Coming Sunday, November 8

We gather to pray the service of Morning Prayer on Sunday, November 8 at 10 am, led by Pastor Terry Hoese. This service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

In the current environment, we need your committed help in mitigating risk and conducting worship prudently. Please help us by:

  • Staying home if you are sick, have underlying medical conditions, or have been exposed to, tested positive for, or are awaiting test results for COVID-19.

  • Maintaining minimum 6-foot social distancing throughout your time at Messiah. When you sit for worship, please respect the "No Seating" signs and space yourselves at least 3 people apart from other family groups.

  • Wearing face coverings (mask, scarf, or bandana), which we recommend and strongly encourage. If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

  • Giving your offerings electronically or at the sanctuary door.

Our next Adult Bible study is already available online, along with a study guide, on our Bible Studies webpage. We’ll look at Psalm 70 (which is actually an excerpt from Psalm 40); this is another psalm in which David speaks prophetically about Himself, the promised Messiah, & by extension, all Christians. How are we called to pray for God's people -- and even for those who oppose them -- in difficult times? Let's find out together!

Our onsite Sunday classes will also be in session at 9 am on November 8. Please note that, per the current state Health Department order, indoor activities (except worship services) are allowed a maximum size of 20 people per 1000 square feet, and face coverings are mandatory.

  • Sunday School: God Works through Prophets and Kings for Preschool - Grade 2, taught by Tina Veitengruber, in the south classrooms downstairs.

  • Lifelight: Ruth/Esther, led by Randy Gerke, in the north classrooms upstairs. BYOB (bring your own beverage)

Also, a final reminder that if you would like to contribute gift cards for this year's Thanksgiving & Christmas baskets given to families in need, please return them to Joe and Becky Buss by this Sunday.

Finally, please take the time to read our newly updated Guidelines for In-Person Worship; you will also find a paper copy in your church mailbox on Sunday. As I shared with you on Wednesday, we will hold two Sunday services beginning November 15: an 8:30 am service with face coverings and advance sign-up required; and an 11 am service which will also be livestreamed. Enhanced social distancing will be practiced in both services.

In this update, the Board of Elders have kept previous guidelines in place and made changes in order to improve our care for each other, during a moment where the spread of COVID (and understandable concern regarding that spread) is growing. As I said last week, I hope that each of us will have the mind of Christ, in humility considering others more significant than ourselves, as we prayerfully ponder our individual response to these changes, including the worship service that we choose.

Yours in Christ, Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant