July 14 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

As summer continues, we hope that this reminder of opportunities for worship, devotion and fellowship will be helpful as you look ahead!  Details for most events are available in our weekly announcements (available online; click here) and the July newsletter (click here). 



  • Community Picnic sponsored by the Board of Outreach, after the service on Sunday, August 28th.  Volunteers are needed!  Please sign up at the Welcome Center or in Bible Class to: 

    • distribute flyers in the neighborhood in August

    • set up and/or clean up for the event

    • bring food (side dishes, desserts, fruit salads)

    • help with games for all ages (ball toss, cornhole, disc golf)

  • Garage Sale on Friday, September 10th and Saturday, September 11th.

  • Cookie and Craft Bazaar sponsored by the Parish Services Guild on Saturday, December 3rd.


  • We are looking for additional volunteers to help with livestreaming Sunday morning services.  If you are willing to volunteer, please contact me, Kurt Veitengruber or Josh Gardner.  

  • See this coming Sunday's announcements for an important update regarding altar flowers.

  • Due to scheduling conflicts, the Messiah Men’s Retreat originally scheduled for September 30th & October 1st is cancelled for this year.

God’s Word accomplishes miraculous change.  God declares that the barren womb of Sarah shall be great with child. (Genesis 18:1-14)  Jesus, inseparably the Word of God, declares those once hostile & alienated to be holy & blameless.  The counsels of God, once couched in mystery, now declare the glory, wisdom & hope of Jesus. (Colossians 1:21-29)  Where the Holy Scriptures are taught in their truth & purity, we should be still, listen & believe God’s life-changing Word. (Luke 10:38-42)

As we continue our journey through The Time of The Church (the Sundays after Pentecost), may the glory, wisdom and hope of God's Son Jesus Christ be your refuge, strength and joy!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant