March 28 Worship/Education/News Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Worship for Sunday, March 28

  • Sunday School & Bible Study, In Person & Online

  • Breaking News

Morning Prayer for Sunday, March 28th, known as Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Passion, will be led by Pastor Dennis Lassanske.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at, our website and our Facebook page

You can help us get ready and ensure good social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  Please RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up.  Please click here if you need to review our ongoing precautions for in-person worship (including our face mask requirement).

Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 continues this Sunday, March 28th at 9:45 am.  In Sunday School, children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

LifeLight Bible studies also continue as follows:

  • This Sunday, March 28th at 9:45 am: Ruth & Esther, led by Randy Gerke.

  • The Book of Daniel, led by Shirley Hoese, Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am

  • The Gospel of Luke, led by Dan Bohlinger, Wednesday evenings at 5:15 pm

Please note that masks and social distancing are required for in-person Sunday School and Bible classes.    

My online devotional study for March 28th, based on the theme "Return and See", is already online.  This study concludes our series based on the Lenten theme "Return to the Lord."  Click here to watch the study; click here to read Matthew 28:1-10 (the focus of this session); click here for a study guide

There will be no in-person or online classes on Easter Sunday, April 4.  Lord willing, we plan to resume in-person Adult Bible Class (which will meet in the sanctuary and will also be livestreamed) on Sunday, April 11th at 9:45 am!   During the Easter season (which continues through mid-May) Adult Bible Class will focus on the book of 1 John, the source of the season's Epistle lessons. Look for more details in the April newsletter!


Pastoral Call Update
The Michigan District-LCMS has updated us regarding the timeline of our request for a seminary graduate. As mentioned in the April newsletter, Call Days (when graduating students learn the location where they will serve) will be Tuesday, April 27 (at Fort Wayne) and Wednesday, April 28 (at St. Louis). The District will officially learn if we will receive a candidate sometime the week before Call Days, and will notify us once they know. If that comes to pass, the Call Committee is planning to organize a livestream viewing of Call Days, so that we would learn that graduate's identity at the same time he learns where he's going!

Newsletter Update
Messiah's April newsletter is in the U.S. mail as of now. Click here to view or download this newsletter and our April calendars online.

The cost of mailing Messiah’s monthly newsletter doubled starting in January 2021! Wanting to make continued good use of the resources you’ve entrusted to us, the Church Council decided at its March meeting to change newsletter distribution as follows:

  • Beginning with the June 2021 issue, paper copies of the newsletter will be available for members at the Welcome Center. We will continue to mail the newsletter to homebound members.

  • We will also continue to post the newsletter online at As in this email, we will include a direct link to each new newsletter in the update sent out closest to publication.

  • If you are not currently able to attend worship (due to the pandemic or for other reasons) and want to continue receiving the newsletter after May, please contact Sandy Goodlander to make arrangements.

Time to Update Our Phone Directory!
We need your help! Family and individual update information forms have been placed in your church mail box or sent by U.S. mail. If you have not received forms by Friday, March 26th, please contact Sandy Goodlander at the church office.

We’d be grateful if you’d take the time to update these forms as necessary and return them to us. That way we can update our records in turn. We’d especially appreciate your attention to the contact information and important dates listed for every family member.

You can place your completed forms in the yellow box at the Welcome Center or return them to the church office. In order for us to update records and print a new directory soon, please return them by Tuesday, April 13th.

Outdoor Family Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 3rd!

We’re inviting families from our church, preschool and community to hear the Easter Story and hunt Easter eggs onSaturday, April 3rd at 11 am! We will be following recently updated state guidelines for large outdoor events (limiting event size, practicing social distancing, using face coverings) to provide a safe, enjoyable event for all. Online RSVPs for the Egg Hunt isrequiredand has already begun;click here to go directly to the signup page. Or share this link with your family members & friends:

Messiah's Board of Outreach needs volunteers to: welcome and register families & hand out goodie bags afterwards; present the Easter story; scatter eggs & cheer on the egg hunters; and set up before & clean up after the hunt. Volunteers will need to wear face coverings, as currently required by Michigan DHHS guidelines, and use disposable gloves as necessary.

Please sign up to help on the Welcome Center or by contacting Rick Krueger directly. Thanks in advance for your help and consideration!

Our Holy Week Worship Schedule:

  • Maundy Thursday Divine Service (Communion), April 1st, 7 pm*

  • Good Friday Tenebrae Vespers, April 2nd, 7 pm*

  • Easter Sunday Divine Services (Communion), April 4th, 8:30 am & 11 am*

Holy Week services marked with * will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook page & YouTube channel. There will be no Sunday School or Bible classes on Easter Sunday.

As we prepare for this solemn yet celebratory climax of the church year, I invite you to pray the Collect for this coming Sunday throughout the days to come:

Almighty and everlasting God, You sent Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, to take upon Himself our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross. Mercifully grant that we may follow the example of His great humility and patience and be made partakers of His resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant