December 14 Update: Livestream, Annual Meeting, In-Person Worship & More

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

Here's what's included in this update:

  • Livestream worship continues

  • Annual Voters Meeting update

  • Christmas Eve and Day: in-person worship resumes

  • Preschool Christmas service update

Livestream worship continues
Pastor Todd Brunworth will lead our next livestream worship on Wednesday, December 16 at 7 pm; click here to go to our YouTube channel. This service will be the third in our series on The Jesse Tree: Jesus' Family Tree; we'll look at "Jesus, the Life of Jesse's Tree" Our music, readings and message will focus on the Baptism of Jesus, showing us how the Son of God took our sins and gives His righteousness and everlasting life! Afterwards, the livestream will be posted on our website and our Facebook page. (Click here to watch my Bible study on this same topic.)

We will have one more livestream-only service, on Sunday, December 20 at 11 am, before we resume in-person worship services during the Christmas season. See below for more details.

Annual Voters Meeting update
Thanks to all the members who participated in our annual voters meeting via Zoom. The voters elected officers and board members for 2021-22, and approved a 2021 budget; please contact our outgoing congregational president Jonathan Chaffer if you have questions. The voters also approved requesting a 2021 seminary graduate to serve as our pastor through the Michigan District-LCMS. (We will also continue calling candidates from the field while pursuing this request; contact Mark Altemann if you have questions.) Thanks to our officers for enabling us to continue our necessary business during this challenging time, and thanks to all officers and board members who are completing their terms at the end of 2020. We appreciate your faithful service to our Lord and to us!

Christmas Eve and Day: In-person worship resumes
Lord willing, we will gather once again for in-person worship services on the following dates:

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Thursday December 24, 5 or 7 pm

  • Christmas Day Communion Service, Friday, December 25, 10 am

  • Morning Prayer, Sunday, December 27, 8:30 or 11 am

Going forward, wearing of face coverings (fabric masks) will be required for worship services, from when you enter the building to when you leave. If you forget a face mask or don’t have one, please don’t let this keep you from attending; we will gladly provide you with one.

In order to assure social distancing, advance sign-ups will also be required for worship services going forward. (To insure that as many people as possible can attend Christmas services, we respectfully request that you only sign up for one of the three services available.) You can sign up by calling or emailing the church office (616-363-2553, or on our website: 

The 7 pm Christmas Eve service, the Christmas Day service and the 11 am service on December 27 will also be livestreamed at  Please contact me, your elder, or any elder if you have further questions.

Preschool Christmas service

Thanks to those of you who've already watched our Preschool Christmas service; it immediately became the most popular video on our YouTube channel! If you haven't seen it yet, it's available below. Thanks again to our preschool director, Vonda Smestad, her dedicated staff, and the children for sharing the Good News of Jesus with the world! The children come through loud and clear, but you may need to increase the volume on your device to hear the narration. You can also click here to download the order of service.

With the Third Sunday in Advent yesterday, we've rounded the corner on this season of patience and preparation, moving closer to Christmas by the day. May the words of the hymnwriter be our prayer as we wait and anticipate the celebration:

Prepare my heart, Lord Jesus;
Turn not from me aside,
And help me to receive You
This blessèd Adventtide.
From stall and manger low
Come now to dwell within me;
I’ll sing Your praises gladly
And forth Your glory show. (LSB 354:4)

Blessings and peace to you in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant