November 15 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

After a bit of a lull in the early part of this month, we hope that this list of opportunities for worship, devotion, fellowship and service (including highlighted new events) will be helpful as you look to the busy weeks ahead. 


(Details in our weekly announcements and in the November newsletter)

  • CARES (Caring, Active, Reaching, Encouraging Sisters in Christ) continues on Wednesdays at 9:30 am, focusing on the book Chosen: A Study of Esther by Donna Snow. CARES will not meet on Wednesday, November 23rd.

  • Potluck and Annual Voters' Meeting Sunday, November 20th following the 11 am service. The agenda includes election of officers & board members, approval of the 2023 budget and more.

  • Thanksgiving Eve Divine Service Wednesday, November 23rd at 7:00 pm. Held at Messiah, this will be a joint Thanksgiving Eve service with our brothers & sisters of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Rockford.

  • Advent begins on Sunday, November 27th! Advent midweek services will be held on

    • Wednesday, November 30th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.

    • Wednesday, December 7th at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm.

    • Wednesday, December 14th at 11:00 am. (Our annual service of Lessons and Carols, Christmas Relfections, will also be held on the 14th at 7:00 pm, with desserts following.)

    • Wednesday, December 21st at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm

  • Our biweekly Bowling League continues on Sunday, November 27th and Sunday, December 11th at 3:00 pm at Northfield Lanes. Contact Joanne Gillette for more details.

  • Christmas Cookie and Craft Bazaar sponsored by the Parish Services Guild on Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

  • NEW! Preschool Christmas Program Thursday, December 8th at 6:30 pm.

  • NEW! Christmas Caroling to Messiah's homebound members and others on Saturday, December 10th from 3:00 to 6:00 pm, with a potluck supper following. Sign-up sheets are now available at the Welcome Center and in Adult Bible Class.

  • NEW! Advent Prayer Breakfast Saturday, December 17th at 9:30 am. Sign-up sheets are now available at the Welcome Center and in Adult Bible Class.

November 20th is the Last Sunday of the Church Year -- previously known in our circles as Christ the King Sunday or the Sunday of the Fulfillment. It might seem odd that the final Gospel in our year of readings from Luke focuses on -- the crucifixion of Jesus?!? But then, with the confession of faith from the dying thief, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom," and Jesus' reply from the cross, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise,” the reason becomes clear. Christ our King's gloryis His cross, where He fulfills His promises -- and makes peace between us and His Father by His blood!

On November 23rd we pause for Thanksgiving Eve, where we cry with the ten lepers, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us," returning to our Lord's house to praise Him for His undeserved goodness. I hope you plan to join the members of St. Peter-Rockford and Messiahat Messiahfor this special Divine Service.

Then, it's Advent! As we begin these four weeks of reflection, penitence and patient joy, look for Christ'sfirstcoming at Christmas, Hissecondcoming on the Last Day, and Hisconstantcoming into our hearts by Word and Sacrament throughout our readings and hymns. Our midweek services of Matins and Evening Prayer will hone in on the appointed Old Testament reading and Psalm for each week, seeing how the psalmists and the prophet Isaiah pointed to Jesus' birth, suffering, death, resurrection and ongoing reign at the Father's right hand -- all undertaken foryou!

Blessings to you all as we feed on the spiritual food our good Shepherd continues to give us in the weeks to come.

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant