Special Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Earlier this week I was informed that I have received a divine call to preach, teach, and administer the sacraments at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Hillsdale Michigan. I want to assure you from the start that I did not seek out this call. I and my family are happy here in Grand Rapids. I must, however, devote myself over the next few weeks to prayer and reflection to in order to discern what to do. I will announce my decision at Messiah on Sunday, June 4th.

In the meantime, I ask you, dear friends, to share your thoughts with me as to what you think would be best, whether that be for me to stay, or for me to go. Your honest thoughts are welcome and will aid me in my decision making. As always, I would be glad to sit down with you, spend some time with you, and hear your thoughts.  Thanks to those of you who attended yesterday's Adult Bible Class; we spent time there talking about the call process and answering frequently asked questions about it.  If you didn't attend, you can click here to view the class on our website for the rest of this week.

 Above all, pray to God almighty that He would raise up Men of God to preach the Word in season and out of season, here and in every place. Pray that there would never be a shortage of the prophetic word of God in our midst. Pray that God would bless our congregations with fidelity to the Truth. 

Given this news, I’ve decided to forgo my vacation plans that are in the bulletin so that I can have the extra time to meet with anyone who wishes to share their thoughts. Please pray for me, pray for our congregation, but also pray for the saints at St. Paul’s in Hillsdale.  Let us all commend ourselves to God our Lord in this, and every matter.
The Lord be with you. 

Pastor Andrew Twietmeyer