirley Hoese leads a 9-week LifeLight class on The Minor Prophets beginning this Tuesday, January 30th at 10:30 am. Click here to learn more about this class.
Our weekly women's group CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) has resumed weekly sessions on Wednesdays at 9:45 am, reading and discussing the book God’s Provision in a Wilderness World by Lindsey Hausch. Click here for a book sample.
Our February newsletter is now online! Click here to preview or download it in its entirety. Paper copies of the newsletter are available for members and guests at the Welcome Center. We also post the newsletter (including monthly calendars) online at; calendars are also online separately at
Check the newsletter and our weekly announcements for details on these events:
Lutheran Confessions Study, this Thursday, February 1st at 10:00 am, beginning with Matins in the sanctuary.
Altar Guild Meeting this Saturday, February 3rd at 9:30 am.
Bowling returns on Sunday, February 4th at 3:00 pm.
Parish Service Guild Thursday, February 8th at 1:00 pm.
Feel free to contact Pastor Eric with questions, concerns and spiritual needs at 210-274-1208 or He'll also will be contributing regularly to these updates -- see his kick-off message below:
"I am looking forward to joining you in the ongoing mission of Messiah here in Grand Rapids, ever doing the work Christ has placed in our hands here together. And there is so much right over the horizon! Lent is fast approaching, and Holy Week will be here before we know it. As you already know Rick and Noelle are wonderful blessings, and they have been further hard at work showing me the ropes, along with so many others who are helping get me up to speed. I look forward to meeting with all the various boards, working alongside Vonda and the Preschool, and serving alongside so many of you who volunteer."
"First, I must ask for your patience and forgiveness. I am trying to settle in as quickly as possible but if I miss something, or make any mistakes (and I will, I am after all a sinner!) I ask your patience and your forgiveness. Secondly, I understand that I and my family have been in your prayers throughout this process, I am going to be selfish and ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers. This is a busy time by any metric, for Messiah, for my family, for me, but through Christ we will not only get through it, but see the work of the church here, at home, and throughout our community for the God given blessing it truly is. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen!"