Worship And More This Weekend.

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

Our next worship service, for this coming Sunday, May 3, will be available in two formats. The familiar audio-only version will be posted at Messiah's website and Facebook page; by 8:30 am; we will also have our premiere video version on our YouTube channel at the same time (we'll be interested in your feedback!).  Please plan to join us in meditation on God's Word and prayer for Good Shepherd Sunday; you can get ready with previews of Sunday's service music, now on YouTube and at Messiah's Sacred Music page.

Our next livestream Bible study will also be this coming Sunday, May 3.  Please join me in exploring 1 Peter 2:11-25 (which includes the Epistle for the day)we'll continue to reflect on the mercy, hope and inheritance given us in Jesus, and on the ways we're called to follow Christ in a sometimes hostile world.  The YouTube livestream will start at 9:45 am on the 3rd (just click on the arrow above); the recorded study will be available on our website and Facebook page after it's complete (about 11 am).

Finally, I can't help but say again how much I appreciate your faithful stewardship and kind support in this uncertain environment.  Our goal here at Messiah is to continue our mission of knowing Christ and making Him known; your ongoing generosity and your response to our new Online Giving option are helping us keep to that mission, though we currently do it differently by necessity.  I am deeply grateful, even as I long for the day we can physically gather again. 

Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger