Pastoral Call Update & March 3 Lenten worship

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Pastoral Call Update
The Rev. Martin Kaufmann has declined our call to serve as pastor at Messiah. An excerpt from his letter to us follows below.

"After much prayer, consultation, and personal reflection, I have made the decision to stay at my present Call here at Trinity, Auburn, and to return your Call. This was a difficult decision. I recognize your need for a pastor and feel my gifts would serve you well. However, the ministry needs here at Trinity are just as great, very similar, in fact, and coupled with family considerations, I feel it best to stay at my present Call."

"May the Lord continue to guide your congregation as it seeks to find a full-time pastor. I have every confidence that the Lord will bring you together with the right man to serve as your pastor when the time comes. God’s timing is always the best. May He grant you patience and endurance until that time is fulfilled."

We thank Pastor Kaufmann for his prayerful consideration of our call. We pray for God's blessings on him, his family, and those he currently serves at Trinity Lutheran Church in Auburn, Illinois.

At this point, we are pausing our call process as the Michigan District submits our request for a seminary graduate to Synod. Pastoral Call Days at our two seminaries will be held on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 27-28. Please pray that God will bless all the men completing their studies at our St. Louis and Fort Wayne seminaries, and that He will bless the deliberations of Synod's district presidents (including Michigan District President Maier) as they work to place new graduates. I ask that all of you also continue to keep our Church Council, call committee, staff and membership in your prayers as we go forward.

March 3 Lenten Worship
Our observance of Lent continues with midweek Vespers this Wednesday, March 3 at 7 pm; Rev. James Blain will lead the service, based on the theme "Return to the Lord: Return from Betrayal" (This service will also be livestreamed at If you plan to attend, please help us and RSVP by calling the church office, emailing our office manager, or clicking here to sign up. Please click here if you need to review our ongoing precautions for in-person worship (including our face covering requirement).

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church