March 14 Worship Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this update:

  • Sunday School and Bible Study: In Person and Online

  • Worship for Sunday, March 14th

  • News and Reminders

Sunday School and Bible Study: In Person and Online
Sunday School for children in preschool through grade 2 continues this Sunday, March 14th, at 9:45 am.  In Sunday School, children will continue to learn how God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus.

LifeLight Bible studies also continue as follows:

  • Resuming this Sunday, March 14th at 9:45 am: Ruth & Esther, followed by The Time Between the Testaments, led by Randy Gerke.

  • The Book of Daniel, led by Shirley Hoese, Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am

  • The Gospel of Luke, led by Dan Bohlinger, Wednesday evenings at 5:15 pm (before Lenten Midweek Vespers)

Please note that masks and social distancing are required for in-person Sunday School and Bible classes.  

My online devotional study for March 14th, based on the theme "Return from Denial", is already online.  Click here to watch the study; click here to read Luke 22:31-34 & 54-62 (the focus of this session); click here for a study guide.

Worship for Sunday, March 14th
Divine Service for Sunday, March 14th, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, will be led by Pastor Tom Hackett.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at, our website and our Facebook page

You can help us prepare well and ensure social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend this Sunday!  You can RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or by clicking here to sign up.  Please click here if you need to review our ongoing precautions for in-person worship (including our face mask requirement).

News and Reminders

A final reminder: be sure to set your clocks ahead one hour for Daylight Savings Time before going to sleep this Saturday, March 13th!

Also, our Holy Week worship schedule will be as follows:

  • Palm Sunday Morning Prayer, March 28th, 8:30 am & 11 am*

  • Maundy Thursday Divine Service (Communion), April 1st, 7 pm*

  • Good Friday Tenebrae Vespers, April 2nd, 7 pm*

  • Easter Sunday Divine Services (Communion), April 4th, 8:30 am & 11 am*

Holy Week services marked with * will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook page & YouTube channel. There will be no Sunday School or Bible classes on Easter Sunday.

As the climax of Lent and the festival of Easter comes into view, may this be our prayer:
O Lord Jesus, Your mercies are new every morning. We thank You for this season of Lent; grant that we may meditate on Your suffering and death, grasping the depth of Your mercy to us and to all the world. Prepare us to receive the fullness of Your gifts in this time of grace. Open our hearts always to receive more of Your love, that our love for You and our neighbors may never grow weary, but deepen and grow through every joy and sorrow shared; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant