Yesterday, Tomorrow and More ...

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

This morning, a look at what happened two days ago, along with what today and tomorrow (well, next Sunday) have in store!

Yesterday ...

I am grateful to God beyond all that I could have imagined.  58 of you attended yesterday's outdoor service, with 24-36 more of you watching the livestream on YouTube.  Thanks to our elder, usher, tech team, photographer, Pastor Blain -- and to all of you for your kind support through your attendance, viewing, messages, prayers and contributions.

Today …

As I mentioned at Sunday's service, the adult Bible study on Martin Luther's Whether One May Flee from A Deadly Plague will now continue on weeknights, with three further sessions planned:

  • This Tuesday, June 16 at 7 pm

  • Next Monday, June 22 at 7 pm

  • Monday, June 29 at 7 pm

You can get a head start by downloading the letter from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod website.  There are two ways you can join the live study tonight at 7:

  1. Join online at
    You can join on smartphone, tablet, or any computer with an onboard camera and microphone. (When you're prompted, download the Zoom app for easier connection in the future.)

  2. Join by phone (audio only) . Email me at for details.

If you can't join the Zoom session, you'll also be able to watch a recording of Tuesday night's session later this week on our YouTube channel and leave a relevant comment below the video.  I'll address any comments at the following session!

And Next Sunday ...

Our next outdoor service is scheduled for next Sunday, June 21 at 10 am For those at risk or unable to attend, services will also continue to be offered online via livestreamed video and recorded audio.  Reminders and other details follow:

  • We will resume serving Holy Communion on Sunday, June 21, following our regular schedule (1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays).  Special sanitary precautions will be in place for the celebration of the Lord's Supper; watch for more details coming later this week!

  • Once again, you will have two options for seating, both of which will incorporate social distancing practices:

    • you may sit in your car with windows down, parking as directed by elders and ushers, or;

    • you may bring portable outdoor seating; you'll be directed to a designated area of the parking lot. 

  • During outdoor services. the restrooms in the fellowship hall foyer will be open for emergency use.

  • Please plan to arrive early!  When you pull into Messiah's driveway, elders and ushers will direct you to the appropriate area of the parking lot and give you service folders (which will contain all readings, responses and music).

  • To help us plan for this outdoor service, please RSVP (for both attendance and communion) by Saturday, June 20.  You can RSVP by calling the church office at (616) 363-2553 or by submitting the RSVP form at Messiah's website.

  • In the case of inclement weather, livestreamed video and recorded audio services will still be held with very limited attendance.  Any cancellation notice will be posted ASAP on Messiah's website & Facebook page, and communicated via WOOD-TV and WZZM-TV.  

Sunday, we gave thanks that God has been so good to us in Christ.  Tonight, we have the opportunity to continue growing in His Word while facing the ongoing challenges of today.  Next Sunday, we look forward to being strengthened in our faith again, this time through both Word and Sacrament.  In all of what's been and all that's to come, we can rejoice that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8 ESV).  Continued blessings to all of you in Him!

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant