Pastoral Call Update: April 28, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Andrew Twietmeyer, who is currently concluding his studies for the pastoral ministry at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, has been called to serve as pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church!

Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer received his call at CTSFW’s annual Candidate Call Day service, held on the evening of Tuesday, April 27. The call was issued by Messiah’s Voters Assembly through the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, with the assignment made by the LCMS Council of Presidents.

Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer's hometown is Caledonia, Michigan. He, his wife Elizabeth and his two daughters are currently members of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Wittenberg, Wisconsin.

Pastor-Elect Twietmeyer will graduate from CTSFW on Friday, May 21st. We pray for God’s richest blessings on his final weeks of study, as well as his preparations for moving to Grand Rapids and his upcoming ordination and installation at Messiah. As the timetable and details for these blessed events come into focus, we will keep you posted!

Gracious Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers and granting us a shepherd, Andrew Twietmeyer, to guide us in the paths of righteousness. Help us to await with joy his arrival, and protect him in the coming days. Bless his ministry among us, and grant that we may ever be willing to hear the voice of Your servant speaking in Your name, so that he may joyfully carry out his ministry to Your glory and our welfare; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant