Urgent Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Monday, March 30, Messiah's Board of Elders met via remote online access. As directed by Church Council, the Elders reviewed the suspension of activities put in place two weeks ago.

In light of the President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America (limiting gathering size to 10 or less) being extended through April 30as well as the recent sharp increase of coronavirus cases in Kent CountyThe Elders have decided to extend the suspension of church activities through Thursday, April 30.  

Here are the immediate results of this decision:

  • All public worship services through April 30 are cancelled. We'll continue to post audio recordings of the service for the day  -- music, hymns, responsive readings, the appointed Scriptures and a sermon -- on Messiah's website and our new YouTube channel (along with an order of service to follow as you listen) by 8:30 am on these dates:

    • Wednesday, April 1 (our final Lenten midweek service)

    • Sunday, April 5

    • Maundy Thursday, April 9

    • Good Friday, April 10

    • Easter Sunday, April 12

    • Sunday, April 19

    • Sunday, April 26

  • All in-person Bible studies, musical practices, meals and other group activities at church are cancelled from now through Thursday, April 30.  I've just begun to provide an online Bible study every Sunday; you can hear last Sunday's study at our website or on YouTube. 

  • The suspension of church activities will be discussed at the next Council meeting (scheduled for Monday, April 20) and reviewed at the next Board of Elders meeting (scheduled for Monday, April 27).  

Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and support during these last two weeks: Pastor Blain, the rest of our staff and I truly appreciate your kindness and help.  We continue to ask for your understanding, trust, patience and prayers as we work to bring you the comfort of God's Word and continue Messiah's minimum basic operations.  We also respectfully ask that you continue your support of Messiah's ongoing ministry through your faithful giving; you can a check to the church office by U.S. mail or send an electronic check through your bank.

As the Church and the world confront widespread challenges not seen in over a century, I urge you to continue the activities I mentioned last week:

Read and Meditate on God's Word!   As I've previously mentioned, leaders of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod are posting brief online devotions every weekday.  Watch them live Monday-Friday at 10 am EDT on the Synod's Facebook page or anytime on YouTube.  You can also check Messiah's Facebook page Monday-Saturday mornings for daily Psalm verses, Bible readings and prayer.  I'll share more online resources with you in Messiah's April newsletter, which will be mailed out as soon as possible.

Pray for our governmental leaders!   Those in authority in our township, city, county, state and nation face a daunting task in the coming weeks.  Pray that they will be high in purpose, wise in counsel, firm in good resolution, and unwavering in duty as they strive to serve us.

Check in with each other!  I've been grateful to hear how so many of you are taking steps to care for and stay in contact with each other. The Elders are already working to contact all of their assigned families regularly during the suspension of activities, and will be stepping up their efforts in the coming weeks.  If you need spiritual care, please contact Pastor Blain directly at 616-288-5594.

Above all, hold on to Jesus Christ!  I am deeply saddened that we won't be able to celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday together in person.  But I take comfort in these realities:

  • The death of God's Son Jesus Christ for the sins of all people and His resurrection from the dead, are historical facts attested to by the witnesses of Scripture, a sure and certain hope;

  • The power of God for our salvation and spiritual growth is available to us wherever we are, in His holy Word that gives us what He promises;

  • In the calendar of the church year, Easter is a season -- fifty days of rejoicing that, in Jesus, God has broken the power of sin, death and the devil over our lives.

  • Every Sunday is a "little Easter"; when we can come together again, the power and peace of Christ's resurrection will be there for us, in Word and Sacrament for us to receive, rejoice in and share with the world. 

May God continue to bless, strengthen and keep us all safe in Him.

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church