June 9 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

With our Vacation Bible School kicking off next week, this update is coming to you a bit early!  We ask you to keep all our VBS children, families and volunteers in your prayers; through storytelling, music, crafts, games, snacks and more, we'll be sharing the Good News of how Jesus Leads the Way throughout our life's journey.  We're still taking advance signups for VBS; click here to enroll children or to volunteer.

We also hope that the handy summary of opportunities for worship, devotion and fellowship below will be helpful as you look ahead!  Details for most events are available in our weekly announcements (available online; click here) and the June newsletter (click here). 


  • The Diaper Drive to benefit the Grand Rapids Pregnancy Resource Center continues through Sunday, June 19th.  Please bring diapers to the pack-n-play in the church foyer.

  • Vacation Bible School Monday-Friday, June 13th-17th from 9:00 to 11:45 am.  Join us for our closing service on Friday, June 17th at 11:10 am in the sanctuary!

  • Community Picnic sponsored by the Board of Outreach, after the service on Sunday, August 28th. Watch for more details in the coming months and volunteer sign-ups beginning in July! 


  • A reminder that, during the summer months, one service is held at 10:00 am each Sunday. BIble Class is held beforehand at 9:00 am.  Summer Sunday services will be livestreamed at:

  • Our new study of Luther's Large Catechism has begun!  It follows Sunday services at about 11:15 am.  See Pastor Twietmeyer's article in the June newsletter for more details.  Sunday School is in recess for the summer.

  • Monday night summer services are held weekly at 7:00 pm.  (One noteworthy exception coming up: there will be no Monday night service on July 4th.)

The Lord alone possesses all eternal wisdom even before the acts of creation.  The words of Proverbs confirm Jesus’ active presence before the incarnation. (Proverbs 8:1-2, 22-31) Then Peter exclaims that this very same Jesus — crucified & killed — could never be bound by death. (Acts 2:14a, 22-36) Everything about Christ is forever: His Word, His truth, His salvation, His immutable relationship with God the Father.  As believers, we hold steadfast to everything about Christ, knowing that He alone knows the Father, keeps His Word & conquers death. (John 8:48-59)

As we celebrate Trinity Sunday and move into the season of Pentecost, may everything about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be your joy, comfort and strength in the days and weeks to come!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant