December 3 Update: Livestream Worship, Bible Study and More

Livestream worship continues
Pastor Roger Mackie will lead our next livestream worship at our YouTube channel on Sunday, December 6 at 11 am. The readings and message for the Second Sunday of Advent focus on "Comfort for Shriveling Grass," as John the Baptist prepares the way for our Lord Jesus Christ! Afterwards, the livestream will be posted on our website and our Facebook page.

Online adult Bible study
This coming Sunday's Adult Bible Study is already live on YouTube, continuing our four-week series on The Jesse Tree: Jesus' Family Tree. You can watch the study here and download a study guide by clicking here.  (This study series, unpacking how the Bible proclaims our Savior from Genesis to Revelation, previews the themes of our midweek Advent services, which continue on Wednesday, December 9 at 7 pm led by Rev. Todd Brunworth.)

Updates: Pastoral Care and Poinsettias

  • Pastor Peterson will be out of the office, and at times unreachable, from Thursday through Sunday, December 3-13 while his new baby is born and his wife is recovering from surgery. If you have an emergency or other urgent need for pastoral care, please contact your elder or the church office to locate assistance, or call Rev. Terry Hoese at 616-337-3437.

  • Help beautify the sanctuary this Christmas by signing up to order a Poinsettia plant that will be placed in the chancel during the Christmas season. Plants cost $6.00 and come in red, white and marbled (pink stripes on white). If you have not already signed up, please contact Sandy Goodlander by phone or email to place an order. Orders must be placed by this Sunday, December 6th. You may take your plant home following the Christmas morning service.

More to come . . .

  • The annual meeting of the Messiah Voters' Assembly has been rescheduled for Sunday, December 13th at 3:00 pm. Due to health and safety concerns, this abbreviated meeting will be held online. We will conduct the minimum business required until we can have a full meeting in person: Watch for an email to church members with full details coming soon; details will also be available on Messiah' website at by this Sunday, December 6th.

  • Further updates on the status of church building use and in-person worship will follow in the coming days. We ask you to continually remember our called workers, preschool staff and lay leaders in your prayers, as we all strive to be faithful to Messiah's mission and respond to whatever occurs with courage, wisdom, care and concern for all.

In closing, I ask you to join me in praying the collect for the Second Sunday of Advent, as we journey together through a very different December. May we always remember that our God is working in our lives for our good as we ask him:

Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to make ready the way of Your only-begotten Son, that by His coming we may be enabled to serve You with pure minds; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Blessings and peace to you in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant