"Stay at Home" Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As you probably know, yesterday Governor Whitmer issued an executive order mandating a "stay at home" policy for Michigan individuals and businesses, effective today through 11:59 pm on Monday, April 13.  The complete text of the order is here; helpful guidelines for individuals are here.  Deb and I will be complying with this order as much as we possibly can, for our earthly good and the earthly good of our neighbors.  I personally encourage you to do the same.

In the wake of this order, Messiah's Executive Committee, chairman of the Board of Elders Randy Gerke and I consulted last night.  Here's what's been determined:

  • Messiah's building will remain closed and all activities will remain suspended until at least Monday, April 5, as determined at last week's Council meeting.  The Board of Elders will review the suspension of activities at a meeting scheduled for Monday, March 30; I'm confident they will use the executive order as a framework for their deliberations.  We will work to make sure that the Elders meeting can be held remotely, as our Bylaws allow.  You will be updated on the Elders' decisions via the usual online channels (email, Facebook, website)

  • Given the time frame of the executive order, the Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday, April 11 has been cancelled.

  • While the executive order is in force, Messiah will continue with these functions (described in the order as "minimum basic operations"):

    • recording online worship services

    • processing necessary financial transactions (including contributions and payroll)

    • facility cleaning and disinfection to limit exposure to COVID-19

  • Pastor Blain, office manager Sandy Goodlander, custodian Chris Jost and myself have been designated as the workers necessary to conduct these minimum basic operations; the order permits such workers to travel from their homes to the church building.  We are working on providing remote computer and phone access, so that workers can answer phone calls to the church and do as much work from home as possible.

  • Recorded worship services will continue to be posted on the church website, including services for:

    • Wednesday, March 25

    • Sunday, March 29

    • Wednesday, April 1

    • Palm Sunday, April 5

    • Pending Elders review on March 30, services for Holy Week and Easter.

Again, I ask for your understanding, trust, patience and prayers as we continue to discern the way forward.  I also encourage you to do the following in the days to come:

  • Read and Meditate on God's Word!  As a pastor friend of mine put it on Facebook:  "In the midst of a time when the sources for Word and Sacrament seem to be far more limited—a time that could feel a little like a spiritual drought—don’t let go of God’s Word. Get it from faithful sources where and when you can ... commit to regular devotions, to watching your church’s services that are shared online, to hearing the Word of God and keeping it."  The strength God gives us in His Word is what will bring all of us through this challenging time. 

  • Pray for our governmental leaders!  I think it's safe to say that no one knows the ultimate outcome of the decisions that are being taken around the world, in Washington, Lansing and Kent County -- except for God Himself.  These are exceptional circumstances, not encountered in most of our lifetimes.   I suggest that all of our governmental leaders -- whether we agree or disagree with their viewpoints and actions -- are, at the same time, trying to do what's best and flying blind.  Pray that our loving God will guide them, give them wisdom, and work in all things for the good of His Church and the people of the world.

  • Check in with each other!  I encourage you to contact those you love -- especially your fellow Christians at Messiah -- during this time of potential isolation.  Keep in touch with them via phone, email, Facebook.  Even better, share God's Word of strength and comfort with each other as you do so!  If you need spiritual care, please contact Pastor Blain directly at 616-288-5594.

  • Support Messiah's ministry!  While our building is effectively closed and activities are on hold, the ongoing task of paying our bills and supporting our staff continues.  As you are able, please continue to contribute to Messiah's mission, sending us your gifts by U.S. mail or electronic check (contact your bank about how to send eChecks).

  • Hold on to Jesus Christ!  He was born, lived, died and rose again for us.  He is seated at God the Father's right hand and intercedes for us.  He will come again to judge the living and dead and bring us to Himself forever.  Because of Him, by faith we can sing:

What God ordains is always good:
    His will is just and holy.
As He directs my life for me,
    I follow meek and lowly.
        My God indeed
        In ev’ry need
Knows well how He will shield me;
To Him, then, I will yield me.

What God ordains is always good:
    Though I the cup am drinking
Which savors now of bitterness,
    I take it without shrinking.
        For after grief
        God gives relief,
My heart with comfort filling
And all my sorrow stilling.

What God ordains is always good:
    This truth remains unshaken.
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,
    I shall not be forsaken.
        I fear no harm,
        For with His arm
He shall embrace and shield me;
So to my God I yield me.


("What God Ordains Is Always Good," Lutheran Service Book 760:1, 5-6)

Yours in Christ,

Rick Krueger
Messiah Lutheran Church