February 16th Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

On the verge of Epiphany's end and Lent's beginning, we hope that these reminders of opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service will be helpful. 

Our Sunday schedule of worship and classes continues, with the Divine Service at 8:30 and 11:00 am, and Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:45 am.  11:00 am services are scheduled to be livestreamed at

During the week:

  • LifeLight: 1st & 2nd Peter continues on Tuesdays at 10:30 am.  Watch for an upcoming announcement regarding a spring LifeLight class (to be held on Wednesday nights after Easter).

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) continues, based on the book Chosen: A Study of Esther by Donna Snow and led by Pastor Twietmeyer.  During Lent (see below), the study will begin promptly at the new time of 9:30 am.

  • Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 22nd.  Lenten Midweek services (Divine Service on Ash Wednesday, Matins & Vespers thereafter), will be held Wednesdays at 11:00 am & 7:00 pm from February 22nd through March 29th.  The 7:00 pm service will be livestreamed as above.

(Details in our weekly announcements and in the February newsletter)

  • NEW!  Messiah's new Life Team will volunteer at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids on Friday, March 3rd from 10:00 am to 12 noon.  Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Elizabeth Twietmeyer.

  • NEW!  Family Game Night sponsored by Lutherans in Fellowship Together on Saturday, March 11th from 5:00 - 7:30 pm. Join us here at church for fun and fellowship! Bring your favorite game and a snack to share. Invite a friend!

  • NEW!  Lenten Prayer Breakfast Saturday, March 18th at 9:30 am.  Sign up at the Welcome Center or in Bible Class.

  • The Board of Elders will hold a Fish Fry on Wednesday, March 22nd at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, before the evening's Lenten service. (Apologies for the mistaken date given in previous updates.)

  • Our annual Spiritual Growth Seminar, Saturday, March 25th.  The focus of this year's Seminar is Prayer. The Rev. Dr. Paul Grime, Dean of Spiritual Formation and the Chapel at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne Indiana, will be our guest speaker.  His keynote sessions will focus on the theme, "Is God Listening?".  Registration information coming very soon.

  • NEW!  Messiah's annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Board of Outreach, is set for Saturday, April 8th at 10 am.  Volunteer sign-ups and more information coming soon.

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, God reveals His majesty to Moses in flame, shrouded in a mysterious cloud, ultimately preparing Moses to receive the Law of God.  Peter, James & John also bear witness to Jesus’ majesty on the Mount of Transfiguration.  But of paramount importance is not just the glorious appearance of Jesus but the revelation of something more sure — His prophetic Word.  This is the very Word that demands our listening, inspires our believing, & confirms our confessions. (Exodus 24:8-18; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Matthew 17:1-9) 

May our remembrance of our Baptism, our hearing of God's Word and our reception of our Lord's Body & Blood prepare us for the coming Lententide, so that in turn we may come to Easter with glad hearts and keep the feast of Jesus' resurrection in sincerity and truth!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant