Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,
September's speeding by; life at Messiah has shifted up a gear -- and October will bring even more opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and service!
The Divine Service continues weekly at 10:00 am on Sundays. Sunday School & Bible Class are held beforehand at 9:00 am, beginning with a joint opening in the Fellowship Hall. Livestreams of our Sunday Services can be found at
Our Facebook page,
The most recent livestreamed service is viewable on our website's front page,
Check Messiah's September newsletter and our weekly announcements for information on the events listed below.
Family Game Night this Saturday, September 14th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm in our Fellowship Hall, sponsored by Lutherans in Fellowship Together (LIFT). Bring a game and a snack to share!
Fall LifeLight Sessions will focus on The Epistles of John, held on Tuesdays at 10:30 am beginning September 17th and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm beginning September 18th. Click here for a sample of the study guide.
Urdu Worship Service Saturday, September 21st at 5:00 pm. Led by Pastor Masih, this service will be held in the fellowship hall, with a Pakistani meal following. Urdu services are held on the third Saturday of each month; Messiah members and friends are welcome to attend!
Mission Festival Sunday, September 22nd, with Pastor Dave Reed of Orphan Grain Train-Michigan as our guest preacher and Bible Class presenter. A potluck will follow the Divine Service: a door offering for Orphan Grain Train will be taken. You can donate other items to OGT, too; see the display at the Welcome Center for details!
Family Movie Night Friday, September 27th, beginning at 6:00 pm. Everyone in our church & preschool communities is invited to our Fellowship Hall for the movie Finding Nemo and snacks provided by the Board of Education; bring lawn chairs or blankets for informal seating!
And watch for information in upcoming bulletins and the October newsletter about these many NEW events:
Lutheran Women's Missionary League Sunday, October 6th.
Lutherans for Life of Michigan welcomes Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty to St. Mark Lutheran Church in Kentwood on Sunday, October 6th from 2:00 to 5:30 pm. Click here to register for this free event by Monday, September 23rd.
CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) begin their fall sessions
Wednesday, October 9th at 9:45 am. Click here for a sample of this year's CARES book Unfailing: God's Assurance for Times of Change by Rev. Christopher Kennedy.
Harvest Dinner Sunday, October 13th after the Divine Service, sponsored by the Parish Services Guild.
Fall Clean-Up Saturday, October 19th from 8:00 am to 12 noon, sponsored by the Board of Trustees.
LWML Rally Saturday, October 19th starting at 9:30 am at Bethel Lutheran Church in Howard City. Sign up at the Welcome Center or click here to RSVP.
Lutherans for Life executive director Rev. Michael Salemink speaks on Saturday, October 19th at Hope Lutheran Church in Dewitt. This event runs from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Click here to preregister (required); registration cost ($25/adult, $15/student) payable at the door.
Trunk or Treat, Thursday, October 24th from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, sponsored by the Board of Outreach. Volunteer sign-ups and donation bins will be available starting this Sunday at Messiah's Welcome Center.
New Member Sunday, October 27th.
Yours in Christ,
Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant
"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people." G. K. Chesterton.
Tis the season for yard signs of a political nature. As I drive to church each morning, more and more seem to be popping up. One for this side, the other for that side, sometimes in adjacent yards. It is, unfortunately, not difficult to imagine some heated discussions taking place, often beginning with something seemingly innocuous. A few leaves blowing across the property line, a toy left in a neighbor’s yard, or even just the presence of the signs themselves, all leading to less than neighborly exchanges. But as Christians we are reminded that God is not neutral in such matters.
The Lord and Creator of all has very clear instructions for how we are to handle the ‘other side.’ Love them. "You, yes you, the one I brought into existence, the one I died for, the one I will raise from the dead, you go love them. Because all that I did and do for you, applies to them as well." Also, it is a command, from God, the LAW you might say, so we have no choice. We love our neighbors as ourselves, or we sin against God.
Do note, we are not commanded to agree with, or even to like, our neighbors, and stating the truth to combat a falsehood is a way in which we show love, but how we do this matters. How we speak, how we act, is all to be done out of love, selfless love. And in this we are reminded, in all seasons, through all elections, through all changes, this is a reflection of how God loves us. Thankfully His love is perfect, granting us forgiveness for all those times we fail to love our neighbor, but never letting us give up on showing His love for the world, all those He has made our neighbors, all those He loves, amen.