A Message from Messiah's President

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.” (Romans 5:3-4)

“Holy Spirit, bring comfort to us in our sufferings in Jesus’ name” (Portals of Prayer, Thursday January 14th)

I am writing to update you on decisions regarding building and mask use that have been made by our Board of Elders and Church Council, as well as providing background on these decisions. These issues have become somewhat contentious among many in the congregation. I have heard from some of you regarding your concerns, and your opinions on the subject have been heard by the Council, which discussed these issues extensively at our January meeting.

In their regular reviews of conducting worship during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Elders have referred to the state of Michigan’s executive orders and Emergency Epidemic Orders, which since May 2020 have consistently recognized our First Amendment freedom of religious worship and exempted congregations and worshipers from penalty. The area of Bible studies and meetings under these orders has been more challenging to navigate. Some LCMS churches in the area have interpreted the orders to regularly allow Bible studies and meetings in their facilities; generally, Messiah has pursued a more cautious approach, based on the situation and the guidelines in effect. State guidelines have changed in response to the current state of the pandemic; this is why we held LifeLight and Sunday School classes in the fall, but canceled them when restrictions on indoor gatherings were tightened in November.

Following two months of Messiah’s building being open only for worship, preschool classes (which operate with strict precautions under different state guidelines) and other core functions, the Council has heard and understands the frustrations of not being able to use our facilities for members to grow in God’s Word and strengthen each other in faith. At the January meeting, Council approved the start of winter LifeLight classes on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am, Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm and Sunday mornings at 9:45 am, effective immediately. Masks and social distancing are required for these studies. Sunday School remains closed and regular board meetings will continue to be held online for now.

Regarding mask use during worship services: The Board of Elders has regularly deliberated on this subject at length, over the course of many months. The decision was influenced by occasions of people in attendance at worship in November, who had subsequent positive COVID results and illnesses. At their December meeting, the Elders decided that for the safety of our members, guests and others who attend, we would take all reasonable precautions to protect our members from the virus while still offering in person worship. Unfortunately, when we worship it is also a scenario that carries an increased risk of spreading any virus. We are sitting in an area for over an hour and also singing, which expels more air than speech or just attending a gathering. The CDC has determined that masks significantly reduce the spread of the virus when both parties are wearing them.

In order to also ensure social distancing (which had become a challenge in October and November’s worship services due to increased attendance), the Elders also reinstated a RSVP system that had been used when we worshiped outdoors during the summer months. Knowing how many will attend a service beforehand helps us with preparations such as printing worship folders, setting up Holy Communion, making sure we have enough elders and ushers, etc. It would also help us plan ahead if attendance grows beyond our current socially-distanced capacity. (This hasn’t happened yet; plenty of spaces currently remain available for each Sunday morning service.)

Finally, I would like to give my opinion on how we as a congregation should think about these decisions. Everyone will not agree with what has been decided. These kinds of disagreements are always going to be the case for any group of people. My prayer is that you will grant those in leadership God’s grace in these matters and not allow Satan to tear our congregation apart. I view our congregation as a family. Families don’t always agree but they should forgive and be able to love one another despite their differences. Messiah has endured a difficult and long pastoral vacancy and now we have been dealing with an unprecedented health crisis. We need to draw close to one another in this time through prayer and communication as best we can and bear this suffering together. I pray that soon we will be able to enjoy many of the things we miss as much as a congregation. I long for the time we can again embrace one another, study with one another in person on a more regular basis, and enjoy meals together.

“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) May He continue His work through these decisions, and may we continue to trust in His faithful promises!

Yours in Christ,

Dave Ahrens, President, Messiah Lutheran Church