Special Ash Wednesday Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Given the current weather forecast predicting a mixture of snow, sleet and ice, we have decided to hold one Ash Wednesday service tomorrow, February 22nd at 11:00 am.  The 7 pm service and the Senior Choir rehearsal scheduled for tomorrow evening have been cancelled.   Notice of this schedule change will also be posted on WOOD and WZZM tomorrow morning.

We are making this call and notifying you this far in advance to give as many of you as possible the chance to attend worship tomorrow.  We hope that, your schedule permitting, you will be able to join us at 11:00 am to begin this season of self-denial, humble repentance for our sin and special devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ.

We plan to resume our regular midweek Lenten service schedule at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm next Wednesday, March 1st.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Andrew Twietmeyer
Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant