February 7 Worship, Call Meeting and More!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In this edition:

  • Bible Study: In Person and Online

  • Worship for Sunday, February 7

  • Special Voters Meeting Sunday, February 7

Bible Study Update: In Person and Online
LifeLight Bible studies continue as follows:

  • The Book of Daniel, led by Shirley Hoese, Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am

  • The Gospel of Luke, led by Dan Bohlinger, Wednesday evenings at 6 pm

  • Ruth & Esther, followed by The Time Between the Testaments, led by Randy Gerke, is being paused for two weeks. It will resume on Sunday, February 21 at 9:45 am

Please note that masks and social distancing are required for these studies. Sunday School remains closed, and regular board meetings will continue to be held online for now, but please continue to watch for updates!

My online devotional study for February 7th, based on Psalm 147, is already up on YouTube. Click here to watch it! Please join me to explore how this Psalm comforted God's people as they returned from exile -- and how it also strengthens us today!  Click here to read the Psalm; click here for a study guide.

Worship for Sunday, January 7
Services for Sunday, February 7, the 5th Sunday after the Epiphany of our Lord, will be led by Pastor Dieter Haupt.   There will be two identical services at 8:30 and 11 am. The 11 am service will also be livestreamed at www.tinyurl.com/messiahgryoutube.

With a Special Voters Meeting this Sunday after the 11 am service (see below), we anticipate a stronger turnout.  Please help us prepare well and ensure social distancing by letting us know your plans to attend.  You can RSVP by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, goodlans@messiahgr.org) or by clicking here to sign up.  26 spots for individuals or families are available in the main part of the sanctuary for each service.

A reminder that the following precautions are currently in place for in-person worship:

  • Please exercise personal discernment when it comes to your health.  If you are feeling sick, waiting for COVID-19 test results, in recommended quarantine or isolation from COVID-19 exposure, in a high-risk category, or not comfortable or ready to attend in person, please stay home.  

  • To minimize potential spread of COVID-19 in this public setting, wearing of face coverings (fabric masks) is required at all services, from when you enter the building to when you leave.  If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

  • Worshipers will sit on the opposite ends of alternate pews.  Designated seating will be clearly marked for “8:30 (1st service)” or “11:00 (2nd service)”; other pew entrances will be roped off to assure social distancing.

Holy Communion protocols, nursery and kitchen closures, restroom availability, post-service sanitizing policies also remain in effect.  Click here to see the most recent version of our current worship guidelines.

Special Voters Meeting Sunday, February 7
As announced and shared last Sunday (click here for the complete message), there will be a Special Voters Meeting after the 11 am service on February 7.  At this meeting we will consider our Call Committee's latest recommendations, based on the past week's round of interviews with candidates from our new call list.  

Again, we encourage you to RSVP as above if you plan to attend the Special Voters Meeting (there's a checkbox for this purpose on our website's February 7 RSVP form).  We will work to accommodate as many attenders as possible while maintaining social distancing as follows:

  • For those who do not attend the 11 am service, we will use any designated spaces in the sanctuary, choir loft and narthex not used for that service.

  • We will also livestream the meeting to overflow seating in the church foyer and the fellowship hall. Members of the Call Committee will be available to take questions and gather ballots from those in overflow seating.

  • Throughout Sunday's services and the Voters Meeting, please continue to be mindful of social distancing as you participate and greet others.

Finally, as we look ahead to this Sunday, we turn to our Lord in prayer for His strength and support:

O Gracious Father, You led Your holy apostles to ordain ministers for the proclamation of Your Word and the faithful administration of the Sacraments of Christ. Grant to this congregation the guidance of the Holy Spirit to choose a suitable pastor according to Your will for the blessing of Your Church in this place.  Keep Your family the Church continually in the true faith that, relying on the hope of Your heavenly grace, we may ever be defended by Your mighty power; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Yours in Him,


Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant