Urgent Update: November 17, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters at Messiah,

On Monday, November 16, Messiah's Church Council held its regular monthly meeting via remote Internet access. The major item on the agenda was our response to Michigan's latest epidemic order (issued by the state's Department of Health and Human Services on November 15) which increased restrictions on in-person gatherings.

The Council officially decided that, from Wednesday, November 18 through Tuesday, December 8, Messiah’s building will be closed to all activities except worship services, preschool and essential functions that must be done onsite.

What does this decision mean for the next three weeks?

  • In-person Sunday worship services will continue as scheduled. Our next services will be on Sunday, November 22 at 8:30 am (with face coverings and advance sign-up required; you can sign up here) and 11 am (livestreamed, with face coverings recommended & strongly encouraged). Social distancing will be in effect at both services.

  • Sunday morning LifeLight and Sunday School classes are cancelled through Sunday, December 6.

  • The annual voters' meeting scheduled for Sunday, November 22 has been postponed; watch for further information coming soon.

  • Preschool will continue on weekdays as scheduled.

  • Board and committee meetings will be held remotely.

  • Weekday LifeLight classes are cancelled.

  • Staff and volunteers will only be onsite for basic operations (worship preparations and services, preschool sessions and preparations, financial work and recordkeeping, drop-offs for volunteer efforts such as cornbread for God's Kitchen, trustee projects, etc.) To contact staff members, please continue to call the church office; the phone will be answered remotely.

  • In-person, special midweek worship services will be held as scheduled, beginning with the Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 25 at 7 pm (which will also be livestreamed). Watch for another update on this service later in the week.

  • We will inform you of any further changes as soon as possible.

The Council also put in place procedures for responding to any COVID-19-related event onsite, and reaffirmed the preschool's COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan. Please contact congregational president Jonathan Chaffer directly if you have questions about these procedures.

Thanks as always for your continued encouragement and support: I speak for the entire staff and leadership of Messiah when I say I truly appreciate your ongoing kindness and help. In this time of renewed uncertainty and challenge, I ask for your understanding, trust, patience and prayers as we focus on the basics: bringing you the comfort of God's Word and Sacraments, teaching our preschool children to grow in their love of God and each other, and continuing Messiah's core operations. We also respectfully ask that you continue your support of Messiah's ongoing ministry through your faithful giving, whether by your offerings at in-person worship, mailed checks, or our new online giving portal.

In turn, I urge and encourage you to continue growing in your faith and your love for others as you

  • Read and meditate on God's Word;

  • Pray for our governmental leaders;

  • Check in with each other;

  • Above all, hold on to our Lord Jesus Christ! Psalm 46 (which we read and sang on Reformation Sunday) proclaims, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” There has certainly been increased roaring and swelling in our world, our nation and our communities these last few weeks; but in the midst of these cultural storms, we need not fear: "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge;" May peace and joy remain with us always because Jesus our Savior, Christ the King is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true!

Yours in Him,

Rick Krueger, Parish Assistant
Messiah Lutheran Church