Pastoral Call Update: April 24, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We will have a pastor soon!!!

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod's Council of Presidents has assigned Messiah a pastoral candidate from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana!

We will learn who our pastor-elect is (and he will learn where he will be serving) at the Seminary's Call Day service this Tuesday, April 27 at 7 pm.

The Call Day service at CTSFW is not open to the public, but will be livestreamed. You can watch the service on Facebook or the seminary's Daily Chapel page. For more information about Call Day 2021, visit You can also watch the service in Messiah's fellowship hall on Tuesday, April 27 at 7 pm, where we'll be hosting a live viewing party!

We'll inform you of further developments (information about our pastor-elect, his plans for coming to Messiah, and so forth) as we learn about them. The next milestone in the process after Call Day will be our pastor-elect's graduation from the Fort Wayne seminary on Friday, May 21. We thank our Circuit Visitor Rev. Jason Peterson, our Michigan District-LCMS President Rev. Dr. David Maier, and all on the district staff who helped with bringing this blessed event to pass!

And, as always, our Lutheran Service Book provides an appropriate model for our prayers as we rejoice:

Gracious Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers and granting us a shepherd to guide us in the paths of righteousness. Help us to await with joy his arrival, and protect him in the coming days. Bless his ministry among us, and grant that we may ever be willing to hear the voice of Your servant speaking in Your name, so that he may joyfully carry out his ministry to Your glory and our welfare; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant