April 11 Worship/Education/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this email:

  • Worship for Sunday, April 11

  • Sunday School & Bible Study, In Person & Online

  • Breaking News

The Service of Prayer and Preaching for Sunday, April 11th, will be led by Pastor Dieter Haupt.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at: 

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, goodlans@messiahgr.org) or by clicking here to sign up.  Please click here if you need to review our ongoing precautions for in-person worship (including our face mask requirement).

Our Sunday education hour also resumes on April 11th at 9:45 am as follows:

  • Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 will be held in the downstairs classroom; children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

  • The Sunday morning LifeLight class will begin a new study, The Time Between the Testaments, led by Randy Gerke in the upstairs classroom.

  • And I'm excited to resume in-person Adult Bible Class in the sanctuary! We'll focus on the book of 1 John, the source of this Easter season's Epistle lessons. We'll see how "the disciple whom Jesus loved" discipled those under his pastoral care, reminding his "dear children" of Christ's light and the Father's unconditional love -- which enables us to love each other! Click here to read 1 John 1:1-2:2; click here for a study guide. This study will also be livestreamed on YouTube, our website and our Facebook page.


Time to Update Our Phone Directory!
We need your help! Family and individual update information forms have been placed in your church mail box or sent by U.S. mail. If you have not received forms, please contact Sandy Goodlander at the church office.

We’d be grateful if you’d take the time to update these forms as necessary and return them to us. That way we can update our records in turn. We’d especially appreciate your attention to the contact information and important dates listed for every family member.

You can place your completed forms in the yellow box at the Welcome Center or return them to the church office. In order for us to update records and print a new directory soon, please return them by next Tuesday, April 13th.

Trustees Spring Clean-Up
This annual event will be held on Saturday, April 17th from 8 am to 12 noon. The Board of Trustees will provide tools to do mostly outdoor projects and wash interior windows; they can also fit a job to whatever volunteers want to do. We'd love to have a great turnout and get our property ready for VBS and summer activities. Contact Carol Mushong or any Trustee for details!

Thanks to all of you who helped to make our Holy Week and Easter services, as well as our Outdoor Family Easter Egg Hunt, special occasions. I pray that we continue through this Easter season rejoicing in our Lord's grace, growing in His Word, and serving our neighbors in Jesus' name.

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant