Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,
The first half of September has gone quickly, hasn't it? We also hope that this round-up of opportunities for worship, devotion and fellowship (including highlighted new events) will be helpful as you look ahead toward fall!
We continue with the Divine Service every Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 am, with Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:45 am. The 11:00 am service is livestreamed at:
Our website
Our Facebook page
Bible Class will also be livestreamed at
(Details in our weekly announcements and in the September newsletter)
Senior Choir practices have resumed on Wednesday nights. However, next week's practice will be held at a special time, Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 pm. Come and try us out!
Fall LifeLight classes have begun:
Prayer on Tuesdays at 10:30 am
End Times on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) will resume Wednesday, September 21st at 9:30 am. This year the group will focus on the book Chosen: A Study of Esther by Donna Snow.
Every One His Witness, a study/workshop event sponsored by the Board of Outreach, Saturday, October 1st from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Register in Bible Class, at the Welcome Center, or by RSVPing at Messiah's website.
NEW! Harvest Dinner & Bake Sale sponsored by the Parish Services Guild on Sunday, October 16th after the 11:00 am service.
NEW! Trunk or Treat sponsored by the Board of Outreach on Thursday, October 27th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Sign up to give out treats from trunks or volunteer for other activities starting this coming Sunday. Candy donations are also welcome.
Cookie and Craft Bazaar sponsored by the Parish Services Guild on Saturday, December 3rd.
Pastor and I hope that you'll prayerfully consider joining us for the Every One His Witness workshop on the morning of Saturday, October 1st. We'll begin the day with continental breakfast, followed by a stimulating study on the topic "What Is A Witness?" Then we'll spend the rest of the morning learning how to:
Listen to those in our lives who need Christ
Ask questions (so we can listen more)
Seek a point of connection to Jesus' story
Share God's Word (the only thing that can change hearts)
Invite - keep the conversation about Jesus going
Encourage - follow up and follow through
This workshop will help you share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your friends and neighbors who haven't heard that Good News (or haven't heard it in a while). I look forward to seeing you there!
Yours in Him,
Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant